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#17 Underway

Posted on Wed Aug 7th, 2024 @ 12:49pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Captain Rogue Green stepped out of the starboard turbolift and onto the Bridge. As she headed for her chair she put forth a query. "Number One, are all personnel back aboard?"

Billi, giving a grin as she looked over at the newly arrived CO, responded. "They are, Captain. All departments report they are ready for departure."

"Awesome," said Green as she sat down in the center seat. "Mister Loewen, you have free reign to begin docking procedures for departure. Do as you see fit."

"Aye, Captain." Loewen said, his hands beginning to tap at his helm console even as he began speaking to the dock master for this docking arm.

Green gave a nod from behind him even though he could not see her acknowledgement of his acknowledgement. "Lieutenant Qeritas, has the station been informed of our departure?"

"They have, Captain." The woman half turned to look over. "When we are free and clear to navigate they will give us an exit vector. That data stream is set up for Mister Loewen and he is receiving it real time."

"Good," Green said, locking eyes with Qeritas for a few moments while everyone else is busy. She gave a lip sync to the officer. "We need to talk" was sent her way. Qeritas gave a nod and grin at that and then turned back to her console.

Ro, knowing who Qeritas really was, brought her eyes back to the forward viewport and the goings-on around her. Out front she could see that USS Nazgul was slowly backing away from the base superstructure and the viewport swung to the port while the station moved aside to the right while the ship moved astern.

"Free and clear to navigate, Captain." Loewen announced. "We are set to follow our vector away from M-69."

"Ahead one-quarter impulse power, Mister Loewen. Let's get free of the traffic lanes, shall we?" Ro gave a grin and relaxed back into her chair.

Sean, hearing the orders, id as he was told. The USS Nazgul began to move along the trajectory offered by OPS on M-69, steering clear of the main traffic lanes. So far, being the Helm on Nazgul was proving to be more interesting than he had previously thought.

Ainkara spoke up from her post, half turning to look at Green. "Captain, we will be clear of the traffic lanes in seven minutes, and arrive at the outer markers within twelve minutes."

"Thank you, Kara," Green responded. "Do you have the IKS Rokeg on your scopes?"

"We do," said Kara as she faced her station again and spoke a bit louder to be heard while facing away from her CO. "They are just outside of the markers." Her eyebrow quirked and she spun around to look at Ro once more. "They appear to be waiting for us to arrive at a specific location."

Green gave a chuckle and a smile. "Of course they are, Lieutenant. As per my request. Captain's discretion, need to know, all that." Ro's eyes moved to the back of her comm officer. "Qeritas, inform Captain Kehlani that we will rendezvous with them in roughly fifteen minutes."

"Of course, Captain." Qeritas did not turn to look at her CO, merely did as ordered. Things were coming to a head and she was preparing herself for it. "Message sent."

The Nazgul came to a stop a mere kilometer from the IKS Rokeg. Green left the Bridge and went to her Ready Room, receiving a call from Kehlani. They exchanged classified data, wished each other good luck, and then cut the transmission. By the time Green returned to the Bridge she could see the Klingon vessel turning and heading away from Starbase M-69, and as the ship did so it disappeared behind its cloaking field. Ro sat down in her chair. "Mister Loewen, plot a course for the Mutara sector. The coordinates for our arrival point should be in your Helm logs. Make it so."

"Aye, Captain." Loewen researched his files and found the coordinates, locking them in. "Course set, Captain. Awaiting further orders."

"Prepare to go to light speed," Green ordered. "Set for warp four, Lieutenant." After he acknowledged that all was done according to her directives, Ro gave the simple command. "Engage."

The USS Nazgul jumped to warp four and was on her way to her next assignment.



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