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Station Post 26 " Last Rights"

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 7:51pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent

< Preface >

" You guys are pure ugly." Deke stated.
Unamused one pulled out a large knife and engaged Deke followed by the other two. Overwhelmed leaving the now motionless man on the floor as they moved on to their next victim.


On the other side of the force field on the outer ring Sureth returned to check on the damage. Seeing crew on the floor injured he lended aid as medics and para-professionals arrived.

One of the last to be found there was Captain Deke Rivers.

Exhausting the medics attempts to resusucitate Sureth accepted the fate.

" Sureth to Callaghan," Sureth hailed. " We have a casualty."

Shauna wasn’t surprised they had casualties after being boarded, she tapped her comm badge. “Understood Sir, Who is it?”

" Despite attempts to resuscitate Captain Deke Rivers is no more. " Sureth replied. " We need to access our damages and see if the Assul have maintained a presence on this station."

Shauna was momentarily stunned, “Deke...” she didn’t have time to grieve for the man she loved now, but she would later on. “I err...I understand Sir.”

The medics then sent a message to sickbay that a casualty was coming their way.

< Sick Bay >

Hearing the message coming over his comm, Ramvek prepared himself for the loss of one of the Crew which was never easy whether he knew them personally or not. Turning to one of the other Doctors "Please continue on seeing to the Patients; we have a casualty being beamed to us" he instructed then turned to make his way to the medical transporter.

Moments after Doctor Ramvek arrived at his destination when the lifeless body materialized on the transporter pad. Looking up Ramvek saw a Medic nearby "Medic grabbed a gurney and give me a hand getting this person off the pad" he stated as the Medic did as ordered. Lifting the person, who was quite heavy, they placed him or her on the gurney "Thank you, you can return to your duties" as the Medic gave a nod and left the area.

Pulling back the covering that was over the body Ramvek could hardly believe his eyes "Oh crap!!!" he thought to himself "It's Captain Deke Rivers" as a wave of sadness came over him for Captain Callaghan knowing they were at the very least quite good friends. The worst part was Ramvek was able to save this man's life once with a new heart but unfortunately now he was powerless to be of any help to this officer.

" He was out manned and apparently killed by hand to hand combat from the wounds." Sureth said walking towards Dr Williams.

"Yes Commodore that was quite apparent but I would like to examine Captain River's body a little more just to confirm before I make out an official death certificate to go on record" Ramvek stated; it was his duty as CMO.

" By all means Doctor. Captain Rivers was...a friend." Sureth replied.

"Apologies Sir, I didn't mean to sound insensitive" Williams stated then paused a moment "Sureth you have my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your friend. I will send you a detailed report when I've finished."

After Sureth left the area Ramvek wheeled Captain Rivers into the Morgue to further examine the body. Grabbing his scanner Williams went over Deke's body seeing multiple stab wounds from what looked like a long knife with a serrated blade; no one's internal organs could survive a blade such as that. Doctor Williams was satisfied with the cause of death and would not cut open Deke to further investigate matters out of respect for the late Captain.

Walking back to his Office, Ramvek sat writing up a report and was about to send a copy to Star Fleet Medical in San Fransisco and the other to Commodore Sureth. Sitting back in his chair, he wondered how many more of these he would have to fill out before sending off the reports to the appropriate places.

Jira the nymph like goddess suddenly appeared before Rayvek wearing a sad face.

" Hello Doctor Ramvek Williams. Did you try to use the gift I gave you to save his life?" she asked.

Doctor Williams starred at the goddess for a few moments stunned to see her standing before him "I....a.....I mean you are referring to the object you gave me when I was in your world" then he paused "No, I guess I did not realize that was its purpose" he replied "I have it in my quarters; will it still work....I mean Captain Rivers has been dead for awhile now."

Jira turned around and walked out of the room.and over to Deke Rivers covered body. Turning back to see Ramvek she wiped a tear.

" He has already gone to his reward. If you use the device before the soul leaves the body there is a chance. This is my fault all of this is my fault." Jira continued to cry.

Ramvek felt compassion for her as he inquired "How can any of this be your fault" seeing the tears streaming down her face. She looked at Williams for a brief moment.

" I brought your people into a holy war. I did not consider they would fight anyone but me. I will end this now."

Jira then vanished from sickbay just as she had arrived.

Sureth looked at Shauna, who seemed as stoic as a Vulcan.
" Lieutenant Commander Wallace will need to be promoted to Acting Captain of the Athena. With three enemy cruisers on approach both Peel and Nazgul will need Athena's help."

Shauna nodded. “Agreed Sir” Right now she just wanted to get all this over with so she could mourn the loss of Deke.


A similar portal opened out of nowhere as two beings from the Overwatch emerged.

Pulling out the drawer one waved a wand type device over the body and then returned Deke back. Stepping back into the teleporting device.

Moments later a loud voice yelled from with in the Morgue drawer.

Williams was standing just outside the Morgue when he heard someone yelling. Bursting into the area he looked around not seeing another living soul when he realized it was coming from one of the drawers; which of course was highly unlikely. Ramvek walked slowly listing intently until he reached Captain Rivers drawer; pulling it open he looked at the body and jumped back "SHIT!!!!! This is impossible!!" he stated with his heart now racing.

An Overwatch male looked up at the Doctor and smiled.

" Sorry but it was getting hot in there. My name is Ardoo. "

Williams was lost for words for a few moments "Ardoo, who are you and where did you come from" as Ramvek looked at the drawer "And where has Captain River's body gone to" he inquired still not quite believing what his eyes were telling him.

" Oh him? Jira had us take his body back to our ship for repairs...I mean an operation." Ardoo replied. " I hope it works so I can go home."

Now that Doctor Williams had a better understanding of what was happening he felt himself calm down "Logically Mister Ardoo, if Captain Rivers can be brought back to life that would be nothing short of a miracle" he stated knowing that was way beyond his scope of medicine.

" No promises. The death was repairable as his heart was still working but in a lower node. It's the soul part if it is still there. Other wise we are dealing with a zombie and those are horrible to get rid of." Ardoo replied.

After a few moments of pondering "I guess we'll have to hope for the best; I'm sure Deke wouldn't want to live as a soulless being" Ramvek commented with fingers crossed.

" In the realm there is a species of unread zombies. Their planet was overtaken by a horrible species best on assimilation. Jira had the Overwatch construct a special vacuole to contain them. No technology is allowed near them. The Assul are pets compared to their antics." Ardoo joked. " I hope the cease fire with the Assul goes well. Can Captain Callaghan negotiate well? Jira hopes so."

Ramvek grinned "Being a Captain, I am sure she is very capable in negations" he replied as he thought to himself "Boy I sure hope so for all our sakes."

< The Onvoy ship >

Three Overwatch beings walked through the corridor onto the M-69 station alongside a larger being resembling a dragon.

Elsewhere on the ship Jira looked down on the body of Deke Rivers which laid on the table. The only life was the small heart beat that still pumped minimal air. His throat was being fed air by a tube.

Jira did not know this human personally but felt responsible for his death as she had introduced the Assul to this system.

Looking to the single Overwatch being in the room Captain Deke Rivers body was teleporting back to the stations morgue.

< Sickbay >

Ardoo received the call and looked up to Dr Williams with a report.

" Jira has returned your Captain Rivers body.:

Letting out a sigh "So I take it Jira was not successful in her attempts to bring Captain Rivers back to life" he commented grateful for the attempt.

" She did not. If you will excuse me I am needed back on my ship." Ardoo replied as he vanished into a pixie dust type manner.



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