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Post # 7 Meetings

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2024 @ 6:58pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Captain O'Connell wanted to meet with the Marine C.O. concerning making him a member of the Senior Staff. Since they were traveling to the Cabral Sector this was as good a time as any.

{Deck 5}

Walking into Marine Country, Jamie felt all eyes were on him and rightly so since this was one of the few times he had entered these hollowed halls. Private Anderson looked up seeing the Captain of the Ship, she called out "Captain on Deck" as the entire platoon immediately snapped to attention. "As you were Marines" Jamie ordered with a smile "Private where is your C.O. presently." Private Anderson replied "Captain Hunt is in his office Sir; I can show you if you like."

"Thank you Private, but I think I can manage" Jamie replied with a grin then turned and walked to John's office. Seeing the door open he knocked and waited for a response since this was the C.O.'s domain.

Captain Hunt looked up seeing the Captain of the Ship, immediately stood and snapped to attention "Please come in Sir" as he saluted his superior officer.

Jamie saluted back "As you were Captain" he stated as he walked in.

"Captain please have a seat; can I get you something to drink" John inquired curious why Jamie was in his office.

O'Connell sat "No Captain Hunt I'm good" he replied with a smile "I suppose your wondering why I'm here and probably even more shocked I even know where Marine Country is located" as he chuckled trying to put Hunt at ease.

John sat as well "Yes I am curious why you decided to drop by; not that you need a reason since this is your Ship" he replied with a grin.

"Well actually it's our Ship since a Captain can't manage a ship alone. Anyway the reason for my visit....I have Senior Staff meetings occasionally with all the department heads and because you are the Commanding Officer for the Marines we want to add you as another Senior Staff member. Usually I only have these types of meetings when it's absolutely necessary; I'm not a big meeting person and would rather have the Ship running smoothly as opposed to having meeting just for the sake of having meetings" Jamie concluded.

The fact that Hunt was surprised was an understatement but he managed to keep his composure as a professional Marine would do "Captain O'Connell it would be my honor to serve as part of your Senior Staff Sir" John replied with a smile.

"Excellent. I always announce a Senior Staff meeting over a ship wide channel and give everyone ample time to get to the Conference Rom located on Deck One" Jamie explained before continuing "So how is it going working with Lieutenant SanChez and her Security people."

"It's going very well and it also give my Marines something constructive to do besides doing drills all day long" John replied "And may I say Lieutenant SanChez is very professional and great to work along side; she's very good at what she does."

"That's good to hear and yes Ms. SanChez is very good at what she does and is a vital part of this Crew" Jamie replied "Also you and your Marines deserve a lot of credit as well. Both groups have accomplished something working together that most Star Fleet Captains only dream about.....a seamless partnership between Fleet people and Marines."

"Thank you Captain, that means a lot coming from the Commanding Officer" then John paused "Any Marine C.O. worth his salt has to realize that the old Marine ideals are quickly becoming a thing of the past. We are the SFMC....Star Fleet Marine Corp and not just marines anymore."

Hearing John's statement put a smile on Jamie's face "I couldn't have said it any better myself. I've taken up enough of your time Captain Hunt so I'll let you get back to it then" as Jamie stood offering his hand extended.

John stood as well then shaking Jamie's hand "Thank you for stopping by Captain O'Connell and please fell free to stop in anytime" he replied feeling very good about the meeting with the Captain.

O'Connell gave a nod and turned to make his way back to the Bridge.

{Deck 5}

Meanwhile Lieutenant Jen was on her way to meet Ensign Samantha Barot. Yesrin wanted to meet with the Ensign before her Op started to make things go as smoothly as possible having any awkward meeting stuff behind them so they could both concentrate at the task at hand.

Walking into Shuttle Bay 2 Yesrin saw a young women dressed in coveralls, a baseball type cap on backwards, and boots leaning over one of the nacelles of the new Diplomatic Type 9 Shuttle they would be using for the upcoming Op.

As they approached Yesrin could sense Jen [She's your Pilot; you sure she's even out of diapers yet.] "Hush Jen" she thought sternly as she reached Samantha "Excuse me, I'm looking for Ensign Samantha Barot; are you her?"

Sam stood up and turned to see who was addressing her "I might be....who's asking" she commented with a grin "Yes I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam. Sorry, I was just being my usual smart ass self."

"Hi Sam, I'm Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen. I believe you're going to be my Pilot for an upcoming Op soon.....but you can call me Yesrin" she replied with a grin of her own.

Sam wiped her hand on her coveralls and extended it towards Yesrin "Ah, so your going to be my passenger when we arrive at Boroth; it's nice to meet you Yesrin" she commented with a smile.

Yesrin shook her hand with a smile "That's the ugly rumor anyway." as she could sense Jen [Now this is my kind of gal; someone with a sense of humor and not just a stuffed shirt.] "And it's nice to meet you as well. Problems with the new Shuttle?"

"No, I was just checking to make sure the nacelles are balanced....makes for a quicker response time" Sam explained wondering if she really even cared or not.

"Well that makes sense in case we get into a tight situation during our flight" Yesrin replied "So have you been flying long?"

"I've been flying one type of Shuttle or another since I was a teen; you see my Dad owned a freighter business so when school was out of session I would pilot one of his Shuttles" she explained.

"I'm impressed! I'll have to admit I was a little concerned about the amount of experience you have as a pilot; but I guess that's not a concern any more" Yesrin replied with a chuckle.

"Not to worry sweetheart, I can out fly pilots twice my age" Sam answered with a grin.

"Now I really feel better riding along with you. Also this is a covert Op, hence the reason for using the Diplomatic Shuttle" Yesrin explained "So what type of uniform will you be wearing" she inquired.

"Commander Devroe gave me a Diplomat's uniform to wear so if push comes to shove I should be able to pass as a diplomatic pilot. I guess they figure a Diplomatic Shuttle won't be paid much attention to by authorities" Sam replied with a grin "And just so you know I'll be parked on the surface until your Op is completed to bring you back to the Peel."

"That's good to know; at least I won't feel all alone while on the surface" as Yesrin heard Jen [What am I chopped liver?] she commented "Once we arrive at Boroth then I can give you an exact time for departure."

Sam grinned "Now that's what I like, a girl with a plan. So I guess I'll see you when we get ready to depart" she commented.

"Yes you will. I should be going, I still have a couple of things to check before the Op starts and it was nice meeting you" Yesrin replied.

"Likewise and the Op should be fun" Sam commented with a grin as Yesrin turned and left for Deck 4.


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist
USS Peel


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