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Post # 13 "The start of something special part 2"

Posted on Fri Dec 31st, 2021 @ 4:57pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Character Development
Location: Sureth’s quarters
Timeline: Concurrent


The night had been a very enjoyable one, Sureth had proven just how much stamina Vulcan males had when it came to love making, leaving Shauna well and truly pleasured. They had also formed a bond, one that had left Shauna feeling almost hungover as she awoke. She offered a smile as she kissed him gently on the lips, “Good Morning”

" Indeed. If you experience pressure in your temples Dr Hiri can administer lexorin. The mind meld between Vulcan and humans can be off setting. Today is a very busy day on the station." Sureth said.

“That it is” Shauna nodded. “I take it that we are...bonded?” She looked at Sureth curiously. “I’m not a telepath but I do feel you..” She tapped her head. “In here, I’ll admit it’s...strange, but I wouldn’t change anything.” She slipped out from under the sheet. “How’s about some breakfast?”

" I greatly enjoyed last evening but I am not ready to ...settle down Shauna. I am very fond of you and look forward to seeing where this might go but I can not say we are bonded..." Sureth responded.

Shauna nodded. “Of course, I can’t expect you to want to settle down with someone you’ve only just met” She offered a smile albeit a little uncertain where things stood between them. “I’ll get breakfast.” She put on his bathrobe and headed out of the bedroom.

Meanwhile Isabelle was enroute to her father’s quarters, she had breakfast with him most mornings. Arriving at the door she let herself in, as she always did, surprised to find Shauna wearing her father’s bathrobe. Comm...Shauna! I err...I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

Shauna was surprised but she offered a smile. “Not at all Isabelle, I wasn’t aware you were coming or I’d have dressed already. I take it you’re here for breakfast? I’ll be right back to help, I’ll just go and put some clothes on.” She offered a smile and returned to the bedroom. “Isabelle is here Sureth.”

Sureth was not dressed and had not planned to until after breakfast. Most of his attire was uniform but there was the teaditional Vulcan robe he used on occasion. Sliding it on he joined Isabella.

" Greetings Daughter you are up early.?"

“Greetings father” Isabelle nodded. “I was up early for the baby’s feed so I thought I’d drop by, I’m sorry if I interrupted your time with Shauna.” She offered a smile. “Am I to take it that you consider her to be...special?”

" She is. I am just cautious given my two other marriages. You said the baby's feeding I take it you have chosen to help nurse the child?" Sureth replied and asked.

“I know you’re cautious father” Isabelle smiled. “But explain that to her, I sense some...confusion from Shauna. As for the baby, Hiri asked me to help with feeding her, my body is producing due to giving birth so it’s a means to an end. I know you don’t want me getting too involved.”

“Excuse me for butting in to your family conversation, but the way I see it the baby has no one else. She will simply end up in the care of Federation social services.” Shauna looked at Sureth. “I understand your caution where Isabelle is concerned Sureth, but I also think this would be good for your daughter. It will help her heal.”

" I do not wish to discuss this issue at this time. Do what you feel you should do . The child comes from a humanoid like race called the Draail. The Draailians are nomadic gypsey like beings known for their blood oaths. They settled near here and were bringing supplies to Savai when their ship got too close to the quasar." Sureth addressed Isabella. " I will be away for several days down to the surface should you need me."

Isabelle nodded. “Okay father.” She offered a brief smile and a nod.

“Perhaps I should leave the two of you to talk” Shauna offered a smile. “This is something you do as a family, I’m just a visitor.” She nodded to Sureth. “I’ll see you later Sir.” With that she left them to the breakfast she’d left laid out on the table.

Isabelle looked towards her father. “I get the feeling I interrupted at an awkward time.”

" It was not you but myself that interrupted something. I have been alone so long I do not know how to be more than I am, a Captain. After your mother and I ended things I thought I would never see you again as I never see my other children. When you reached out to me and then joined me here I felt, complete. Now she offers me affection and in typical fashion I have distanced myself. Sabotaged the relationship and quite possibly will lose a wonderful ships First Officer." Sureth surmised.

“I don’t think so father” Isabelle smiled. “Shauna likes you, more than a little. I think she needs to be shown the true you, the one that hides beneath that typical Vulcan exterior. The one that used to cuddle me when I was little, sing me songs, and tell me that he loved me when he knew I needed to hear it. Just because you’re a Vulcan it doesn’t mean that you can’t show love to a woman who so obviously wants to be close to you. Don’t miss out this time father, she’s right there don’t let her slip through your fingers.”

Sureth hugged Isabella, the first of his emotional response and then quickly showed. Once dressed he did consume the breakfast she made and then proceeded out the door carrying with him a small box.

He wasn't sure Shauna was in her quarters but he stopped there first. Pressing her chime he awaited a response.

Shauna had stopped off at her quarters to freshen up, and grab a fresh uniform as well as get herself some breakfast. She was just eating some toast when the chime rang, answering the door she was surprised to see Sureth. “Sureth, please come in” she stepped back to allow him to enter.

" I hope I am not disturbing you. I wish to apologize for my lack of logic. Where you are concerned my logic is incomplete. In order for me to keep you in my life I realize I have to go beyond logic and allow myself to feel something rather than control it. " Sureth began.

Shauna stood uncertain exactly what to say, her smile said just what she was feeling nonetheless. “I don’t expect you to fall in love with me after one night together Sureth, I took longer than I should have to confess my feelings for you.”

" I hope you will give me another date sometime? But I still need you as my partner for the Rage? Unless this is too awkward for us?" Sureth replied.

“I would love another date with you Sureth” Shauna smiled. “And I would very much still like to be your partner for the Rage.”

" Good because I don't think Commander Taavis and I would win." Sureth joked.



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