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Post #12. The start of something special part 1

Posted on Tue Dec 28th, 2021 @ 10:11pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Character Development
Location: Sureth’s quarters


Sureth addressed the issue concerning the exploded courier. Aware of the two sole survivors he awaited to hear from Hiri their fate.

With the day’s shift over Shauna headed for Sureth’s office, she hoped he wouldn’t mind her dropping by. Arriving at the door she pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

" Enter ." Sureth replied.

Walking into Sureth’s office Shauna offered a warm smile, as well as a bottle of wine. “Forgive me for just dropping by Sir, after the last few days I figured you could probably use this.”

" I don't drink as a general rule. However pour away. Excellent job on the Bohr Number One by the way." Sureth replied.

“Thank you Sir, please feel free to call me Shauna.” She offered a smile, opening the wine she poured them both a glass popping them down on the nearby coffee table.

" Isn't there a cheer that goes along with this?" Sureth queried

“How’s about...” She picked up her glass. “To getting to know each other better.”

Raising his glass Sureth tapped Shauna's glass and then said " To getting to know you better."

Shauna sipped her wine before taking a seat on the sofa. “So tell me Sureth, how do you...feel about relationships between members of the crew?”

" We all have relationships. As Star Fleet officers we know our roles. As my Number One I have great faith in you Shauna. I also would be untruthful if I said I did not find you unattractive. But as the Commandant of this station I have my responsibility. I have not had dinner would you join me?" Sureth asked.

Shauna smiled warmly. “I would love to join you for dinner Sureth. I have to admit I find you...fascinating, and I do feel attracted to you. Though as your Second Officer I know we would have to have a professional relationship on duty. That doesn’t mean it has to be so off duty.”

" Which is why I wanted you to be the Ships XO. Let us start with dinner."

Sureth was suddenly called by Hiri and paused their conversation. Afterwards he returned to resume their conversation.

" Where were we...oh yes dinner , my quarters.

2000 hours"

Shauna grinned. “Well seeing as that’s only...Oh an hour and a quarter away, would you like me to stay and help organise? Or shall I go now and come back later?”

" Why don't you follow me to my quarters Shauna." Sureth replied surprisingly opposite of his original mood.

“I would be delighted” Shauna nodded and smiled, picking up the bottle of wine she brought it along with them.

Passing through ops and into the lift Sureth said nothing as the lift seemed extra slow. Arriving to his quarters Sureth entered and verbally ordered his lights to 10%. He then took Shaunas hand and placed his right hand onto her left temple.

" The word for stop is STOP. Do you wish to proceed?"

Shauna nodded as she looked at Sureth. “Yes, I do.”

Kissing Shauna 20.2 seconds Sureth found that amount of time equivalent to the needed time for affection.

Shauna was surprised by the sudden show of affection, but she returned his kiss nonetheless.

" I have apparently appeased your desire and you have recrocated my affection?" Sureth replied.

Shauna smiled. “You have showed me welcome affection Sureth, as long as I am not rushing you into something you are only doing to please me. I know Vulcans have certain traditions when it comes to taking a mate.”

" I have had two loves. Neither of which worked out for me alas. The first was arranged the second was love but neither of us could budge from our positions. Star Fleet is my path. I think very highly of you Comm..Shauna. I would not wish to ruin what we have. I would never entrust the Bohr to anyone besides you Number One." Sureth replied as he held tight to Shauna's right hand.

“You could not ruin what we have Sureth.” Shauna smiled as she looked at the Vulcan in front of her. “In the short time I’ve known you I have come for, and respect you. I would very much like to get to know you more...personally.”

" It is agreeable that you would say that Shauna..The natives on Savai have a yearly competition. In the interest of diplomatic diplomacy I signed both of us up to compete. We will be partner in what they call The Rage. Where better to get to know one another than freindly competition?" Sureth said surprisingly.

“The Rage?” Shauna looked at Sureth curiously. “What kind of competition is it?”

" It is described as a traditional hunt. With thanks and giving for the bountiful feast from the hunt. Teams compete to see who will get the most from the hunt. Only one draw back for us though." said Sureth.

Shauna gave Sureth an even more curious look. “Oh? What drawn-back would that be?”

" The native Furvians hunt nude. They will accommodate us to skins if we choose to wear them." Sureth replied.

Arriving at Sureth’s Quarters Shauna coughed before grinning. “Who are we to spoil their traditions.” She stepped inside Sureth’s living area before teasingly moving her fingers to her clothing. “In-fact I see no reason to be shy in-front of you Sureth.” She started undoing her clothing, it didn’t take long before she was standing in-front of him completely naked,

To say he was not aroused was an understatement as Sureth walked around her really slow.
" You are quite fit Number One. I am glad I asked you to be my rage partner." he said walking over to the replicator. But it was the cabinet underneath he went for as he produced a bottle of Saurian brandy.

" Computer play music...Journey's greatest hits."

Shauna wasn’t surprised by the lack of sexual interest from Sureth, she knew his being a Vulcan would be a challenge, but it was proving more of a challenge than expected. “So just what does a woman have to do to peak your romantic side Sureth?”

" I am understandingly curious but cautious. " Sureth said as he moved in closer to her and began touching her finger tips and ears. He then moved closer still and kissed her lips and was close enough for her to feel his excitement building up

Shauna smiled her own excitement rising. “I am not afraid Sureth, I will admit that I have feelings for you. Those feelings have only gotten stronger, I want to be yours, and I don’t just mean as your Executive Officer. I want to be the woman that stands at your side, the one who cares for you.”

" I am honored. " Sureth grabbed Shauna and kissed her again. " Let us see how we do on this hunt. You may find I am not worthy of your time." Sureth replied as he walked over to the replicator and whispered into it. The small round object materialized.

" Do you wish to retire with me into the bed room?" Sureth added. " I am old but I am very adept to the Kama sutra of earth ."

“I would like that very much indeed” Shauna nodded and smiled taking Sureth’s hand.



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