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#9 May I Intrude?

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 11:52pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


Loewen was still standing there at the panoramic viewport, his eyes dancing around to all the things he could see outside in space. The USS Nazgul, small craft zipping about, and transports of various makes and models being set in approach vectors. As he was casually gazing out the window he caught movement to his right. Turning his head to look he saw an attractive woman in a blue civilian dress. The blue was the same hue as that of the Science Division, or damn close to it. If she was here, along with all the others sitting and standing around, waiting to board then he felt he needed to get to know her.

Moving easy Sean stepped over. "I hope I'm not intruding?" He asked respectfully. She was not wearing any rank pips, so better to be safe than sorry.

"Oh no, not at all." Len said with a smile, her southern accent more pronounced. "I'm Lieutenant jg Lenore Holbrook, Assistant Chief Medical Officer."

Even though she could see his LTjg. pips on his collar, Loewen decided to use his rank for the sake of greeting. "Lieutenant Sean Loewen. Mission Advisor and Operations officer. I was wondering if you were Fleet, or if you just liked that color." He gave a grin. "Now I know." He looked out the window as he added, "Nazgul is a good looking ship."

Len nodded with a smile, "Indeed she is. I also happen to like blue as well as wearing it as an uniform."

"I can see why," Sean said. "It suits you. Although, I feel a bit out of the loop. The crew coming off of Nazgul are all wearing the uniform from Kirk's time. And, here I am in the up-to-date. Must be a captain's choice. It will be better than multiple layers just to go to work." His grin kept coming and going as he spoke.

"The older uniforms do look and feel sleeker than the up to date ones." Len stated, thinking about her old uniform, having been the up to date one for about a year and a half.

Loewen agreed. "They do have a certain look to them I like. Pips still along the collar line, but cuff-link rank, as well." Sean changed subjects. "This is one of the newer classes of ship in the fleet. I bet Sickbay is a sight to behold. Why I chose to be a mission advisor. I know a little bit about everything and can work anywhere. Get to visit all departments during duties. A jack-of-all-trades, kinda thing."

"That makes sense. While I love medicine, I enjoy learning about the jobs the other departments do." Len said.

Sean gave a thoughtful expression for a moment. "It affords me the chance to get to know people. Some people better than others, as occasion allows." Len was attractive and casual. Seeing her as a friend was starting to take root. Time would tell what kind of friend she would be; trustworthy confidante, or just someone to chat with to pass the time.

Len enjoyed talking with Sean, thinking that he would make a good friend. She had few friends since her arrival in this time-line. She picked up her duffle bag, "It looks like we can start boarding the ship."

Loewen nodded at that then looked towards the gangway as the offloading crew finally stopped being a torrent of moving bodies. "Can't wait. I just hope the other officers in my dorm are easy to get along with."

"Agreed. On my first ship we had dorm style quarters for junior officers." Len said. "Who knows we could be assigned to the same dorm."

Sean gave a light laugh. "Tell you what. If it ends up that way I'm going to see you as a good luck charm. Just an FYI." He chuckled some more as they reached the podium, badges got scanned, and they were cleared to board. What had been said was done while walking the gangway.


Lieutenant jg Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul

LTjg. Sean C. Loewen
Mission Advisor/Ops officer
USS Nazgul


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