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Post 001 " Fish in a Barrel "

Posted on Wed Jan 5th, 2022 @ 9:34pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan
Edited on on Fri Sep 2nd, 2022 @ 4:09pm

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Sagitarrius system Sector A 16
Timeline: Stardate 77120.25


The Draailians are nomadic gypseys but Captain Sureth had made contact with them early on and signed a contract to have them deliver supplies for the station and the planet Savai.

Despite their repoir the Draail were punctual but on this day one of their ships was not. Captain Sureth took the center of the floor and looked on the screen.

" How long has the Draail vessel been missing?" Sureth asked the leader of their troop Huvail.

" The Kijan is never late. Something is wrong."

" Mr Dallas do you have anything on sensors?" Sureth asked?

" Nothing as yet Captain. There has been dramatic flare activity of late. I will switch to long range sensors. " replied Dallas

Isabelle stepped into Ops having finally been cleared to return to duty full time, She still had the young baby they’d saved to care for, whom she’d named Hope. “Something wrong Sir?” She looked at her father curiously.

" Yes a second Draail vessel is missing. Isabella do you sense anything?" Sureth said considering her Betazed empathy.

Isabelle paused to get a sense of the immediate surrounding area. “Not right now, but I’d need to be closer to the area where they disappeared for a better sense. Right now I’m getting everyone on, and surrounding the station. It’s a big jumble!”

"Number One you take the Bohr to the last know location of the Kijan. Isabella go with and see if you sense anyone alive. " Sureth then ordered.

Isabelle nodded. “Yes Sir” She looked towards Shauna, offering the 2XO and her father’s love interest a smile.

Shauna moved to join Isabelle “We’ll report in once we get there Captain” She didn’t need to reassure Sureth that Isabelle would be alright, he already knew his daughter would be safe with Shauna. She tapped her comm badge. =/\= Bohr crew report to the ship. =/\=

Nora followed the order given by the XO over comm and got on board The Bohr. She joined her staff in main engineering.

Sureth turned to the Draail visitor and motioned him into the Captain's ready room.

< Bohr >

Lt Bob Covenant rallied the crew as the order to launch was sounded. " Attention all crew yellow. Alert all hands to duty stations." Bob ordered over the internal coms.

Nora and crewmates did a routine lvl3 check on all important systems when the yellow alert sounded and the order came over the comm =/\=„all hands to duty stations“ =/\= her gut was telling her to man the station on the bridged rather than staying in Engineering so she left engineering.

Moments later she entered the bridge and went to her station. All System check came out clear.

Arriving on the bridge Shauna took the centre seat. “Are we ready to go Lieutenant?”

" All systems nominal Commander. I read the report. This is shipment number 2 ain't it?" Bob asked.

Shauna nodded. “It is indeed. We’ve been ordered to try and locate the missing ship. Take us out Lieutenant, let’s find what we’ve been ordered to look for.”

" Clearing all mooring ahead one quarter impulse helm," Bob ordered.

The USS Bohr once again pulled away from the station and ventured off to find a lost cruiser.

Following the last known coordinates the Bohr would arrive in two hours

Bob Covenant looked to the engineer on duty Ltjg Nora Ejo for report.
" How are the engines performing Lieutenant?"

“The engines are performing well so far Lieutenant“ Nora replied “I didn’t find any system glitches.”

Bob nodded and gave a thumbs up as he had hoped for such.

Shauna offered a smile. “Excellent Lieutenant, I’d hate to need full power and not have it. Let’s cross our fingers this mission is an easy one.”

As the Bohr continued on a glimpse of a clue appeared as sensors detected the Draail vessel one parsec from the base.

" Commander it is definately Draail but they are not answering our hails." Bob reported. " The have taken weapons fire from the marks on their hull. Life support is minimal."

“Lifesigns?” Shauna looked towards Isabelle rather than Ops.

Isabelle nodded. “There’s life onboard but what I’m sensing is very weak.”

Shauna nodded and looked towards Bob. “Lieutenant take an away team, Counsellor go with them.”

Bob nodded and went to the lift awaiting Isabella. Also on the team would be Dr Ito.

Heading off bridge Isabelle joined Bob in the turbolift. “I don’t know how many we’ll find alive over there, I didn’t sense that big a compliment.”

" Me either. This is the second ship to meet a bad demise in this sector. Someone or thing is targeting the Draail." Bob replied.
Arriving at the transporter room Dr Ito had joined them and immediatly innoculated them with hyronilin due to the radiation detected on the ship.




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