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#14 Setting Pieces In Place

Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 8:59pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Sean Loewen

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Reflections of Shadows
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


As ordered, Lieutenant JG Sean Loewen had returned to the USS Nazgul and headed directly for the Ready Room. As he entered the command compartment he saw both Captain Green and Commander Billi standing beside the conference table, looking over it to the wall mounted screen for CIC. His own personnel file was up on the viewer as they had been reading through it as a pair. Both women, due to angle of entry, stood on his side of the table and turned to face him as he approached. He was still wearing his all black casual clothes, but his badge was now placed on the chest of his shirt. "You wanted to see me, Captain?" He gave a nod of greeting to Billi, as well, to show he acknowledged her presence, too.

"I did, yes." Green answered. Her eyes glanced down at a PADD she held. "I find it curious that you are thirty years of age, and yet, you are still a JG. You graduated the Academy in the top ten percent of your class, scored remarkably high on the Cadet Cruise, and for that you have been a JG since you were put into active service. Is there a reason for that, Lieutenant? I see no demerits and no disciplinary actions. What gives?"

Billi, ever the good Exec, stood quietly and observed their officer.

Loewen, gave a slightly sheepish look and a shrug to match. "I do my job, Captain. What is required of me. I have never had the opportunity to do anything else except my duties. There were always others chosen for away teams and such so, any opportunity to shine was minimal, at best. Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

A grin formed on Billi's face as she looked at the attractive individual. "You never volunteered?"

"No, Number One." Loewen admitted. "I figured that if they wanted me on an away mission I would have been selected. I was content to be the relief for any Bridge officers selected to go on the teams, and provide the Captain with a smooth transition in doing so."

Green, catching Billi's grin out of the corner of her eye, also gave a grin. "You remained humble?"

"I did," Loewen replied. "Being that way provided me the time to take the Command course for taking the center seat when needed, learning Operations and minor engineering, and also delving into the sciences and Security protocols. Hence, why I became a Mission Advisor, Sirs."

"Your record shows that you performed 'as expected' in every posting," Green said. "No flare, no attracting attention to yourself, or bragging. Never a complaint filed by you towards anyone or anything."

"How I roll, Captain." Loewen said. "Complaining is fruitless unless directed at an actual issue. Most issues can be dealt with easily and simply." He watched the two ladies look at each other, with Green giving Billi a nod to go ahead and speak.

"Given your record, which is spotless despite the lack of frills, I am offering you the position of Flight Control Chief. Or, Helm Chief, as some like to call it." Billi said. "Our most recent helm officer was promoted to JG, and with that, she has moved on in her career. The seat was mine but with being XO, my duties there will keep me sufficiently busy. Do you accept?"

Not expecting to be offered a department head position, Loewen was sufficiently stumped enough to take a moment to answer as his brain caught up with all that had been said. "Yeah...Yes! I accept, Commander. You caught me off guard with the offer. Thank you, both of you."

"Thank yourself, Sean." Green said. "You performed within the parameters of Starfleet for your career so, it is the least we can do for that dedication. However, along with that, comes a gold pip. JG will be struck from your record as I promote you to the rank of Lieutenant, with all rights and privileges that entails. Twelve years as a JG, you have earned that much."

Another shock to the system, with Loewen recovering a bit quicker. "Thank you, Captain. I'll keep being me if that's okay with you."

"It is." Ro responded, shaking his hand. "Congratulations on both the posting and the promotion. Just know, Mister Loewen, you will now be considered for away missions often. Can you handle that?"

"I can, and will, Captain." Loewen said.

"Good." Green said. "Helm is on standby since we're docked but I need you to make sure the Nazgul is ready for maneuvers and flight. Enjoy your free time but keep that in mind."

"Always, Captain." Sean replied.

"With all that being settled, carry on, Mister Loewen." Green ordered. She watched him turn and leave with his shoulders lifted and squared as one who had just heard good news. Ro could not help but smile as she looked to her XO. "So, next on the agenda?"

"Doctor Sheyla," Billi said, her smile matching that of her CO.

"To Sickbay it is, then." Green said as she got them moving.



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