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Post #10 The Art of Deception

Posted on Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 5:32pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 5:59pm

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: USS Peel & Diplomatic Shuttle
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 Bridge}

Knowing the infiltration on Boroth would go well into the late evening, Captain O'Connell had asked for volunteers from the Alpha Shift to stay and man their Stations in case things got dicey from outside sources. To Jamie's delight the entire Alpha shift had volunteered to stay on through the Beta shift to support their Captain. The Beta shift Crew had been excused from their shift but had been instructed they would remain on a standby status in case extra hands were needed on the Bridge. After everyone, including himself, had rotated out for a dinner break the Bridge was back at full staff.

Another hour passed by, with Jamie figuring Yesrin should be well into her infiltration, when Tactical called out "Captain we have what looks like a Military Cruiser heading right for our current position" Maria stated with some concern.

Hearing the news O'Connell thought to himself "Great.....just what we need" but he wouldn't let the Crew know what he was thinking "Ok, let's let them make the first move" he ordered then tapping his Comm "Engineering this is O'Connell. We appear to be having uninvited guests heading our way so make with the warp core deception."

"Flannery here, I'm on it Captain" he responded already making his way over to the plasma conduits "Some plasma expelled we should look like we're having problems."

Minutes later "Captain were being hailed Sir" the Ensign informed Command. Jamie rose from his seat straightening his tunic and taking his customary position behind Helm "On Screen."

"Star Fleet this is Major Hobbs, what seems to be the problem with your Ship; I see plasma being vented" this highly decorated older gentleman inquired looking long in his years.

"Major Hobbs, this is Captain Jamie O'Connell commanding the USS. Peel. Yes we seem to be having warp sore issues so we parked behind this moon for some protection while we effect repairs" came the explanation hoping the Major would buy it.

Hobbs stood for a few moments looking at O'Connell wondering if he wanted to believe this man or not. Finally "Very well Captain O'Connell. Do you require assistance in making your repairs."

Jamie forced a smile "Thank you Major, that's a very generous offer but I have a crack Engineering Staff to effect the repairs; we just need time" he explained hoping to be successful in the ruse.

"How much time are we talking here Captain" the Major inquired with some concern in his voice.

Thinking quickly before giving his answer "If all goes well, no longer than about eight hours" which he thought would give Yesrin plenty of time to do her thing on the surface.

Letting out a long sigh "Very well Captain.....but know this.....after you have used up the eight hours I expect you to be on your way to wherever you were headed before your problem. If not then I may have to consider you a hostile and be forced to board your Ship for an inspection" the Major stated matter of factly rather sternly.

"I understand Major and we'll do our best to be back up and running by or before then. Thank you for your understanding. O'Connell out" as Comms cut the transmission.

Walking back to the big chair looking to Sarissa before sitting "Is the Major as earnest as he appears to be" Jamie inquired pretty much already knowing the answer but didn't want to miss anything.

“I’m afraid so Captain” Sarissa nodded. “He wants us gone.”

"Comms send an encrypted secure message to the Diplomatic Shuttle. Let Ensign Barot know they have eight hours to complete the mission and return to the Peel. Let her also know if it's going to take longer then we'll have to move to plan B" Jamie ordered not liking being in this type of situation.

"Aye Captain, as you wish" as the Officer composed the message before sending it using fourteen point encryption protocols "All sent Sir."

{Diplomatic Shuttle}

Sam was checking her Console for any potential problems when she heard her Comms go off. Bringing tup he message she noticed it was encrypted " Computer decrypt the clearance Ensign, Berot, Samantha, alpha-tango- beta ten" came the request. "Message decrypted" as Sam read over what had sent by the Peel "Crap!! I sure hope Yesrin is back before the eight hours is up otherwise I don't even want to think what plan B could be" she whispered out loud.

After thinking for a few minutes Sam decided to respond using the same exact format as follows "Understood....will keep you apprised" as she hit the send key. Checking the time Yesrin had been gone two hours already so Sam set the console timer for six hours more. Sam had thought of sending a message to Yesrin but decided against it.....she didn't want to take a chance of blowing her cover.

{Deck 1 Bridge}

Four hours had passed since hearing from Major Hobbs and Jamie was starting to get a little uneasy. Turning to Angel "I need to take a quick walk; you have the Conn" Jamie stated as Angel replied "Yes, go clear your head Captain; I'll call you if anything further develops." Jamie nodded and headed for the Conference Room just to get off the Bridge for a few minutes and get his head straight.

Several minutes Jamie returned "Commander report" Jamie ordered as Angel stood and returned to her own seat "Just the way you left it Captain."

O'Connell sat as Tactical called out "Sir that Military Cruiser is heading back out way" SanChez stated but before Jamie could acknowledge her "Captain we're being hailed."

"On Screen" as Jamie stepped forward "Major what do I owe the pleasure" he inquired forcing a smile "The eight hours isn't up yet and we are making progress I assure you."

"Captain I have been ordered to board your Ship and see for myself; unless you have something to hide of course" Hobbs stated matter of factly.

Trying to keep up the ruse "No I don't have anything to hide but I'm also not used to having someone tell me *they're going to board my Ship either" O'Connell stated starting to fell his Irish temper flare up "Tell you what, I'll give you the coordinates and you can beam directly to the Bridge then I will escort you myself to Engineering to satisfy your curiosity" not really trusting the Major at this point considering his urgency to come aboard.

"That's acceptable Captain; I'll be ready to beam aboard in ten minutes. Hobbs out."

"Lieutenant SanChez I want a four person Security Team on the Bridge asap' Jamie ordered. With a nod and the tap of her Comm "Captain Hunt I need a four person Security Team at the Bridge on the double" Maria ordered. "We'll be there in three" Hunt replied as he very quickly got his team together. Minutes later a fully armed Team of Marines appeared on the Bridge as Jamie turned "Captain wait in my Ready Room; I call if I need you" as Hunt nodded and escorted his people off the Bridge.

"Counselor what kind of read are you getting off the Major.....I don't trust him; he seems to eager to get aboard" Jamie stated.

“He’s very....earnest, and very tightly controlled. I can’t tell whether it’s hiding something, or just him not trusting us. Being closer should give me a chance to observe him better.”

Jamie sighed "Looks like you might get your chance Counselor" then turning to Angel "So what do you think Commander....we let him beam aboard?"

"That would seem like our best way forward to bye Lieutenant Jen some more time" she replied not overly crazy about the idea.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Flannery we'll be having uninvited guests coming aboard. How well can you fake warp core problems" O'Connell inquired.

"No problem Captain.....I've got you covered. They'll think we've been doing repairs for hours" Marcus replied with certainty.

"Fantastic" Jamie answered as Comms chimed in "Captain they're ready to beam aboard." "Ok here we go. Lieutenant Albo beam them directly to the Bridge." "Aye Captain Johan replied as he carried out the order.

Moments later Major Hobbs beamed aboard with three other Military personnel with weapons drawn.

The Captain sprang from his seat "What the bloody hell do you think your doing coming aboard my Ship brandishing your weapons; that could be viewed as an act of war" Jamie stated allowing his Irish temper to surface.

"I told you Captain I don't trust you. Now show us to Engineering or I start taking out your Bridge Crew one by one" the Major ordered in no uncertain terms.

By this time Maria had her hand on her phaser, which was hidden from view, ready to start picking these guys off one by one if necessary. O'Connell just grinned "Computer initiate the Yo Protocol." The Computer scanned the Bridge in seconds and anyone who didn't have their bio-signature on file was enveloped by a force field.

The Major yelled out "What is the meaning of you know the authority I have.....release us at once" he insisted not being able to move a muscle at the moment.

O'Connell walked right up to the Major "Like I said, you do not come aboard my Ship armed and make a threat like that to my Crew and myself" he stated "And I don't give a damn about your station in your Military organization" then he called out "Computer enlarge the forcefields by two meters" as the containments grew "Now Major you and your soldiers are going to drop your weapons on the Deck then kick them over with your foot. Then we'll talk."

Major Hobbs realized he was pretty much powerless to do anything so he looked to his men "Do as Captain O'Connell says" he ordered as the men dropped their weapons one by one kicking them away from themselves.

"That's better" Jamie commented "Security he called out then four Marines walked onto the Bridge armed to the teeth. Turning to Hunt "Captain grab up their weapons. Lieutenant SanChez please escort our guests to Transporter Room One with Captain Hunt's Marines Please."

"Lieutenant Sayvek you have Tactical until Lieutenant SanChez returns" Jamie ordered.

" Aye Aye Captain" Sayvek replied.

"As you wish Captain" Maria replied as she showed her phaser in hand and walked toward Major Hobbs.

"Major we will be out of here in two hours time or before I can assure you. Once you return to your vessel then we will beam over your weapons. If you interfere with our departure in any way you will be met with deadly force; do you understand" O'Connell explained with resolve.

Letting out a sigh "Yes Captain I understand you completely and your terms are acceptable. Now will you release us?" Hobbs replied knowing he was way in over his head.

"Computer release the Yo Protocols" came the request and moments later Hobbs and his men were released.

Looking towards SanChez "Their all yours Lieutenant" Jamie stated as Maria instructed "Right this way gentleman" she stated being polite and not calling them what she had in her head. Moments later the Military people left the Bridge escorted by the Marines and SanChez.

O'Connell returned to his chair and sat then addressed his Command Staff "Well that was tricky for a few minutes there" he commented with relief in his voice.

"That could have gone horribly wrong; I'm just glad we have the Yo Protocol in place for situations like this" Angel replied feeling the Captain's relief.

Then Comms called out "Captain, the Diplomatic Shuttle just signaled; they've left the surface Sir."


Senior Staff
USS Peel


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