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Post # 12 Homeward Bound?

Posted on Wed Aug 14th, 2024 @ 6:01pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Tue Aug 27th, 2024 @ 8:06pm

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current



Welcome back....the door's open and the lights are on; I'll notify Command your back" the Shuttle Bay Officer responded.

[End Snip]

{Deck 1 Bridge}

Sitting in the Big Chair Captain O'Connell was waiting to hear his people were back aboard so they could get the bloody hell away from this planet before something else happened as his Comm sounded "Captain the Diplomat Shuttle is back safely aboard Sir" the Bay Officer stated.

With a smile coming across his face "Fantastic! Thank you Crewman." then tapping his Comm "Engineering button her up we'll be departing momentarily" came the order. "Flannery here, you won't get any argument from me Sir. Give me two minutes as we'll be good to go."

Looking to Angel "Commander looks like the ladies had a successful OP. You ready to get out of here" Jamie commented with a grin.

"I was ready hours ago Captain" Angel replied returning the grin "I'll be nice to get back to familiar space."

"That's for sure" Jamie replied ready to start calling out orders "Helm set a course for M-69." "Science make sure we have a clear path home." " Tactical make sure we're not being followed....I still don't trust the Military from Boroth."

"Aye Captain.....course plotted in.....awaiting your order" Ensign Hanes replied.

"As you wish Captain" Maria responded already checking her Screens.

" Dcanni g...indications negative at this time." Sayvek replied.

"Helm make it happen; warp 7" Jamie ordered as he could feel the Peel going smoothly to warp.

After several minutes Maria called out "Captain it doesn't look like we have anyone tailing us so far."

"Good, hopefully the Major learned his lesson trying to tangle with a Federation Starship" O'Connell responded.

Everything was going smoothly as everyone was at their Stations working diligently. Shortly before Gamma Shift was due to arrive Jamie stood to address the Bridge Crew "If I could have everyone's attention for a few moments, please. The fact that each and everyone of you volunteered to work a double shift in order to get our people back safely speaks volumes about this Crew. I'm sure Commander Devroe would agree, we have one of the finest Crews in Star Fleet, so thank you all for your dedication to this Ship" he stated being very sincere. Moments later Gamma Shift filed in and everyone brought their counterparts up to speed before leaving for some much needed sleep.

{Next Morning}

By zero eight hundred the Alpha Shift were back at their Stations picking up where they had left off eight hours ago.

Angel stood and made her way around the Bridge, as was her custom, saying good morning to her Crew while the Captain was reading over some reports that needed his attention.

Walking over to Maria "Good morning Lieutenant SanChez, were you able to get any sleep" Angel inquired with a smile. "To you as well Commander" Maria replied "And yes I actually slept very well." After chatting with Maria for a few moments Angel walked over to Helm "Ensign Hanes, good morning and how are you feeling today." "Commander, I'm feeling pretty good this morning" Hanes replied. Looking to Johan "Lieutenant Albo, I trust you slept well." "Yes Commander, we both slept quite well" Johan replied with a grin. Lastly Angel approached Science "Lieutenant Sayvek I trust you had an adequate amount of sleep."

"An Adequite amount. " Sayvek replied.

Lastly Angel proceeded back to Command and with a smile "Counselor, how are you doing this morning" she inquired with a grin figuring Sarissa had seen her talking with Johan.

Sarissa couldn’t help but grin as she looked from Angel to Johan and back to Angel again. “Good morning Commander, I slept wonderfully thank you.” Truth be known the night had been one filled with passion, and they’d both slept more out of exhaustion than a natural tired sleep.

Angel assumed her seat as she looked to Jamie "And you Captain, how was your sleep" she inquired with a smile.

"I slept well; although I could have stood a few more hours in the sack" he replied "How about you Commander, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, but I'm of the same opinion as yourself; it was a short night" she replied with a light chuckle.

Several minutes later "Captain we have an unidentified Ship heading right for us" then she paused a moment "I think it may be a marauder....they're bringing weapons online, Sir" SanChez stated not sure what to expect from this Ship, but ready for the worst.

Jamie looked to his Number One who took control of the situation "Helm drop us out of warp, full stop. Red Alert" Angel called out "Ms. SanChez initiate weapons. Let's see what they have in mind" Angel ordered hearing 'Aye Commander' all around.

"On screen" O'Connell ordered seeing a rather large Ship coming towards them "Helm put us in a defensive position."

"Aye Captain, making the necessary course adjustments.

Tapping his Comm "Engineering we may have a fight on our hands soon; how we looking down there" Jamie inquired.

"We're ready Captain, systems are green for go" Lieutenant Flannery stated before calling out more orders to his Crew.

"Incoming" Maria called out and seconds later the Peel took a hit which rocked the Ship "What the hell did they just hit us with" O'Connell asked thinking out loud not really expecting a reply.

"Shields down to eighty five percent Captain" Lieutenant Albo reported rerouting more power to the forward shields.

"Lieutenant bolster up those forward shields" Jamie ordered "Tactical target their weapons array.....phasers....full spread."

"Shields back to one hundred percent Captain" Johan called out "I still have some wiggle room left before systems become strained Sir.

"Locked onto their weapons array....initiating full phaser spread" Maria informed Command, then checking her Screens "Captain our phasers had little effect." Then the Peel took another hit as bad as the first.

"Ms SanChez.....two quantum weapon when ready" O'Connell ordered wondering why they were not having any significant effect on that Ship.

"Locked on.....firing quantum hit" moments later Maria checked her readouts not believing what she was seeing "Captain those torpedos had little effect" then she paused "It's almost like they were being deflected some how" as she paused once again "Sir, we need to get a lot closer in order to neutralize that Ship."

"How much closer Lieutenant" Jamie inquired not liking the sounds of things.

"We need to be almost on top of that thing in order to have any positive effect. The problem is if we are and we take a hit, it will be devastating" Maria explained a little perplexed at the moment.

Hearing the explanation O'Connell looked to his Number One "Any ideas Commander" he inquired thinking there just might be away around the situation.

Angel thought for a moment "If we need to be that close to take out their weapons" then she paused "Maybe Ensign Barot may have a better shot at being successful" she replied.

"That's what I was thinking" Jamie commented then tapping his Comm "Ensign Barot this is the Captain."

Hearing her Comms go off "Captain, Ensign Barot here, what can I do for you" Sam answered wondering what was going on.

"I need your excellent flying skills. Our weapons are having little effect on the enemy ship so we need to be almost on top of them to take them out. Do you think you can handle that and Ms.SanChez will lay down cover fire so you can get close enough."

"Absolutely Sir as long as I have some cover fire I can take out their weapons before they know what hit them" Sam replied eager to get started "I can be in Space in five minutes Captain."

"Excellent and that'll give us time enough to reposition the Ship. Keep your Comms open while you're out there and come back safe and in one piece....that's an order" Jamie stated hoping for the best.

"As you wish Captain; I'll signal you as soon as I'm off ship" Sam replied already on her way to one of the new Type 9's.

"Helm get us fifty meters closer and reposition the Ship. Lieutenant SanChez lay down some cover fire for Ensign Barot until she takes out their weapons" O'Connell ordered.

{Deck 5 Shuttle Bay 2}

Ensign Barot had just finished the preflight "Shuttle Bay Chief this is Pegasus requesting permission for departure" Sam stated being ready to rock and roll.

"Shuttle Pegasus permission granted; be careful out there and return safe" came the reply.

"Will do" as Sam lifted the Shuttle off the deck and proceeded out into open space.


Once in space Sam went to full impulse then opened a channel "Captain O'Connell, I'm approaching the enemy Ship ready to make my first run. Please tell Lieutenant SanChez not to hit me" she commented with a snicker.

"Good luck and be careful out there. The entire Bridge can hear your conversation and Ms SanChez heard you and gave you a thumbs up" Jamie replied hoping this would be effective against that Ship.

Moments later "Making my first run....full impulse....locked onto weapons array.....full phaser spread now" Sam stated "Direct hit.....weapons at sixty percent" as Maria checked her screens "Great shot!! If I may suggest make another pass the same way.....then make a third run firing two quantum torpedos which should finish the job."

"I like the way you think Ms.SanChez......I'll give it a go" Sam replied as she swung the Shuttle around between the enemy Ship and the Peel "Making my second pass....locked on....firing" then moments later "Weapons at thirty percent." with Sam positioning for her third and hopefully final pass "Locked on target....quantum torpedos hit.....weapons array neutralized Captain." Suddenly Sam could hear clapping as the Captain stated "Very well done Ensign; return to the Ship. "Aye Captain on my way back to you. Ensign Barot out."

"Shuttle Bay Chief.....this is the Pegasus.....permission to come home" Sam commented. "Permission granted; welcome back."

Sam cut her speed to one quarter impulse bring the Shuttle back into the Bay and setting her down. She let out a sigh as she powered down the engines "Great job Pegasus" she stated making her way to the rear hatch.

{Deck 1 Bridge}

"Good work everyone." "Comms hail that Ship" Jamie ordered. "Hailing now Sir; no response" Comms Officer replied.

"Captain that Ship is powering up their warp drive" then moments later "Sir they've bugged out" Maria informed Command.

Angel leaned toward Jamie "Should we pursue Captain" the Commander inquired.

"No, let them go; they won't be using their weapons anytime soon thanks to Ensign Barot" O'Connell replied "Helm reestablish a course for M-69.....warp eight if you please. Let's go home."


Senior Staff
USS Peel


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