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Station Post #38: A Casual Meet

Posted on Fri Oct 25th, 2024 @ 8:42pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Doctor Sheyla had been busy. Along with her staff they were making sure that all Sickbay equipment and devices were stowed away, and all non-replicatable medicines were under lock and key. Not a tough job by any means, but a tad 'busy' for a while. Having put the last of the medications into the locked storage room, Sheyla stepped back out to main Sickbay, stopping and placing her hands on her hips as she looked around. All seemed to be in place. She saw Doctor Holbrook just finishing up replacing a sterile cover on the last patient biobed.

The main entryway slid open and in walked Lieutenant Loewen and Lieutenant Ainkara, in the middle of a discussion as they strode within. "...and since you already know how to pilot small craft, the helm and flight control systems should be fairly easy to figure out and understand. Just on a bigger scale." They came to a stop and Sean looked to Sheyla with a smile. "Hello, Doc." Ainkara, per her usual self, remained quiet and unassuming.

"Hello, Sean." Sheyla gave a smile. "Since you're here I will assume that Helm is in good hands?" She gave a giggle before turning her face towards her awesome Second. "Oh, Len. Mister Loewen is here." Nothing like a slight tease to one who had been bitten by the love bug. She looked back at Sean. "So, here for dinner?" Not letting him answer that, Sheyla turned her eyes to Ainkara. "Hello, Kara."

"Doctor," said Kara, with a nod of greeting. "Do you require assistance with Sickbay?"

"No, dear, we're fine. I wouldn't want to take you away from your own department." Said Sheyla.

Kara responded. "Sciences are already set. Efficiency is key. Complacency kills."

Len came over to the other, a smile on her face. "Hi Sean." She nodded to Ainkara. "Hello, I'm Dr Len Holbrook."

Kara, not one who normally liked to touch anyone due to her rather unique melding abilities, decided to be diplomatic and copy her compatriots as she had seen them do. She extended her hand for a handshake. She did not catch Loewen and Sheyla sharing a subtle, knowing look between them as she did so. "A pleasure to meet you, Dr. Holbrook. I am Chief Science Officer Ainkara. Kara, for short." Her companions and crew mates seemed to have a penchant for nicknames so, she allowed them to shorten her name and use it that way. Over time she found it to be pleasing, a form of affection, to be addressed in a more common fashion.

Len had read that Kara had some melding abilities. She made sure that her mental barriers were up before shaking her hand. "Pleasure to meet you as well."

Seeing those two having met, Sheyla looked to Loewen. "So, what brings you to Sickbay? Last we heard down here was that we were docking at 69. Sickbay is battened down for the station engineers to come in and apply any upgrades. You bored and looking for chat, or something else?"

Loewen gave a non-chalant shrug. "Number One sent us down to let you know she is docking the ship and it should be done in about seventeen minutes. Captain Green beamed over to M-69 for a meeting with Commodore Sureth and a Captain Bjorgo."

"Tore?!" Sheyla said that with surprise combined with excitement, her eyes going to Kara who gave a nod of yes. Not that she remembered due to the sudden mention of her lover's name, but Sheyla knew that Loewen had come aboard after Bjorgo had left. "He's here?"

"Apparently so," Kara said with a casual tone, even though the corners of her mouth gave the subtle hint of a grin, which also reached her eyes, as she was glad for Sheyla.

Without being too obvious, Loewen had maneuvered himself to come in on Len's left, to get closer to her. He looked at her with a quizzical expression. "Did I miss something?"

Len shrugged. "I guess he was the old Captain. Captain Green assumed command as I was coming onboard. "

Sheyla, her face now beaming with a smile. "Apologies. I keep forgetting you two weren't here for Tore's...Captain Bjorgo's command days. An outstanding CO, and as time went on, we became an item."

"He is, by his very nature, a leader," said Kara. "Captain Green seemed as if she was trying to prove something. Tore does not do that."

"I see," said Loewen. "Sounds like another legend in the making." He gave Holbrook a subtle nudge and grin, due to her having come from the era of Kirk, and how his own crew felt the same about their CO.

Len nodded. She turned to Sheyla, "Are we free to go?"

SHeyla, her mind still filled with thoughts of Bjorgo, took a second to answer. "Yeah...yes! Yes, Len, by all means. We're done in here. I'll see to the engineers coming to Sickbay. Take a few days to relax."

"I was already given leave by Commander Billi," Loewen offered. He reached out and gave a friendly squeeze to Kara's left upper arm. "Thanks for the company on the walk down here. I'm sure Griffon is tying up his own department. You should see if he wants some help."

Kara gave a nod, said a goodbye, then turned and walked out.

Sean got Len moving away from Sheyla, who also turned her own direction back to the CMO office. "Thank you, I was getting antsy to be anywhere else." He smiled.

Len linked her arm with Sean's. "So where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." Sean said with all honesty, and just then there was an ever-so-slight shuddering through the deck plates. "Ah. Nazgul is now officially docked. Should we head for the gangway, or split off to don our civvies first?"

"We can change first and then we can meet at the gangway."

Sean gave another smile and leaned in, kissing her with slightly more linger as he gave her hand a quick, gentle squeeze. "Meet you at the gate." He brought her hand up, gave it a quick kiss, and then off he went.


Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul

Lieutenant Sean Loewen
Chief Helm Officer
USS Nazgul


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