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Station Post # 24 Lending A Hand Pt. 4

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 10:13pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green
Edited on on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 10:21pm

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


< Snip >

O'Connell grinned then turned "Comms get me the Nazgul.....on Screen" came the order. Moments later the Ensign gave a thumbs up. Jamie straightened his uniform and walked up behind Helm and waited for the Nazgul's Captain.

< End Snip >


When the Nazgul's Captain appeared on screen Jamie saw a very familiar face he had not seen in years "Captain Rogue Green, this is a pleasant and unexpected surprise I only wish it was under better circumstances" he commented with a big smile on his face seeing an old friend.

Captain Green stood up from her chair, a smile crossing her own face. "Good to see you, too, Jamie. We'll have to catch up when all is peaceful again. What can the Nazgul do for you, Captain?" Her smile had left, her eyes serious even if they were a bit relaxed to see a man she had entrusted her life to back in the day.

"Yes we will and I look forward to it" Jamie replied "But to the matter at hand. We've been engaging the Assul ship wearing down their shields in order take out their weapons array. We almost succeeded until they lowered, what looks like some sort of cannon for the lack of a better word, from the belly of their ship and shot an energy beam towards the Peel. The damn thing was a heat seeker so we couldn't evade being it's target which ruptured one of the plasma conduits so we have to break off to effect repairs. If you want to engage that Ship while we repair ours, that way they won't be able to bolster up their systems that we have already pretty much taken down" he explained hoping he didn't leave anything out.


Green gave nods where appropriate as he explained the situation. Once he finished she responded. "We can do that, Captain. Get clear and see to your repairs. We have an ace up our sleeve. There is a cloaked Bird of Prey nearby that will surely enjoy a chance at glorious combat. As we engage I am sure they will, too." Having said that Ro added a bit more. "We are turning to engage now, Jamie. Get clear and see to your people. Nazgul, out." The transmission cut quickly.

Now having a purpose, the Captain of the USS Nazgul began to issue orders. "Mister Resch, All hands to battle stations. Set the first volley of torpedoes for rapid fire. Ainkara, as we turn to make a run I want our deflectors angled forward to take the brunt of what comes at us. Mister Loewen, bring us about to 1-8-3, mark 4, and set us at one-quarter impulse. Number One, make sure all damage control parties are set and ready to get to work the moment we take any battle damage. Get to it, people." Green sat down in her chair as she saw her officers engaging in their duties and seeing to her orders.


Now that the Peel was safely out of harms way "Helm full stop" he ordered "We're far enough away we can get things repaired." "Aye Captain....full stop."

Looking towards Maria "Ms. SanChez let the Commander know should we get any surprise company" Jamie ordered then turning to his Number One "Commander you have the Conn; if you need me I'll be in Engineering....maybe I can of some use to them."

A little surprised by Jamie's comment Angel acknowledged the command "As you wish Captain" and with that O'Connell entered the Lift "Computer, Deck 2....Main Engineering" came the request as Jamie was on his way.

< Engineering >

As Jamie entered Main Engineering he heard "Captain on Deck" as everyone stopped what they were doing and snapped to attention. As much as he appreciated the respect now was not the time for formalities "As you were folks, I'm here to lend a hand" he commented as he walked over to Lieutenant Flannery "How are the repairs going Marcus" he inquired.

"So far so good Captain. I was just starting to unbolt the bad section of the plasma conduit. Once done it'll be replaced with a new section and bolted in place" he explained a little surprised at the Captain's appearance in Engineering.

"Excellent Mr. Flannery. Can I be of assistance at all since I was a Chief Engineer many moons ago" Jamie replied with a grin.

"Sure thing Sir, I'll take all the help I can get. Here you can assist me with the bad section of the conduit" Marcus explained as he handed Jamie a plasma wrench. The two Officers started the process and about twenty minutes later the conduit was repaired. Marcus looked at Jamie "I'm impressed Captain, you kept right up with me as only a well seasoned Chief could. Next time I need something repaired I'll know who to call" he stated with a big grin.

Jamie laughed "That's quite alright Lieutenant; I think captaining the Peel is enough to keep me busy. So we good to return to M-69" Jamie inquired eager to finish the job his Ship and Crew had already started.

Flannery laughed as well "Point taken Captain. Let me run a low level diagnostic before we get back into the fight; it should only take a few minutes to complete."

"Sounds good Lieutenant. Let me know when we can safely get back underway.....I'll let you get to it then" O'Connell replied then turned and headed back to Command.

< Bridge >

The Lift doors whooshed open as Captain O'Connell entered the area "Report Number One" he ordered as he made his way to the command chair which Angel had already vacated when she heard the Lift "We're still at station keeping until you order otherwise Captain."

"Good" as both Officers sat "The Chief is running a diagnostic of the warp core so hopefully we'll be underway soon and back in the fight" Jamie commented.

"Speaking of the fight, if I may inquire, you and Captain Green seem to be well acquainted" Angel inquired wondering just how acquainted they really were.

Jamie chuckled "You could say that. Captain Green, Ro, and I served on the same Ship years ago. She was the Executive Officer and I was the Second Officer as well as the Tactical/Security Chief" he explained.

Several minutes later Jamie's comm went off "O'Connell, go ahead" he stated.

"Captain, Flannery here, the Peel is as good as new anytime you want to get underway" he replied pleased the repairs were all done.

"Excellent, well done Lieutenant" O'Connell commented "Helm lay in a course for M-69, warp eight.....get us back in the fight." "Course plotted in Captain, going to warp eight now" the Ensign replied.

"Let's finish this" the Captain stated out loud for the Bridge Crew to hear.

"Yes, let's finish what we started" Angel replied "Tactical be ready.....two quantum torpedos at the ready. Once in position target their weapons array and get them out of the game once and for all."

"Understood Commander.....I'll be ready to deploy once we arrive" Lieutenant SanChez replied glad to be getting back into the fray.



Senior Staff
USS Peel


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