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Post #11 Getting It Done

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 7:20pm by Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Planet Boroth
Timeline: Current



After powering down the craft “Ok, you ready” as the two Officers walked to the back of the Shuttle “You be careful out there…..I expect you back for the return trip” as Yesrin nodded in agreement. Sam hit the button as the hatch opened and waited until Yesrin exited then closed the hatch again thinking “Good luck sister.”

End Snip

Exiting the Shuttle Yesrin looked around, and not seeing anyone in the immediate vicinity, tapped her wrist computer to bring up the schematic of the Research Facility which was dead ahead. After studying the Screen for a few minutes she realized the Main Research area was at the end and to the right of the main corridor as she thought "You ready old friend." [Any time you are} Jen replied as Yesrin took a deep breathe and started forward pulling the hood up to hide her face.

Entering the facility Yesrin glanced around casually, so as not to draw attention to herself, noticing no one of any real importance except for a couple of Security personnel standing talking among themselves not really paying any attention to anyone else.

{Research Station}

Walking toward the end of the main corridor Yesrin inquired "Jen anyone noticing me at all." [No you're good to hang a right] he replied as she did so. Standing in front of the door, Yesrin grabbed her universal decoding device and held it next to the keypad by the door. Tapping the screen the device started scanning the keypad in search of the correct entry code. Moments later she heard the door click then it slid open but before she could enter she sensed Jen [STOP! There's someone your left] came the warning. She peeked around the corner seeing a young male at the Station so engrossed in his work he hadn't noticed or heard the door opening. Quickly Yesrin grabbed a tube from her vest, along with a sleeping dart, and loaded the tube. Placing it between her lips she gave a hard blow as the dart hit its intended target. Moments later the young male collapsed onto the floor.

Reaching the Station, Yesrin dragged the young male out of the way as she thought "He'll be sleeping for awhile." Looking over the controls she realized the young male was still signed on so having to figure out how to access the Station wasn't necessary. Reaching inside her vest once again she grabbed a recording disk and placed it in the data receptacle before searching the database for anything that looking out of the norm or threatening in any way.

After searching through the various files for a good twenty minutes, Yesrin found something of interest. A file labeled "Agonsee" which translated means super warrior. This definitely caught her eye and was something out of the norm for sure. Opening the file she noticed it was encrypted. Being a Specialist this was right up her alley as she thought "This should be a challenge" as Jen responded [You live for this shit] and he wasn't wrong. Tapping her wrist computer, Yesrin brought up a twelve point encryption key and set to work. After about ten minutes she had cracked the code as the file opened.

Briefly looking it over Yesrin could see how this could, if in the wrong hands, cause havoc around the Quadrant. Tapping a few keys she started copying the data to her recording disk hoping it would download quickly


Meanwhile in the Security Office, an Officer spoke up "Lieutenant someone is accessing the Agonsee file at the Main Research Station."

"What, that's impossible. The only Scientist able to accomplish that is currently off Planet. Get a Security Team in there right away" came the order and moments later a Team was on its way.

{Research Station}

Removing the data disk, Yesrin placed it in her vest as Jen informed her [You set; we have company coming.....three Security guys so we need to leave like NOW.] Running to the door, Yesrin hit the button and the door swooshed open "We good." [Yes go....go now!] Hearing Jen she ran out the door only to hear "Hey you in the brown cape stop or we'll shoot" one of the Security stated with phasers raised. [Move it] Jen stated with Yesrin running for all she was worth.

Once outside she could hear phaser fire all around her as one bolt hit her in the leg "Ouch!! they got me" [Find cover] Jen instructed as Yesrin ran behind some large rocks. Popping her head up she returned phaser fire "Jen there're to many of them; they've got us pinned down....what are we going to do?" [Contact Sam maybe she can help.]

Tapping her Comm button "Sam, it's Yesrin. A bunch of Security guys have me pinned down so I can't get to you" then she paused thinking "Maybe you should return without me" as much as she hated to even suggest such a thing.

Hearing Yesrin's call "Like hell.....hang tight sister, I'm coming to you." Checking her Screen Sam could see where Yesrin was located; about thirty meters from the Shuttle. Powering back up Sam lifted off the ground "Computer initiate shields" "Initiating shields on the surface is not recommended" the Computer informed her. "Just do it!!!" came the reply as Sam came about. "Shields initiated." She skillfully situated the Shuttle between Yesrin and the Security guys. Setting the Shuttle to hover sam ran back and hit the button lowering the ramp. Walking to the end seeing Yesrin "Come on....move your's time to blow this pop stand." Yesrin stood and limped to the bottom of the ramp. Seeing this Sam ran down the ramp putting Yesrin's arm over her shoulder helping her back aboard. Hitting the button the ramp closed as Sam raced back to the cockpit followed moments later by Yesrin.

"Strap in Yesrin.....I'm doing an emergency liftoff" as Sam did the same. Setting the controls for a forty five degree angle to the surface Sam went to full impulse. The engines screamed as they headed for open space. Once in space Sam went to warp five. Turning to Yesrin "You ok....I see you were limping back there" she inquired with some concern.

Yesrin grinned "I'm fine, it's just a phaser graze'" then she paused "Thanks for what you did back there; you didn't have to you know" she commented being quite serious.

Sam chuckled "What and let you have all the glory? Besides I never leave anyone behind" then she paused "Especially someone as cute as you are."

Jen couldn't help himself [Oooh, sounds like someone's got the hots for you.] "Shut it Jen" Yesrin thought as she could sense Jen chuckling to himself.

Checking her Screens "Well the good news is it doesn't look like we're being followed" she stated then opening a channel "Peel this is Diplomatic Shuttle we'll be to you soon."

"Welcome back....the door's open and the lights are on; I'll notify Command your back" the Shuttle Bay Officer responded.

"Understood; we're ten minutes out" Sam replied happy to be getting back to the Peel with her passenger.

{USS Peel}

The Diplomatic Shuttle dropped out of warp going to one quarter impulse "Now there's a welcome sight" Sam commented with a grin" as she eased the Shuttle into Docking Bay 2 then turning the craft towards the doors and setting her on the deck with one smooth motion before shutting down the engines.

Yesrin smiled at her pilot "Thank you so much for everything you've done during this Op; I couldn't have asked for a more professional Pilot" she stated with sincerity.

Sam returned the smile "You're welcome; anytime you need a Pilot you know where you can find me" she replied then paused a few moments wondering if she should proceed then decided why not "Say maybe you'd like to have a drink in lounge some evening; you know a real girls night out....but only if you want to."

Without any thought whatsoever "Yes, I'd like that" then she paused not wanting to see too eager "I do have reports to file so maybe tomorrow evening if you're free......let's say nineteen hundred in the Lounge."

"Sounds good to me Yesrin; I look forward to it. How's about casual civilian attire since we'll both be off duty" a very pleased Sam replied with a smile.

"Yes that would be nice" as she rose from her seat "I'll see you then" as Yesrin exited the Shuttle quite pleased with the way things turned out as she could sense Jen [Yesrin's going to get some] he commented in sort of a sing-song fashion. Yesrin grinned as she thought "One can only hope."


Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist
USS Peel


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