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Station Post " 29 " Temporal Trek part 1"

Posted on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 @ 2:38pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Jamie O'Connell & War Chief Loth





O'Connell looked Loth right in the eyes "I can assure you I am not in possession of this Princess" he replied with directness and firmness.

Loth exhaled a scent of suffering in his response " But she is."

Shauna gazed at Loth. “IF I was to bring your Princess here and ask her wishes on the matter, would she want to go with you? Because if she doesn’t then no one is going to force her to go against her free will.”

" In the Empire there is no free will. Only duty and service." Loth replied.

O'Connell sat listening to the conversation wondering how a culture could be so disrespectful of a person "With all due respect to your culture Loth, do you want someone in such an important role if they're not wanting to be in that role" he inquired trying to satisfy his curiosity.

" I know of no other system. It is the way of the Assul." Loth replied. " When we rebelled against the old Gods our system governed our culture. The Dragon Queen was arrested and now we need a new leader."

“You use unwilling captives to be your leaders, that doesn’t make any sense Loth. Your Dragon Queen doesn’t want to be your queen, maybe it would be easier for your people to choose a queen from your own race. That’s how cultures on other planets do it.” Shauna explained.

" In my culture the Dragon Queen must be from that lineage. It is tradition." Loth replied.

Shauna nodded. “Then why not treat her with the reverence she deserves? Like the Queen you wish her to be? She may just decide to accompany you willingly if you do.”

" It is the honor of the Dragon Queen to be considered to be that of a God in my culture."

Then from the back of the room Ardoo from the Overwatch spoke.

" If we could take you back in time?
To the beginning of the Assul would you go Captain Callaghan?"

Shauna gave Ardoo a surprised look. “If it would aid with clarity of the situation, then yes.”

" I believe all will be clear Shauna. Please follow me." ARDOO directed.

He opened the door and immediately a bluish white light absorbed Shauna,O'Connell, ARDOO and Loth.


Tag Loth


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