
Station Post 27 " Sound the Advance

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 11:37am by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & War Chief Loth

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


There was no time for the station to mourn only to prepare for the wave to come as sensors showed 3 large enemy cruisers heading towards Starbase M-69.

Sureth and Captain Shauna Callaghan made their way back to OPS and conferred.

" What is the status of our fleet Captain Callaghan?"

The Nazgul, The Athena and The Peel are all still in the area Sir, but the Peel was undergoing repairs prior to the destruction of the Assul ship.”

As a whistling breeze suddenly a familiar apparition appeared. It was Jira , the entity from the Lagoon worm hole.

" Commodore Sureth this mess is all my fault. The Assul were banished when the Dragon Queen rebelled and took the Dragon people out of the realm. They are attempting to raise a new Queen...the one you are protecting. It is her choice to go but I feel responsible for the Death and destruction on your station."

" A logical premise. What do propose?" Sureth replied.

" Rapture. I will get rid of the Assul once and for all." Jira replied.

David emerged from a marginally functional turbolift, "Closest ships are the Kongo and Broadsword, they're about ten hours out, The Lexington is closer but still over twelve hours, the good news is the carrier Korolev is six hours out along with the Avenger and Havana."

" Commander Wallace right on time. Myself and Captain Callaghan need to meet with you in a moment. Jira I do not have authority to tell you what to do but if you can buy us some prepare I would appreciate it."

" More than time Commodore. I will make all well." Jira replied as she vanished in the manner she had appeared.

A few moments later an unordinary act occurred in space as a spatial anomaly near the three Assul ships opened.

Watching from the OPS viewers the three blips entered the Anomoly and were no longer a threat.

" Captain Callaghan we have a hail from a ship. They say they are of the Overwatch and wish to Dock? " Tactical reported.

“Overwatch?” Shauna nodded. “Give them permission to dock.”

Thr ship reacted and tethered to the station with its own moorings.

[ Ops this is the Felos from Security. This Overwatch person says they have brought an envoy with them from the Assul Empire. He wishes to broker a cease fire with this base.]

“A ceasefire indeed...” Shauna looked towards Sureth. “Escort the envoy to the briefing room, I want a full security detail present, we’ll meet you there.”

[ Aye Aye Captain.]

" Captain you handle this I will meet with our starship Captains." Sureth replied.

“Aye Sir” Shauna nodded. She wasn’t in the mood to be messed with so the envoy had a nasty surprise coming if he or she wanted to mess about.

< Briefing Room >

A large Dragon like being in golden attire stood up as Captain Callaghan entered. The Overwatch individual smiled.
" This is the station Captain, War Chief. Captain Callaghan meet Assul Empire Warchief Loft."

Loft did not smile but nodded.

“Warchief Loft” Shauna nodded politely. “I understand you wish to arrange a ceasefire?”

" You do not smell like these others. They are afraid of me, why aren't you? You appear annoyed." Loft stated.

“Let’s just say I don’t scare easily, and my personal feelings do not come into this discussion” Shauna sat down in her seat and pulled out a PADD. “Now tell me what is it you’re looking for in order for a ceasefire?”

" The fate of the Assul Empire rests on having a strong leader on the throne. The woman your station hosts was to be our new Dragon Queen. Our Champion mounted a rescue to save her but your forces killed him by destroying his ship. We can continue a fight to all of our deaths or you can give us our future Queen. We will leave this system and war will cease between our two forces." Loft replied.

Shauna gave a doubtful look. “If the young woman we found is your new Dragon Queen, then why is she so terrified? When we found her she was in a terrible state.”

< Peel >

"Captain, you're not going to believe this, but the three Assul ships just entered an unexplained anomaly in space" then she paused double checking her Screens "Sir they've....well....vanished and are no longer in the area."

Captain O'Connell jumped out of his chair and walked over to Tactical looking at her Screen "Well, I'll be" he stated seeing that Maria was correct "Looks like this is our lucky day. Comms hail Commodore Sureth on the Base; there has to be a logical explanation for this" he stated then walked up behind Helm and waited.

A few minutes later Sureth appeared on the Screen "Commodore, what just happened; we were ready to engage the Assul and help defend M-69."

[ Captain O'Connell there appears to be an overture of truce from the Assul. There is too much to cover over open channels. For now we are on Yellow alert. Bring your vessel to a tactical position and prepare to join us here. An onvoy from the Assul Empire has just arrived along side members of the Overwatch and the entity Jira. " Sureth replied. ]

"As you wish Commodore; I'll see you shortly, O'Connell out. Yellow Alert!" turning to Helm "Ensign bring about to a defensive position and hold." "Tactical keep a close eye on the Base and the accompanying area" came the orders then walking back to the conn "Commander Devroe you have the Ship, I'm beaming over to the Base for peace talks with the Assul; hopefully things go well."

"Understood Captain" Angel replied "Good luck Sir" then Jamie left for Transporter Room One.

< Ops >

Sureth then turned to Lt Commander Wallace who had patiently waited.

" I know you did not come here to command anything but for now I am promoting you to acting Captain of the Athena. It would seem Captain Rivers has been killed in action." Sureth added.

David looked at the Commodore, "I'll do what needs to be done sir."

" Thank you David." Sureth replied.

Several minutes later Captain O'Connell walked into Ops as he looked around, being it was his first time in this area of the Station. Seeing Sureth Jamie walked over "Excuse me Commodore, where are peace talks being held" he inquired.

" Captain Callaghan is negotiating the treaty. " Sureth replied. " If you wish to join her they are in the briefing room."

"Since I'm here, I may as well. I'm interested in what they have to say and maybe get some insight on what provoked the attack in the first place" O'Connell replied then turned and made his way to the meeting room. Walking up to the door Jamie saw security standing on each side "Hello, I'm Captain Jamie O'Connell, Captain of the USS Peel here to sit in on the negotiations" he stated. "Welcome Captain, please go right in" as the Security stepped aside and let him pass.

Once inside Jamie quietly took a nearby seat so as not to be an interruption to the proceedings listening to what was being said.

Loth arose which startled his Overwatch ontarage for a moment.

" Why has this warrior entered. Do you not feel safe with me Captain Callaghan?"

“Do not be concerned Loth, it’s normal for more than one officer to attend a meeting of this importance.” Shauna motioned to O’Connell. “This is Captain O’Connell.”

Jamie stood and walked over by Captain Callaghan "Greetings Loth, I'm here to observe these proceedings" he stated choosing his next words carefully "You referred to me as a warrior moments ago. I am only a warrior when I'm forced to be. Your Champion was given two opportunities to leave with both himself and his Ship in tact; he refused. I am obligated to help protect this Base."

" Is Captain O'Connell in possession of the Princess? Give us the Princess and all of this will end." Loth answered with some verbal emphasis.

Over in the corner the Overwatch individual attendance was joined by another named Ardoo.

" Loth remember the reason we are here is to broker a cease fire not make demands." Ardoo urged. But those words did not seem to inspire Loth to be nice.

O'Connell looked Loth right in the eyes "I can assure you I am not in possession of this Princess" he replied with directness and firmness.

Loth exhaled a scent of suffering in his response " But she is."

Shauna gazed at Loth. “IF I was to bring your Princess here and ask her wishes on the matter, would she want to go with you? Because if she doesn’t then no one is going to force her to go against her free will.”

" In the Empire there is no free will. Only duty and service." Loth replied



