#15 Keeping Things Equal
Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 8:32pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD}
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
Captain Green and Commander Billi casually walked into Sickbay, their eyes going around the inner sanctum as they sought out the only blue-skinned being on the medical staff for USS Nazgul. Looking to the CMO office they both saw her behind her desk, chewing on the end of a stylus as she was looking at her computer monitor on her desk. Reaching the office door, which was locked open, Billi gave a knock on the doorjam.
Sheyla, not expecting guests from outside Sickbay, glanced towards the door. "How can I hel...Oh, Captain!" She stood up quickly while still trying to maintain her composure. "Pardon me, I wasn't expecting...well...you." She giggled. "Please, both of you, come in." Sheyla motioned to the two guest chairs before her own desk, not the two in front of the other desk. It was a tight fit with two desks and their appropriate chairs, but still easy to move around with minimal effort.
As Sheyla sat back down behind her desk the two command officers took the offered chairs. Green spoke first. "How are things going in Sickbay, Doctor?"
"As good as can be, Captain." Sheyla answered. "We're all set on our meds and updating our equipment. Engineering and Operations have both been by with teams to do what we can't. Big help there. All in all I can report that we are ready to take patients if need be."
"Damn fine job, Sheyla." Billi offered. "You definitely suffer from Andorian tenacity." She gave a smile.
"That's not a bad thing, Billi." Green said, giving her own smile. "We're making a quick stop to inform you, Doctor Sheyla, that you have been promoted from JG to full Lieutenant. We all know that the medical profession usually rises quickly through the ranks due to the educational requirements and schooling outside of the Academy. It tends to plateau at Lt. Commander, where doctors tend to sit for a long time. But, with most doctors I've met, it's not about the rank it's about the job. So, having said all that, I just wanted to say congratulations as your Captain."
"Congrats, Sheyla." Billi added.
Like Captain Green just said, receiving a rank promotion was not something she sought through her own means. Sheyla always figured that that would come with time and performance. But, to hear it coming to fruition made her happy as an officer in Starfleet. "Thank you, both. As you said, Captain, the rank is welcome but not something I think about on a daily basis." Ten, a thought crossed her mind. "What about Doctor Holbrook?"
"What about her?" Billi asked.
"Captain, may I speak freely in front of Number One?" Sheyla got the nod to go ahead, so she tapped a key on her desk and the door to the office closed. "Billi, Doctor Holbrook is from a different timeline and an alternate reality. I am privy to her personnel file simply because I am CMO. She is McCoy in a female form, with Temporal Investigations finding she is not a threat to our timeline, and they see no way for her to get back to her own reality. Therefore, they had her change her name to Holbrook for personal reasons and she has spent a year and a half learning all the medical updates and changes that have occurred since her time."
Green gave a chuckle. "I couldn't have said all that better myself." She looked over at Billi and saw the astonished look on her face. "It's all true. Her file is as extensive as mine, for different reasons. And, most of it is classified." The Captain's eyes went back to the CMO. "Are you asking me to put Holbrook in for promotion, Sheyla?"
"I am, Captain." Sheyla said. "She was a Lieutenant in her timeline, and had to lose a step due to her needing to update herself and her knowledge. She passed all the requirements with flying colors and has proven she can handle medical from now on. It's only right."
"Billi?" Green asked Number One. "I know you're not up to date on the file but I will provide access to it for you to read. If the CMO says her ACMO is worthy, would you agree?"
Billi gave a few more moments of thought to it. Sheyla knew her stuff, and also her staff. It was not in her nature to ask for something like this without justification. "If the Doctor feels she is ready to be recognized then I will agree to sign off on the promotion back to her original rank."
Sheyla, in her excitement, gave an open palm slam down on the top of her desk. "Yes! Thank you, both. I only ask that I be the one to let her know. A surprise for her new posting to Nazgul."
Ro gave a grin. "Be my guest, Sheyla. Just know that her increase is a field promotion, for now, until I hear back from HQ. She can wear the rank but it won't be official until they get back to me."
Sheyla gave nods of understanding. "Of course, Captain. I'll let her know that, as well."
Green and Billi both stood, said their farewells, and then departed the office and Sickbay while Sheyla locked her door open again. Her first request for a promotion within her department had been met with success and she was exhilarated over it.