Station Post #37 " Magic's and Ticking Clocks "
Posted on Fri Oct 25th, 2024 @ 1:47pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace
Location: Starbase M-69 and USS Nazgul
Timeline: Concurrent
< Preface >
"Well," Green said with a bit of relief behind her tone. "That's something. Contact M-69 and let them know that Nazgul stands ready to assist. Mister Loewen, turn us towards the station and set for one-quarter impulse for our orbit."
< Starbase M-69 >
Commodore Sureth received the Nazguls signal but a situation caught his attention.
" Sir Captains Callaghan and O'Connell are no longer on the station."
Captain Tore Bjorgo walked onto the Command OPS deck, seeing Sureth and making his way over. Hearing the same message as the Commodore he then looked into the Vulcan's eyes. "Took me a minute to come up to see you, Commodore. I was busy aiding damage control. I got stuck on board during the battle." Providing that bit of information was now done as to his presence on 69, aside from a personal trip to see his beloved, Doctor Sheyla of the USS Nazgul. "O'Connell and Callaghan are missing? How, Sir?"
Sureth looked to Tactical for that answer.
" Sir one minute they were aboard and the next gone. There was a temporal spike and residual chronoton readings that spiked around the Overwatch ship. "
"It's more than that!" David said as he ran through the doors, "A photon torpedo may have struck a subspace weakness ripping open a temporal event, but it may also explain the mysterious starship readings I was getting during the battle."
" Commander continue with your readings from here. Captain Bjorgo we are dealing also with an entity in this region with seemingly omnipotent abilities. Her name is Jira. I do not believe her to be of the Q Continuum but never the less she is powerful. She blames herself for introduce us to the Assul. Jer last confession to me was that she was going to restore order. I need the Nazgul,Peel and the Athena at the ready should this station need defending. I am hopeful the cease fire will be profitable but I now have 2 missing officers." Sureth replied
"The risks should be minimal, hopefully our colleagues were able to activate their locator beacons if we can get an approximate fix and pull them back." David said.
" Work on that Commander. If you get a lock on anything let me know. Captain Bjorgo if your crew needs leave we are at a cease fire." Sureth replied.?
Tore gave nods as the other two made their statements. "Let's see what Captain Green has to say." He reached out and opened the channel to the USS Nazgul. Her image appeared on a holographic monitor floating in front of the three men. "Captain Green, Myself, the Commodore, and Commander Wallace would like to hear what you have to say." The feed showed the Bridge of the Nazgul, with a few of the Bridge crew also caught up in the visual transmission.
Green was standing near to her command chair, with a stunningly beautiful woman next to her. The strange woman was wearing an admiral's uniform yet Bjorgo's memory could not recall her face from memory. Ro faced the viewscreen and spoke. "Gentlemen, good to see you well. I had no idea you were on 69, Captain Bjorgo." Deciding to change the subject, Green gave a head tilt to her left in a motion of introduction. "This woman is a member of the Q Continuum, and she goes by the name of Qeritas. I have known her for several years and we have a connection that brings her back my way on occasion. However, this time she says that there are temporal anomalies happening on 69, and that two staff officers have been caught up in a temporal vortex. That would be both Captain Callaghan and Captain O'Connell." Ro's face was as serious as it could be. "If you are not opposed, Commodore, I would like Nazgul to be in on this investigation, if there is going to be one. Jamie and I served together in the past and he is a friend."
Bjorgo had listened, and he saw that the other two had been, as well. Since the last person Captain Green had addressed was Sureth he decided he would let the Commodore speak before he did.
" I have no issues with that. Captain Bjorgo has my full confidence. " Sureth replied.
Seeing Captain Green, the current Nazgul CO, speaking to Sureth about current affairs, and his eyes catching the Bridge around Green as she was on visual, made him miss that command. He should never have taken the deal with Admiral Aaron Stone, and instead, remained the CO of USS Nazgul. But, that was water under the bridge. "Thank you, Commodore. Coming from you that means a lot." His eyes went back to Green. "Ro, we'll let you know where you'll be helpful. As the Commodore stated, you can stand down from alert status. Nazgul will need a station maintenance overhaul."
"Agreed," said Green, speaking more to both men, not just Bjorgo. "We'll begin docking procedures and stand down Yellow alert. Once we're settled I would love to discuss this further, in person?"
Bjorgo gave a nod, but wanted to make it clear he was speaking for himself only. "I have no issue with that. Commodore?" He asked, looking to the 69 CO. "Request permission to transfer to the USS Nazgul as a liaison."
" Permission granted Captain." Sureth replied.
"Excellent, Sir. Thank you." Said Bjorgo. His attention went back to the comm signal. "Captain Green, I'll come to the Nazgul's docking arm and meet you. That way I can escort Miss Qeritas to meet with Commodore Sureth."
"Understood," Green responded. "I'll be busy with docking procedures but I will have Qeritas escorted to the gangway once we're secured. Anything else, gentlemen?"
Tore could not think of anything. "Not from me. Looking forward to meeting you in person Qeritas."
Captain Green then looked to Sureth. "Commodore, any further orders, or needs?"
" Actually no Captain. We are all on a wait and see mode. Peace with the Assul would be a great thing." Sureth replied.
Green was glad to hear him say that. "I agree, Commodore Sureth. Just because we don't understand another culture doesn't mean we can't get along on some level. All except the Borg, of course." She gave a crooked grin. "Very well, gentlemen. I will sign off and get us docked. Nazgul, out." The transmission faded and the holographic screen disappeared.
Bjorgo glanced between Wallace and Sureth. "I have some ideas for a few changes, gents. Let me speak to a few people, first, then I'll see what comes of it. Just know, Commodore," he said while grinning. "Green is sitting in my chair. But, again, I have some ideas."
Sureth heard Bjorgo's words as he remembered having to leave the USS Bohr.
" As do I Captain. Join me for a drink and let us compare notes." Sureth suggested.
"Of course, Sir." Bjorgo responded. He would love to see if his ideas would hold merit for Sureth. He did not know the Commodore all that well but, he felt that that was all about to change. Tore looked at David Wallace with a grin. "Hopefully, David, we can get this business sorted out without too many hiccups."
"It's still early." David said
< Other Side Of The Lagoon >
The three ship squad emerged from the transwarp conduit that had brought them back to their space ironically unscathed.
" We have lost Loth but we are not defeated. CONTACT the internal fleet and inform them the cease fire is over." a general told his comms officer.