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Station Post # 25 Lending A hand Pt. 5

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 4:48pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 Bridge}

"Captain we're approaching M-69 sir" Helm called out.

"Helm drop us out of half impulse....get us into an offensive position" O'Connell instructed. "Aye Sir, dropping out of warp half position Captain" Helm responded.

"Tactical ready the quantum their weapons two, five seconds apart" Commander Devroe ordered hoping this would finally take their weapons out.

"Aye Commander....locked on target....firing now" SanChez replied then seconds later "Direct hit, their weapons are inoperable Ma'am."

A wave of relief swept over the Bridge Crew as O'Connell instructed the Lieutenant "Comms hail the Assul ship" and moments later their Champion appeared. "Had ready to leave or do we need to totally destroy you" Captain O'Connell inquired of the being.

"Give it your best shot human.....we will never surrender or give up. We will fight you until our last dying breath" the Champion declared sternly.

"Have it your way then" as Jamie gave the signal to Comms to cut the transmission.

"Lieutenant SanChez, traget their warp core.....two more quantum torpedos....let's finish this once and for all" the Commander ordered not really wanting to destroy an entire ship and it's Crew but they left them no other choice.

"Torpedos locked and loaded....warp engine's target acquired.....firing now Commander" Maria replied then moments later a bright flash of light could be seen as the Assul ship exploded into space dust.

"Lieutenant Sayvek, scan the Base for any Assul life signs left aboard" Jamie ordered hoping they had all returned to their ship prior to it's destruction.

" would appear only 4 are alive and they are being held in security." Sayvek replied.

"Glad the remaining are sitting in the Brig where they belong after what they attempted to do to the Base" Jamie commented then addressing the Bridge Crew "Great job everyone, now maybe we can relax a little."

The Captain no more than finished what he was saying when Tactical spoke up "Captain don't celebrate just yet Sir, I'm picking up three Assul Ships on long-range scanners" then Maria paused before looking the Captain in the eyes "They're heading our way."

O'Connell could hardly believe what he was hearing as he thought to himself "Oh bloody we go again."



Senior Staff
USS Peel


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