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Post # 11" Life Draining Events"

Posted on Mon Dec 27th, 2021 @ 3:20pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Character Development
Location: Sickbay SB Mercury/M-69


Isabelle had recovered in double quick time, surprising the medical staff who’d been watching over her and John. Now she sat stubbornly at Dallas’ bedside holding onto his hand, willing him to awaken. He’d come to mean a lot to her in a very short space of time, and she couldn’t wait for him to wake up so she could tell him. “Please wake up” She gently held his hand to her cheek. “I’ve lost everyone else, I can’t lose you too. Please John!” She stood and gently placed a kiss on his lips. “I love you...”

John smiled. " Did we win?"

Isabelle smiled the biggest smile yet wiping away a few tears. “Yes we won.”

A rolling cart rolled in as a small baby and mother were rushed into sickbay.

The EMH appeared at bedside. Not the normal one everyone was accustomed to but rather a lengthy Vulcan male.

" Please state the nature of the medical emergency." it said.

" Our freighters reactor exploded. My baby and I were the only survivors." said Mom whose injuries were less than favorable to survive.

Isabelle’s attention was drawn to the mother and her baby She couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to the baby if his, or her mother didn’t survive.

The EMH erected a screen and quickly went to work to save the mother joined immediately by Hiri. But a few minutes later reality revealed the sad truth.

The screen disappeared as did the EMH. Hiri carried the baby away into another room.

Isabelle watched Hiri go, She waited for her return before calling her over. “Excuse me Hiri...what’s happening with the baby?”

" A terrible accident. This little girl is the sole survivor of the explosion. I will take her to the NICU and see where we go from there." Hiri replied.

Isabelle looked towards Dallas before looking back at Hiri. “I’d like to help if I can, without my son my body has plenty of milk going spare. I’ll feed her. Do we know if she has any family out there?”

" That ships core exploded. All hands died. I will attend the child. When you are stronger you can help." Hiri replied.

Isabelle moved to stand up before regretting it as she had to sit down again. “Would you please ask my father to come down to Sickbay?”

Hiri nodded as she exited.

Ironically the Vulcan EMH came over to Isabella.

" Your friend is asleep. Are you in need of assistance Counselor?"

“Thank you, not medical help” She offered a polite smile. “I need to speak to my father.”

The EMH blinked and immediately the full image in hologram of Sureth appeared.

" Isabella what's wrong? Why are you in sickbay?" Sureth asked.

“Father...weren’t you informed?” She was surprised Sureth hadn’t been appraised of the situation. “It was Jyeth, he escaped. He was going to kill us and escape, I...had to kill him.” She sighed.

" No I was dealing with a freighter issue. Only two survivors." Sureth replied.

“Make that one now, we lost the mother.” Isabelle paused. “Father I...would like to provide the baby with a home. If no more family are found for her I’ll look after her.”

" I am glad that you feel for the child but you can not replace your child with another Isabella."

“I...” Isabelle paused. “I know father, but where else will she go? Who will take care of her?”

" We can discuss this when you get released." Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Okay father. For what it’s worth I’m not trying to replace my son, I just...feel for her, that’s all.” She turned her attention back to Dallas, holding onto his hand.

John woke up, his eyes as slits. " Isabella...I love you."

Isabelle’s face lit up. “I love you too.” She kissed his fingers as she held onto his hand.

Hiri returned with a purr. "I am releasing you Isabella. Dallas will have to stay over night. As for baby X...I want to lactate you and give it some milk. Are you okay with that?"

Isabelle nodded. “I’m already producing milk, I’m happy to help with the baby.”

" Then let's go feed a baby " Hiri purred.

Isabelle looked to John. “Will you be alright? I’ll come back as soon as I can I promise.” She gently leant over to kiss him lovingly on the lips.

John was asleep due to the draining of his exhaustion but he seemed to almost smile at the kiss. Hiri led Isabella to the small NICU baby area and placed the child onto her teet for suckling. The baby latched on to Isabella and totally became with its new mom.



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