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NAZGUL: #1 Light Work, Friendly Conversation

Posted on Sat Oct 26th, 2024 @ 8:46pm by Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current

OOC: I am beginning a new posting line for the NAZGUL missions, starting at 1. For some reason the site will not let me create a new mission. So, I improvise, overcome, and adapt, lol.


Ainkara made her way through the corridors of the USS Nazgul. As she walked along she would glance up so as not to run into anything or anyone even as she tapped away on a palm PADD. She had stopped by her office and donned an equipment belt with a holder for a tricorder, which she now wore on her left hip, intending to use the device for menial tasks involving any upgrades to data or machinery aboard the ship. Arriving at her intended destination, Kara entered the Security department on Deck 2, directly below the Bridge. Upon entering she could see the three large holding cells for immediate use should anyone need to be contained quickly, and the Security duty station that sat a few meters back from the cells and faced them. She saw Lieutenant Griffon Resch sitting in the center chair, the station built to hold three chairs facing three personnel posts all in one console. The two outer seats had their screens angled slightly to bring them in on each side, like a protective wall from those on the other side.

Resch, hearing the entry door to Security open behind him, looked back over his shoulder, seeing Ainkara. He was in here alone, his people having been given leave by him while he went through all the Security reports he had yet to catch up on. "Hello, Kara." He looked at the chair to his left and swung it around for her to sit. Subconsciously he had turned it towards himself, making it so that she would have to get in close to him to angle her butt to sit down. "Please, have a seat."

Kara considered the invitation as she walked forward, and once near to the chair designated, decided to accept the invite. She turned sideways, her butt towards the chair, her front towards Resch, as she sidestepped to her destination. Once in line with the target she sat down casually and adjusted herself to be upright, spinning to face the console better. "Thank you for the invitation. I do not mean to disturb you, Griffon." They had become friends on a first name basis some time ago, but neither of them had really spent much time around each other.

"You're not, Kara." Resch answered honestly. "Just getting caught up on some reports. Listen," he said, raising a hand up with a casual finger motioning to the ceiling. "You hear that?"

Her face contorting somewhat, Kara angled her head as one would when listening for something. She heard nothing of interest beyond the ventilation system working and the occasional slight bleeps from the console stations. "I do not hear anything."

"Exactly," Griffon said with a smile. "It's quiet. This room normally has three to five people in it at any given time, all of them talking and carrying on as they should while on duty. My office is normally my refuge from it all. But, there are times I like to just sit out here, in the larger compartment and do my work. I find it relaxing."

"Yet you say I am not bothering you," Kara responded, a bit confused. "If it is solitude you seek for relaxation then my presence will nullify that."

Resch could not help himself and lightly laughed. "Ohh, you're too much, at times, Kara. I am not laughing at you but with you. Please, don't be offended or take it the wrong way."

Kara's confusion grew a little more and she exhibited the very Vulcan eyebrow arch. "So, I am to understand that you are not laughing AT me, even though it was my statement that caused your outburst. Also, since I am not laughing and you are, how is that laughing WITH me when you are the only one doing so?"

Griffon gave another bout of light laughter, realizing that for her as a Voran, humor was a difficult concept. He could not blame her since she had told him a few short stories about how she was treated by the Iconians. Laughter was not a part of their culture. Duty and obedience were all that mattered to them. Being social was not allowed for pleasure, but only for unit cohesion. "There are nuances to humor, Kara. Humor is subjective to those involved in it. Like you and I, now. I found what you said humorous because of the innocence with which you..." Resch noted that her eyes were full of mirth, her countenance showing the same with a bit of cynicism behind it, and the corners of her mouth in an ever-so-slight grin. He realized she was mucking about and shook his head at being so easily duped. "Are you mucking with me?"

"What would make you say that?" Kara queried, her grin growing a bit more even as her eyes showed that she very much enjoyed messing with him.

"Oh, nothing, smartass."

"What would a Human normally say to that? Oh...yes. Better a smart ass than a dumb ass?" The grin became a beautiful smile. "I may still be short on social interactions most days, but you always just let me be myself. I appreciate that," said Kara.

"I think I'm creating a monster," Resch said with a chuckle. "You have definitely picked up on my cynical, sarcastic, and teasing traits. Well done, I must say."

"You're a good teacher without even having to try," Kara admitted. "Also, I've been reading and learning, not to mention watching and listening to others all over the ship. When a certain interaction confuses me I go and research what was said with what I perceived. After some consideration I start to see where they were coming from and learn from it."

Griffon gave her a smile. "Nice. Well, then. If you do have questions don't hesitate to ask. I'd be glad to take part in your journey of discovery."

Kara smiled back, a bit of a flush coming to her cheeks as she realized she had subconsciously rolled her chair closer to his, and in doing so, brought her face that much closer to his. She remained where she was, not wanting to alert him to her self discovery in wanting to be closer to him. She was still a woman who had never felt the warmth of a man in any way and it made her anxious that she knew not how to proceed with such thoughts and desires. As a scientist she had researched the sexual habits of quite a few species, finding Humans to be the most diverse of them all. Especially considering their past with gender dysphoria. Same sex relations she could see as just another means to finding love, which in itself was a concept she did not fully understand. Klingons, however, tended to like violence mixed with lust, and to be honest, some of what she had read sounded...interesting. Within the few moments all these thoughts entered her mind, Kara pushed them away as best she could. The closer she got to him the more her body seemed to respond. A warmth in her torso, the aromas that came from him due to pheromones and the soaps he used to clean himself, not to mention his unique body odors. Certain parts of her body even put forth a slight tingling and made her want to squirm, so she called on her mental discipline and shut it down quickly.

"Thank you," said Kara, getting her mind away from the physical aspects of being close. "I'm sure I'll have questions I can bring to you. They will remain private, correct?"

"Absolutely," Resch responded. "What happens between us stays between us. I take it you will do the same?"

"Of course, Griffon. Who would I tell?" Asked Kara.

Resch gave a crooked smile. "I take it you have not become familiar with the concept of girl talk?"

"Girl talk? No, not that I am aware of." Said Kara.

"Tell you what," said Griff. "You and Billi seem to be close as girlfriends. She is an Orion, and if you haven't studied them, I suggest you do so. If anyone can get you up to speed on girl talk, it's Billi." He chuckled as he considered something else. "She can also aid you in understanding a whole lot of things when it comes to interpersonal interactions of all...types."

Kara came to realize that the last part of his statement was concerning the subject of sex. She had already researched the Orion species. Sure, sex was a big part of their culture, but not for the reasons most people thought. It was the means to an end for duping idiot males into buying an Orion 'slave' girl and taking them into their lives. The pheromones of the Orion female would then begin to affect the males who were susceptible to them, making them putty in the hands of the slave girl. In time, great amounts of wealth and technology would find their way back to the 'slave' girl's clan. Once the target was no longer useful then the slave girl would normally kill them and escape, or leave them as a pile of steaming hormones and just walk out once they had been milked of all they had to offer. Prolonged exposure to the pheromones did tend to permanently damage the psyche of said males. And, unknown to most around the galaxy, it was the female Orions who ran the clans, not the men. The men were merely playing a role for their female masters and, in turn, acquired great wealth and prestige for their loyalty.

"I'll consider it," said Kara. Wanting to switch the subject back to day-to-day, she got him on another track. "Do you need to recalibrate the forcefields on the cells? I would like to assist."

"We can do that," said Griff, glad she had changed the subject. He got to his feet, with her doing so next to him, facing his left side. She moved passed him, sidestepping, but did rub up against him slightly while doing so. "I'll grab a tricorder and a tool kit and we'll get started."

"You do that," said Kara, having liked the tactile sensation of touching him as she had passed, even if it was rather light. She went around the console and went to the first cell, waiting for him to come back. When he did so, opening the tool kit on the deck, they both grabbed what they needed and got to work on calibrating his workplace.



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