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Station Post #63 Lovely Surprises

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 11:00pm by Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


[Peel Quarters]

The Captain had granted shore leave for the entire Crew and today was their turn. After breakfast Sarissa and Johan sat on the couch relaxing when he commented "I think that maybe you and I should spend at least part of the day off ship just for a change of scenery" as a smile came across his face then he continued "I was thinking perhaps an early dinner at Che' Cristo's, you know dress up a little for dinner, maybe a little dancing afterwards. There also might be a surprise involved at some point; I know how much you like surprises."

“I most certainly do!” Sarissa smiled warmly. “It sounds like a wonderful plan, it’ll be nice to get off ship for a little while.”

Things were working out perfectly for Johan's plans for the couple "I was thinking having dinner at fifteen hundred then maybe you'd like to do a little shopping and get some new items for your quarters" then he paused "I guess I should start thinking of this as our quarters since we have been living together for the past several months."

Sarissa nodded. "Yes, you should" she smiled warmly. "This wouldn't be my home without you here, you know that right?"

"Yes I do and I don't plan on going anywhere so I guess your stuck with me" Johan said with a grin then leaned in for a kiss "And there's no place I'd rather be than here with are the love of my life; I hope you know that."

Sarissa smiled as she nodded and looked into Johan’s eyes. “I do, as you are mine Imzadi. Once Betazoids choose a partner it’s usually the one they remain with. I’m happy to be with you.”

[A Few Hours Later]

Since it was about fourteen hundred Johan went into the Bedroom to dress for their time on the Promenade. Opening the closet he grabbed a pair of black pants, a blue shirt, a black vest, and a pair of shiny black shoes. After dressing he combed his hair and splashed on some aftershave. Looking in the mirror'" Hmm, not to shabby" as he grinned. Walking over to his dresser drawer he grabbed a small box that held Sarissa's surprise and stuck it in his pants pocket before going back into the living area to wait for his beloved to get ready.

Sarissa took as little time as she could freshening up and sorting her makeup, she chose a dark purple knee length, figure hugging dress that Johan hadn’t yet seen her wear, combined with matching high heeled shoes. Leaving her hair down rather than the usual tied up style she had to wear for work she smiled as she walked out to the living area to greet him. “So how do I look?”

Walking over to Sarissa with a big smile "Hey you gorgeous, sexy lady....just when I think you couldn't look even more beautiful, you have a way of surprising look fabulous. Ready to go?" Johan commented very excited about the surprise he had in store for her.

Sarissa nodded. “Let’s indeed” she took hold of his arm offering a warm smile. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”


The couple arrived at Che' Cristo's holding hands as they walked inside being greeted by the Host "Welcome to Che Cristo's, do you folks have a reservation" he inquired with a smile.

"Yes, it's under Johan Albo....a table for two" he replied with a smile.

Looking at the register "Ah yes....right this way Mr. and Mrs. Albo your table is waiting. The couple followed arriving at their table with linen tablecloths and napkins. The Host held the chair for Sarissa as she sat and Johan sat as well. Handing the menus "I'll send over a waitress shortly to take your orders. Please enjoy your evening" as he turned and left their table.

Johan quickly noticed the menus were devoid of prices which only meant things were going to be expensive but nothing was too good for the love of his life. Smiling at Sarissa "Well Mrs Albo" then he paused thinking "That does have a nice ring to it" "So what would you like to eat" he inquired with a smirk after hearing how the Host had addressed them.

Sarissa couldn’t help but smile. “I’ll admit, it does have a nice ring to it...Mrs Sarissa Albo.” She grinned as she looked back at the menu. “I think I’ll try the Sirloin Steak with Vulcan salad. Perhaps a Risan sunset to drink.”

Johan just smirked to himself trying to control himself as he replied "You know that sounds good; I'll have the same."

Shortly a Waitress walked over "Ready to order" she inquired with padd in hand.

Looking over at Sarissa with a smile he decided to order for the both of them "We'll both have the Sirloin Steak, medium, and Vulcan Salad if you please. Oh yes and a Risan Sunrise each."

"Excellent choices. I'll be back shortly with your dinners and will bring you your drinks momentarily" the Waitress stated with a smile as she collected the menus then turned and headed for the kitchen. Moments later "Here you go, two Risan Sunrises and your dinner will along soon." then she left their table.

Johan sipped his drink before inquiring "Sarissa any thoughts to what you might like to purchase for our quarters later after dinner?"

“Actually I might” Sarissa paused. “I would love to have a four poster bed! It’s something I always dreamed of when I was younger. She gave Johan a curious look. “Am I being silly?”

"No not at all" he replied with a smile "If that's always something you've dreamed of then why not indulge yourself; life is too short not too." Just then their dinners arrived as the Waitress placed them in front of the couple "Please enjoy your meals and if you require anything please let me know" she instructed.

Johan could smell the wonderful aroma coming from his plate "This smells so good" as he cut a piece of steak and placed it in his mouth shewing then swallowing "Tastes just as good as it smells; hopefully your's is as good."

Sarissa was also savouring her steak. “It’s delicious! The salad goes wonderfully with the steak.” She politely ate some more enjoying the triple cooked chips that came as part of the meal as well. She paused long enough to take a sip of her drink before looking at Johan curiously. “So you think I should indulge my fantasy and buy the four poster? Then let’s do it! I may have to have it built from scratch here, it could take some time to have one shipped here.”

"Yes and Yes" Johan replied with a smile "Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll have one in stock here on M-69; after all they can't sell what they don't have."

The couple sat and discussed the upcoming visit to the furniture store as well as other things while enjoying their real honest to goodness dinner savoring every bite before Johan commented "This tastes so much better than replicator food; I could get used to this" as he grinned.

Sarissa nodded in agreement. “You’re not the only one! This is amazing food.” She politely finished off wiping her mouth, before giving Johan a curious look. “So what would you like for dessert?”

Johan knew that was his queue "I have something special in mind" as he grinned then rose from his seat and walked over to Sarissa. Grabbing a small box from his pocket and placed it behind his back as he went down on bended knee "Sarissa Aloran I love you more than words can convey and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" as he opened the box showing a beautiful Amethyst ring surrounded by diamonds "Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and allow me to become your husband." Johan's heart was pounding waiting for an answer.

Sarissa sat wide eyed in complete shock, her eyes twinkled with happy tears as she sat for a moment longer before nodding. “I...” she kept on nodding before forming her response. “YES!!” She watched as he gently placed the ring on her finger, surprised he’d managed to get just the right size.

Hearing her answer Johan smiled from ear to ear then leaned in and gave her a tender kiss; he didn't care who was looking and wanted the whole universe know how much he loved her "I promise I'll make you very happy" he stated as he stood back up offering her his hand "Let me pay the tab then we can get out of here."

Sarissa nodded as she marvelled at the Amethyst ring that now adorned her finger, she had never imagined this. She stood with a grin on her face the whole time, waiting for Johan to return to her side.

After paying the tab for a wonderful dinner Johan returned with a smile on his face "So my love let's go do some bed shopping" he commented as he held her hand.

Walking into the furniture shop a clerk walked up to them with a smile "Can I help you folks with something" he inquired.

"Yes my fiancé and I are looking for a four poster bed for our quarters" Johan replied with a smile.

"Certainly, right this way" as the Clerk led the way "We have a few of varieties, this one has square posts" then they moved to the next one "This has more of a tapered look to it and lastly this one is rounded with carvings added; a little more elegant looking."

"So if we were to purchase one of these, do you have them in stock or do they need to be ordered" Johan asked knowing the latter may be problematic.

"All our items are currently in stock and could be delivered to your quarters late this afternoon" the Clerk explained.

Turning to Sarissa "So which one strikes your fancy" Johan asked with a smile still holding her hand.

Sarissa was marvelling at the designs but her heart was settled on the tapered one with carvings. “This one..” she pointed to the four poster. “I like this one.”

"Then that's the one you shall have" Johan replied with a grin then looking at the Clerk "We're aboard the USS Peel and are currently on shore leave although I expect we'll be leaving the Base soon so we need the bed as soon as possible."

"No problem at all Sir. I can have my people at your quarters in two hours if that's soon enough" the Clerk stated with a smile.

"That would be fantastic" Johan replied as all the information was gathered and the bed was paid for. Turning to Sarissa "I guess we better get back home and get things ready" then looking towards the Clerk "Thank you very much Sir for your help and your promptness in getting us our order."

"That's what we do here. Thank you for choosing our Shop and have a pleasant rest of your day" the Clerk commented then the couple left the Shop and made their way back to their quarters to get things ready.


Lieutenant J.G. Sarissa Aloran

Lieutenant J.G. Johan Albo
Operations/Science Officer
USS Peel


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