
Station Post # 28 A Million Miles Between Part 1

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 10:50pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas

Location: USS
Timeline: Concurrent


Following a prison break from the Breen battle zone, 3nd Lt John Dallas used his resource's and stolen shuttle to find his way back to M-69

This was not easy given the complexity of heading into the inner stars.

One needed a ship with the right shield emitter and also one willing to head there on the first place but John found such a ship.

A Pakled cargo ship carrying grain for trade and a pilot to which John signed on. First promising that Starbase M-69 would buy the grain and second thy would get all the free ale they wanted.

Now less than a months journey out at warp 2 so far John's plan was working to go home.

He missed kissing and loving Isabella from the very moment he set his eyes on her. Even though she was pregnant with another man's child he knew she was the one for him.

But could she still love a man with injuries such as his? Not injuries of flesh but injuries in his mind of the death, torture and out right murder he saw in the prison camp.

A hand touched John's left shoulder as he vectored the ship around a vaporous cloud.

" You have to slow down...our tummies are sick from the bumping." the Pakled Captain scolded.

" Sir I have to get us to the Lagoon soon. It is the only place that will rid us of the rust mites in the engine casing." John replied.

A lie he had told them to allow him to push the engines past their safe speed limits.

" Please hurry...I am hungry." cried the Captain.

But then a pause in John's plan showed up as three large vessels passed their trajectory. Unaware of who they were John halted his position until they passed. Clearly not seeing the Pakled ship or not threatened the ships passed on.

" Those ships look powerful." the Pakled Captain commented.

" Maybe but they are heading opposite of us." John replied.

Now less than a days journey John torqued the warp drive and sped faster to home.



