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Post 003 " A Lucky Day "

Posted on Sat Jan 8th, 2022 @ 3:31pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Draailian Vessel
Timeline: Concurrent to Post 001


< Draailian Vessel >

Four beamed over to the tug class cruiser as Tactical Officer John Dallas was able to get Lt Commander Callaghan to let him come as security.

Beamed over to the cargo hold as it was less radiation dense all could feel the low gravity and lower oxygen as they materialized.

" The hyronilin will help but we have to get back to the ship as soon as possible Lieutenant ," Ito warned.

" Counselor do you feel anything?" Bob asked Isabella.

Isabelle nodded. “There’s life here...” She paused feeling the effects of the lower oxygen. “It’s...this way.” She moved on in-front leading the way.

Dallas jumped ahead then Isabella followed by Covenant and lastly Ito. Going from the cargo bay toward the engine room the path led them past the now dead reactor into the corridor leading to the bridge.

" Tricorder readings detect 6 average size life forms beyond this door. " Dr Ito reported.

" The door is double bolted shut. Not even phasers will breach this armor." Dallas reported.

“Can we get comms into there?” Isabelle looked at Dallas. “If there’s anyone conscious they may be able to unlock the door themselves.”

Dallas and Bob looked at one another and then back to Isabella.

" This is a type of metal that isn't in our data banks. They probably shield the bridge from radio activity. Maybe they have a com system on one of these walls." Bob considered.

" It's over here ...I think ," said Dallas pointing to a bix on the wall left of the door. " No power to it though."

" Yeah direct wired too." Covenant added.

" The air is getting bleak in here. We need to hurry," Dr Ito urged.

But then Dallas spied the obvious as a large vent big enough for a small person seemed to lead to the other side of that wall.

" Isabella? Are you up for a crawl?" Dallas asked her.

But before she could react Dallas looked and saw something moving in the vent. It was a small boy from the other side. The boy was scared but just looked up at them through the metal vent.

Isabelle gasped when she saw the child. “’s okay, you don’t need to be afraid of us. We’re here to help all of you, but we can’t open the door.”

" I can open the door!” the little man replied. He rushed back and it wasn't long the door opened and five adults and the little boy were on the bridge.

" We're in” Covenant stated as he walked through and started checked out the ships systems.

" Is anyone ill? I am a healer...a Doctor," Ito told them.

The little boy walked up to Isabella. " Are you an angel come to save us?"

Isabelle smiled as she crouched down to the boy’s height. “I’m no angel sweetheart, but we are here to save you. Our ship is alongside yours, we’ll take you to safety. name is Isabelle.”

" My name is...." the boy started to say but one of the female adults grabbed him and covered his mouth.

" Thank you for saving us." she answered for him.

" The shielding up here is too thick for the transporter to lock on. We’ll have to walk back to that cargo area where we beamed in. " Bob Covenant interjected.

Walking back the boy said nothing as the lady held his hand but he did keep looking back at Isabella and smiling.

Dallas led them back and positioned the transporter pattern inducers around them that he carried to allow the Bohr a better signal. As they beamed back it was clear a large section of cargo containers were missing.

< Bohr >

Back on the ship Ito led the group to sickbay for decontamination and then found them rooms for the ride back. Ironically all wanted the same room so they could all stay together.

The little boy ran from the woman and grabbed Isabellas left hand hugging it. " Call me Lucky"

“Lucky! It’s a good name” Isabelle grinned. “You were certainly a lucky charm for your people today.”

" I will call you Angel. Because you saved us from death. Our people never tell our family name to out worlders. " said Lucky.

“That’s probably a good idea” Isabelle nodded. “Angel...I like angel.” She grinned. “So tell me lucky do you know who attacked your ship, or why?”

Lucky paused and then took out a piece of chalk and drew on the side hall panel a picture of three tall beings with long tails. "I call them the Ookies...because they are ookie and hiss." said Lucky

Isabelle looked towards Dallas. “John, come and take a look at this.” She motioned to the drawing. It’s those who attacked the ship.” She smiled at Lucky, “That’s fantastic Lucky, it’ll help us identify them.”

John look but sighed as he saw the crude drawing of biopedal lizard people. No doubt the boy saw something but upright lizards seemed odd.

“We’ll take a picture of this, whoever these people are we haven’t had any contact with them..yet.” She smiled at Lucky. “Let’s find you and your people some quarters, we have food dispensers that can give you anything you’d like. If it’s not in there then we can program it.”

Bob looked at the drawing and made for the bridge to consult the xenology charts. If that description was in there then they would know the species in a few minutes.

" Counselor I will take the survivors to the sickbay as there are some nutrition issues to discuss. Have you told them about the surviving baby from the first vessel?" Ito asked Isabella out loud.

Two females listened in at the mention of a baby. "Where is this baby?" one of the women asked.

“Oh she’s in Sickbay being cared for. We couldn’t save her mother, I’ve been taking care of her.” Isabelle offered a brief smile. “We didn’t know her name so I called her Hope.”

" Hope will be a good name." smiled one of the ladies. The other looked at her and then Isabella before speaking aloud. " Are you claiming bounty rights on the baby? "

“Bounty rights? Oh you mean what we call custody?” She looked towards Dallas before looking back at the women. “If she doesn’t have family I’ll willingly give Hope a home.”

" I will give you two quat lubes for the child " replied the woman. " It is a roving tribes baby. You will not know how to tame it."

“Tame it?” Isabelle looked horrified. “She’s just a baby, and she’s not for sale. I’ll raise her.”

Dallas stepped over and interrupted. "You all have to be hungry. Let us take you to the mess hall for some food."

Ito looked to Isabella. "Their values are not exactly that of the Federation."

“Most definitely not!” Isabelle frowned before she smiled at Lucky as he was directed along with the others to the mess hall. “Now we just have to find out who these creatures are that attacked their ship.”

Ito smiled and moved to begin the physicals. Lucky sat on one of the beds and smiled at Isabella but the two ladies and three men stared at Isabella with grimaces.

“Once you’re all done please follow Warrant Officer Dallas” Isabelle smiled back at Lucky. “He’ll show you to the mess hall where you can get something to eat.”



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