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Post # 3 New Arrivals

Posted on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 @ 7:02pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Various
Timeline: Current



At zero eight hundred Captain O'Connell sat in the big chair with Commander Devroe to his right. Looking around the Bridge, everyone was at their respective Stations; Lieutenant SanChez at Tactical, Lieutenant Albo at Operations, Lieutenant Sayvek who was still part of his Crew at Science, and Ensign Hanes at Helm. The Counselor was with patients which superseded her need to be at Command.

Seeing everyone in their proper places put a smile on the Captain's face as he turned to Angel "Number One everyone back from shore leave" he inquired.

"Yes Captain, everyone's aboard and accounted for....Crew Compliment of 60 Sir" Commander Devroe replied keeping a professional vibe as usual.

"Good, time to get back out into space and wait for our new arrivals" Jamie commented then tapping his Comm "Engineering we good to go?'

"Yes Captain the Warp Core's online and everything is a 'go' awaiting your command" Engineering replied.

Tapping his chair Comm "Traffic control, Captain O'Connell, permission to exit our docking bay and awaiting hold coordinates" Jamie requested.

"Captain permission granted sending hold coordinates to your Helm now" Traffic Control stated watching his Screen for any problems.

"Helm, do your thing and get us back out there" Jamie ordered having complete confidence in his officer.

"Retracting supports now......disengaging umbilicals.....exiting docking bay now Captain" Ensign Hanes informed his C.O. as protocol dictated.

"Excellent. One quarter impulse.....get us to our holding coordinates" O'Connell ordered "Then station keeping if you please Helm."

"Aye Captain.....heading to the hold coordinates" moments later turning to face the Captain "We're now at station keeping Sir."

Before O'Connell could acknowledge Helm, Comms spoke up "Captain the USS Sampson's hailing us Sir."

Standing straightening his tunic and walking up behind Helm, as was his custom "On Screen" he ordered looking to Comms waiting for the go ahead sign "Good Morning, Captain Jamie O'Connell here."

"Good Morning Captain, this is Commander Glen. I have a couple of Type 9 Shuttles for you so where would you like them parked" came the inquiry.

"The 9's park in Shuttle Bay 2 and there are two old 6's in Shuttle Bay 1 but I'm afraid they're non operational" O'Connell informed Glen.

"No problem Captain. Once we park your new Shuttles, I'll contact you to clear the deck on 1 and lower your forcefield and we'll tractor those onto our Ship" the Commander instructed Jamie.

"Sounds like you've done this once or twice before" Jamie commented with a grin.

The Commander laughed "Yes, just a few times. I'll contact you shortly for the removal of the 6's. Glen out."

Walking back to his seat Jamie tapped his Comm "Shuttle Bay Chief, this is the Captain, please clear Shuttle Bay 1 of all personal and drop the forcefield. The Sampson is going to tractor out those two old 6's. I'll let you know when the forcefield can go back up" O'Connell explained.

"Understood Captain, I'll get right on it" the Chief replied hitting the 'clear the deck' alarm.

[Deck 5]

Ensign Barot was standing on the deck in Shuttle Bay 2 looking for the two new Shuttles to appear. Shortly she could see them approaching the area in single file. Cutting their engines each one coasted into the Bay using maneuvering thrusters to park the new 9's right where the Ensign guided them to. Once on the deck both Shuttle pilots shut down their systems and exited the craft. A Lieutenant walked over to Sam "There you go Ensign, two new toys for you to play with so enjoy" she stated with a grin.

A very exited Ensign replied "You bet I will" as her eyes were all aglow seeing the two new craft. Tapping her Comm "Sampson two to beam back" and moments later they were gone.


The Captain stood in front of the Screen talking with the Commander "Captain, we're all set to tractor out your old Shuttles anytime your ready."

"Proceed we're ready and waiting" Jamie replied as he heard the Commander give the order. Several minutes later "We have them Captain. Good luck with the new Shuttles so we'll be on our way. We have a few more deliveries to make" Glen stated before the transmission was cut and the Crew could see the Sampson move out of the area.

Tapping his Comm as he turned to return to his seat "Chief you can re-engage the forcefield on Shuttle bay 1" Jamie informed the Chief. "All set Captain" came the reply.

Jamie turned to Angel "I bet I can guess what Ensign Berot is doing right about now" he commented with a grin.

Angel chuckled "Yes, that would be a sure bet alright."


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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