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#5 A Chance Meeting

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 3:14pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Cosmo & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant jg Lenore Holbrook walked onto the Promenade. She had just arrived to the Starbase to be assigned to the USS Nazgul. She had set her things down in temporary quarters and decided to explore the starbase.

As she was walking she noticed a woman with what looked like a robot near her.

Green and Cosmo had been wandering the Promenade as they awaited word from Captain Taavis to come to her office. Neither of them felt that sitting around somewhere was the way to pass the time, and they both shared a proclivity for learning their environment and terrain, no matter the location. A few times they had run into children who had found Cosmo fun and interesting. Being who he was, Cosmo had entertained them with manipulator arms by creating sparklers and other light shows with snaps, crackles, and pops. He blurted his thoughts out at Ro.

Chuckling as Cosmo finished Green squatted and turned his domed head towards her. "Of course they loved you. What's not to love? You are the first of your kind, Cosmo, and as such we are showing that even a droid can be sentient and interactive with organics. But, most importantly, I love you." She gave his rotund body a hug and kissed the top of his dome as she noticed something. Reaching to the top of his head she plucked the antenna from its slot. "Your antenna's bent." She straightened it and then popped it back into place. "There. Handsome as ever." She stood up with a grin on her face and they walked over to the handrail so they could see up, down, and across at the rest of the Promenade.

Len observes the two of them for a few minutes and then walked up to them. "What is his name?" She asks with a slight southern accent.

Seeing the woman approach as she finished standing and speaking to her droid, Green looked over with a smile. "This is Cosmo. It is short for the model classification. He is the prototype for the CosmoMech droids I plan on marketing someday. Say hello, Cosmo." As instructed, and glad to do so as always, Cosmo gave an audible noise that sounded like hello. Green leaned in towards the newcomer in a pseudo-secret stance. "The Universal Translator (UT) can interpret his binary language, and give his responses in any language necessary."

Len nodded and looked down to Cosmo. "Hello Cosmo. It is nice to meet you. I am Len Holbrook."

Cosmo bleeped and warbled in his own way, with Green interpreting. "He said it's nice to meet you too." Ro faced the woman properly, extending her hand. "Rogue Green. I go by Ro. I'm Starfleet but I am between assignments, hence," she motioned up and down herself.

"I am Starfleet as well. I am waiting for the ship I have been assigned on to arrive back here. I have only just arrived."

Green gave a knowing smile. "Don't tell me, you're waiting on the USS Nazgul?"

Len gave a little smile, "Yes, she's the ship I'm waiting on. I had been assigned to Starfleet Medical for a year and a half, and it will be nice to be out exploring."

Ro was liking this. Meeting an officer before the big switch. At least, the switch she hoped was on the horizon. "I was privy to a conversation with Fleet Captain Taavis from her office. Starfleet Command has contacted Captain Bjorgo, and from what I was to ascertain, he may be headed back to Earth for an assignment to assist. Taavis offered me the slot as Captain should Bjorgo decide to do just that. Now, I am awaiting word on whether or not the center seat will be vacated. Captain Taavis seemed convinced that that was exactly what would happen. So, I will give a presumptive welcome aboard. Which department are you being assigned?"

"Medical. I have been learning the upgrades in medicine that have been made since my original time." Len said.

The entire time they had been speaking Green had 'sensed' something different about this woman. Now, with what she had just said, the pieces of the puzzle were beginning to assemble themselves. "Your original time? An alternate universe type thing, or just a blip in time? If a blip in time are you from the future or the past?"

"Both an alternate universe and a different time. Temporal Investigations suggested that I should go by my middle name instead of my last name. My counterpart has already died in this time-line."

"That has to be somewhat disconcerting," Green offered. "Knowing that, though, makes for a better understanding of who you are. You now have the chance to read about all that your counterpart did, the sacrifices made and how they fought and suffered for all that they accomplished. It gives a deeper understanding that you are not them, and you have been given an opportunity to create your own life." She then suddenly giggled. "Apologies. Ro Green the philosopher at your service."

"It is no problem. 2267 was a long time ago and Dr McCoy should stay in the past. "

"McCoy?" Green's eyes lit up with a touch of exuberance. "Len McCoy. I think we'll get along since James T. Kirk is a hero of mine. For me, he was the best and brightest to ever wear the uniform." Switching back to them, Ro went on. "I haven't met anyone from the ship, yet. From what Captain Taavis said, they are an outstanding crew and always ready to get their hands dirty. I tend to lead by example. If I am not willing to do it then why should I ask others to do so."

"That is what makes good leaders. And while I prefer to heal, I have no problem getting my hands dirty if needed." Len said.

"I always try and avoid conflict at all costs," Green stated. "My last CO was one of those who felt that Starfleet could do no wrong and often times pushed her weight onto those she was 'helping'. That causes people to hesitate in calling on Starfleet for anything, knowing that they will show up and demand that all their ideas be met with full agreement. It's bullshit." Her tone denoted her anguish at any situation where the helper becomes a hinderance.

"Agreed. Starfleet tries to do no wrong, however trying and doing are two different things." Len stated.

Green gave a nod and grin. "The Nazgul will act accordingly if I am to command her. My officers will know their place as representatives of the Federation. We are first, and foremost, diplomats that are to represent our government. It starts the day we are sworn in and it never ends until one retires, or leaves. How I roll."

As she ended that sentence the base intercom sounded. "Captain Green, report to Captain Taavis. Repeat; Captain Green report to the office of Captain Taavis. That is all."

Green looked at Lenore. "Seems I need to get going. Docking arm seven is where Nazgul will be docking. I hope to see you there." Beckoning Cosmo to come with, Ro moved off with a pep in her step.

Len nodded, watching her walk away before heading back to her quarters to grabs her things. She then headed to docking arm seven to wait on the ship.


Lieutenant jg Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul


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