#18 Trusting Her Instincts
Posted on Sat Aug 10th, 2024 @ 11:30am by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master}
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: backpost
After spending an hour catching up with Commander Kehlani, Captain Green had given the excuse that she still needed to see to some of her command transfer details and excused herself from the party. Returning to USS Nazgul, Ro then made her way directly to the Ready Room where she sat down on the floor and the rug placed there in the small sitting area. Crossing her legs lotus and folding her hands in her lap Ro began to sink into deep meditation. Calling on the Core she went deep into her subconscious while at the same time communing with the Core and the energy of the Universe. She was calm, at peace, letting her mind open up to whatever the Core provided.
Green began to see images and to feel things that were not around her directly. Old friends, loved ones who had died, battles, situations she had resolved. All played through the mists of her mind and guided by the Core. Ro knew that the Core was trying to tell her something but it was her discernment of what she saw that would provide her the answers she sought. Choose the wrong imagery and it could lead to negative results. Then, there before her, a figure walked forward through a rather thick fog as a flashing strobe pattern of light was behind her in the mist she had just come from. Qeritas. The Q who had taken upon herself a name. A member of the Q Continuum who occasionally created whole worlds and civilizations for herself as a means of entertainment and worship. Qeritas often found such behavior amusing. The only saving grace for the Q was that she did actually care for those she created, or placed, on a created world.
Even as Qeritas stepped forward through the thick white-grey swirling mist, her face showed a cynical expression as she came to a stop. She stopped in a saucy stance, a dagger in her hand which she was flipping in the air and catching by the blade expertly even as her eyes looked to Green. "Boo." She said.
In the vision Ro got to her feet and faced Qeritas, noting all the while that something did not 'feel' right. Her Sense was telling her to trust her instincts, that there was something elusive going on here. "What brings you here, Qeritas? Being idle for no reason is not in your nature." Qeritas had sent Ro to the Pallean galaxy where she had learned a great many things over the 27 years she had been there. When she had been brought back to the Milky Way she then realized that Qeritas had manipulated time so that all those years there were nothing but a dream that had happened overnight as Green had slept. All that knowledge was where Cosmo had come from, Green's lightsaber, her Mandalorian armor and, her belief in and ability to use, the Core. In the Pallean Galaxy the Core was known as the Force and there were light and dark aspects to it, as was true with the Core.
Qeritas stopped flipping the knife around as it simply vanished from existence. She pseudo-yawned. "I was bored." She shrugged. "Plus, I haven't seen you in a while and I wanted to catch up. You are my Champion, after all."
"Was," Green corrected. "Was your champion. I thought we had settled that debate."
"Yeah, well, I changed my mind." Qeritas gave her a crooked grin, the eyes showing something...sinister? "You are what you are now due to my power and persuasion. That makes you MINE! MY champion!"
The Core bum-rushed Green's heart and mind. Whoever this being was it was not the Qeritas she knew. Her entire presence, coming through as the powerful energy she knew as Qeritas, was different, changed somehow. The Qeritas who had befriended Ro and provided such an awesome education had been a warm, soft, yet brilliant light. The name Qeritas was a play on the name of the Roman goddess Veritas, the goddess of truth. This Qeritas before her still had that light but it was lurid and caused Ro to feel a sense of revulsion for the Q. This was NOT her Qeritas. "Be gone." Green immediately cut the meditation off, her eyes opening and blinking rapidly as she got to her feet. A confrontation was unavoidable.