NAZGUL #5: A Day In the Life
Posted on Tue Oct 29th, 2024 @ 9:55pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current
Loewen and Holbrook had ended up in Sean's quarters after a long evening aboard the base. After that they came back to his quarters, dressing down into skivvies and bath robes while they drank hot cider and continued to laugh and talk further into the night. Both had been so taxed by such a good, relaxing time, that they had a make out session as they lay down, but again, did not cross the line into physical intimacy. In she shower with the water as hot as he could stand it, allowing for the steam to end up like London fog, Sean grinned to himself as he scrubbed himself from head to foot with a copious amount of lather. When he had got up Len was still sleeping so he had let her be, wanting to do the weekly full body scrub in a lingering hot water shower instead of the quick wash and off to work. Finishing bathing it was then hygiene, hair care, and getting dressed, and Loewen chose to go with his uniform. He had some things he wanted to check on and felt that it would be better to be uniform and considered on duty.
Stepping from the bathroom, the steam already cleared by the blowers/vents, Sean went to the replicator and ordered bangers and mash for breakfast, along with a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk. Sitting at his small dining table he grabbed his duty PADD and began to read the daily happenings of last night after he had left the ship for his brilliant date with the gal he had fallen for. It did surprise him, his own restraint, and the lack of sex in that regard. Normally, he would dive right in, looking to make his conquest of another night of pleasure. But, even in those times, that was the point. Here, now, with Len, that was not the case. The wait would make that first time outstanding, he had no doubts. As the saying went, the best comes to those who have the patience to wait. So, as he thought on that and read reports, he continued to nibble at his bacon and eggs.
Len woke up slowly, sitting up and stretching her arms. She got out of bed and put on her dress. She walked into the dining area and saw him sitting down with a PADD and some breakfast in front of him. She smiled at him, "Good morning."
Hearing the shuffling of movement, Sean had been prepared for her to come out of the sleeping section. As she gave her greeting he dropped the PADD down and looked at her with a smile. "Good morning. Apologies for starting without you but I'll be doing a bit of duty work this morning before we decide on anything else."
"It's alright." She comes over and sat down next to him. She put some bacon and eggs on an empty plate. She started to eat and asked. "So what do you want to do today?"
Having got lost in a recurring feeling this morning, his mind dwelling on it momentarily, Loewen lifted his chin again to look at her. "Hmm? Oh yes. I haven't given it much thought." He wagged the PADD slightly in his hand. "Had my mind on other things." He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss between her bites. He had often been accused of being a workaholic in the past. Sometimes it proved to be true. Today seemed to be one of those days.
"So what is on your mind, you can tell me." She said.
Not wanting to ignore Len's query, but not sure how to answer it, Loewen set the PADD aside on the table with a tad more oomph than necessary. Sighing, Sean leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face and eyes, finger combed his hair back, and then locked his fingers behind his head as he looked her way. His body language definitely denoted that he was anxious about something. "Honestly, I wish I knew." His hands released from the back of his head as he brought them down to rest on his thighs. "I...I have a bad feeling. Something I can't shake. But, try as I might I can't put my finger on what it is. It's...elusive." Sean looked into her eyes, his own countenance showing he was being as honest as he could be without actually knowing what he was trying to be honest about.
Len set her utensils down and turned towards him. She nodded slowly. "It is good to not ignore your instincts, even if you do not know why they are present. It is usually what keeps us alive." She said as she absently rubbed her left shoulder, where there is still a scar from when she was shot by a disruptor.
"At least it seems far away," Sean said. "Not like right here, at 69 but, out there." His arm did a wide arc to motion at the bulkhead and open space beyond it. "Anyway..." Just as he went to say something else his door chime sounded which caused Loewen to give Len a quizzical look. It was till fairly early and most of the crew were on leave. "Wonder who this could be." He sat up straight and then called out. "Come in."
When prompted, Sheyla stepped inside and stopped just within, the doors sliding closed behind her as she stood there in uniform of the day. "Apologies for disturbing you two at breakfast." She said with grace and respect.
"No need to apologize, Sheyla. Please, come in." Sean motioned to one of the other two chairs at the table, giving Len a quick side glance in curiosity over what this could be about.
Doctor Sheyla came forth and sat down across from them, placing her duty PADD face up on the table. "Thank you."
"Would you like some breakfast?" Len asked while motioning towards the food.
Sheyla smiled. "By the Divines, no thank you. Tore cooked up quite a feast for the two of us this morning. The way he likes to cook I know I'll never be hungry." She giggled lightly.
"I haven't touched it yet. Orange juice?" Loewen offered his glass of juice since he had been sipping from his milk.
"Sure." Sheyla took it and placed the glass in front of her to her left.
Loewen waited until she was done placing the glass, seeing that the Andorian woman was a bit distracted, like he was moments ago. "We're waiting, Sheyla. What gives?"
"Right," said Sheyla, looking at them both. "It's a bit difficult to bring up. How to say it, I mean, without mixed emotions. It's mainly for you, Len, this talk."
Len nodded and gave a small smile to the other woman. "You can state it bluntly if you need to."
Sheyla gave her a friendly smile, her eyes squinting in mirth as one would do with a friend. "Thanks, sister. I'll do so. It's just that it is a matter that will affect me personally, and a favor will be asked of you after, depending on where we land with it. So, here we go." She took in a breath and let it out, then began to speak. "I am here to ask you, Doctor Holbrook, if you would be interested in becoming the Chief Medical Officer of the USS Nazgul?"
Loewen's eyes widened a bit, his face showing his surprise. He said nothing so as not to break into what Len may be thinking. Of course, he had questions of his own that could wait.
Len's eyes widened for a moment as she was thinking. After a moment she nodded. "If you have confidence in my ability to do the job then I will accept it."
Sheyla's face became more serious even as she still held to a grin here and there. "I do. You have proven yourself, first, by coming here from an alternate timeline in an alternate reality. It took time for you to play catch up but you did it in record time. You work hard, you're focused, and you have proven you can handle pressure after our last battle. I still have to run this by the Captain, due to my interest elsewhere aboard, but you're the perfect choice to succeed me." Now she gave a smile.
Len smiled, "what is the favor that you would ask of me?"
~Attentive and intelligent~ Sheyla thought to herself ~The perfect choice~
Finally wetting her palate with a drink of juice, Sheyla set the glass aside as she answered. "I'll always be an MD. The accolade will forever be a part of me because I love medicine. So, I just ask that I still be able to work from time to time in Sickbay, do medical research in the labs, all that. We're science officers as much as we are doctors."
"Of course you will be able to work and research in Sickbay as much as you want. There are a few research labs, one of them could be set aside for your work." She said.
"I would appreciate that," Sheyla responded. "I don't need it assigned to me but it's nice to know the option is there. Kara and I like to fiddle with things." Another smile at that. "So, with you accepting I need to go find the Captain and present my ideas to him. Mine, which will lead to yours. Before Starfleet I was Sovereign Guard, the defense forces for Andor. I have some skills I'd like to use again."
"I was going to ask where this sudden change was coming from," said Sean. "Now I know. Best of luck with the Captain."
"Please let me know what the Captain decides." Len asked.
Sheyla scooped up her PADD and stood up, taking another look at the barely touched juice and decided against it. "Again, sorry for doing this so early but it gives more time to schmooze the boss. See you later." She turned and left with an extra pep in her step.
"That woman is a paragon of bundled energy," said Sean with a chuckle. "Somehow, her exuberance burned through my melancholy from earlier." He gave Len a kiss. "I'm happy for you."
"Thank you, that was unexpected." She said before returning the kiss. "That means moving into bigger quarters."
"It does," said Loewen. "You'll get Sheyla's and she'll have to move. CMO needs to be close to Sickbay. I don't know where she wants to end up but I'm sure it won't be near medical." He gave a saucy smile. "Co-habitation is always a consideration, too. Once we're comfy with the idea."
"That would be something to consider." She smiled. "So what should we do for the rest of the day?"
Loewen stood up and began to clean up the dishes and dump them into the refuse chute. "I was going to head to our shuttlebays for a couple of hours, do an inventory and see what we may need that the ship can't replicate itself for our small craft. After that I'm open to suggestions." He gave her a grin.
"I am going to check the inventory in Sickbay. After that I was thinking about going for a workout."
"Sounds like a plan. Here, or on base? They have a few Olympic-sized pools if you fancy a dip. If not, we can holodeck it over here." Finishing pick up, he wiped everything down as he was speaking, tossing the towel into the chute. "I'll come to Sickbay when I get done. Shouldn't take too long." She got another kiss. Sean was really beginning to fancy having a woman in his life and not just some hookup.
"Swimming sounds good, getting a full body workout." She said as she stood up. "I should go change." She said before giving him another kiss.
"I'll walk with you and then break off for the bays." Sean got them moving, walking along and making conversation as they went.
Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul
Lieutenant Sean Loewen
Chief Helm/Flight Control Officer
USS Nazgul