NAZGUL #15: A Penni In Thoughts
Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 @ 8:30pm by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current
Captain Bjorgo sat at his desk in the Ready Room, having called Billi, Resch, Kara, and Sheyla to join him. Earlier, before he had sent them the messages, he had received a text from Captain Green in regards to what they had discussed so, tonight that would be taken care of. As for now, the discussion about Penni needed to be seen to.
Standing up and going to his personal coffee maker, Tore made himself an espresso in a thermomug. Not that he needed caffeine by any means, but it was for the flavor. Something to casually sip as he listened to his officers, to play it cool. Once that was done he went to his seat at the head of the conference table and sat down again, a PADD carried with him. Getting comfortable he began to go over departmental reports, seeing that the USS Nazgul was back to all green after system diagnostics. Setting the PADD down on the table and leaning back he waited patiently.
The first to arrive was Billi, carrying her own thermomug filled with a steaming beverage. "Good morning, Tore," she said as she went around him and took her chair to his right. He returned the greeting even as the door opened and in came Sheyla.
The Andorian woman came in and had no beverage. Sheyla sat in the chair to the Captain's left, and like Billi, carried a PADD. Greetings were exchanged.
The third member of this meeting entered. Griffon Resch was casual in his steps, but for him casual was squared shoulders and purposeful steps. Giving his own greetings and receiving them back, he sat down and placed his PADD on the table.
The last to arrive was Ainkara. She came in and offered the greetings the others had, getting them in return, before she sat at the far end of the table. Kara chose to sit facing the Captain directly, knowing this meeting was more about her and Penni than it was about the others. She too had a PADD and placed it on the table, within easy reach and readable from her sitting up position.
"Alright," said Tore, himself sitting up and forward to show he was now committed to this meeting. "We're here to discuss Penni. And, along with her, we are going to have a conversation about where she was found. My Captain's logs have included all that for Starfleet, and I'm sure that Captain Green has seen them since all my logs go through her first." He glanced around the table. "Where do we begin?"
Resch cleared his throat politely and sat forward with arms on the table. "Captain, I have a few concerns in regards to Penni. Some may just be my personal observations due to my position aboard, but they need to be said." Bjorgo gave him a nod and told him to go ahead. "Penni is very child-like in her mannerisms. I've witnessed it first hand as I gave her a guided tour of all non-classified areas of the ship the other night. She is extremely unique in that her head and face are a synthetic material made to appear to be actual flesh. The slightest muscle twitch, a dimpling of certain areas, all very organic in nature."
Billi listened intently, her eyes narrowing at certain points as Griffon was speaking. "So, your concerns are based on her appearance?"
Griffon showed the posture of thinking about that question before he answered. "Yes, and no, Commander. What I'm getting at is that with her being so well designed as to appear to be just another sentient being, also gives her a disadvantage when being observed by others."
This time Sheyla spoke up, her antenna weaving about to show her interest in the topic. "Disadvantage? How so?"
"Body language, Sheyla." Resch answered. "Not overt body language, but certain tells. As we took our walk I began to study her facial expressions, how she looked when certain topics came up, how she responded to stimuli, all that." As a Security officer it was common practice for them to be trained in body language and how to read the eyes and faces of those they were speaking with. Not all Security officers were very proficient at it, but some were quite perceptive to it simply due to their life lessons and possible hobbies they took part in. Playing cards such as Poker, aided in that ability greatly. "Penni's eyes set a certain way with certain topics, and try as she might to not show it, I can read her eyes and the set of her face far better now."
Kara had been sitting quietly and listening. She had to admit to herself that the things being said were true, and that Penni did seem to not want to open up a whole lot about herself. As if there were things the girl-bot preferred to keep behind a veil of innocence. "Mister Resch has a point, Captain." All eyes looked her way since she was the one housing the android. "Penni does not like to open up about her past, claiming that there is much she does not know about herself since her creator wanted it that way."
Bjorgo, while looking at his Science Chief, moved his chair closer to the table so he could lean back and still be in the conversation, crossing his legs at the thigh. "I see." His eyes met Kara's, the next question being for her to answer. "Lieutenant Kara, do you feel that Penni is a danger to the ship or crew?"
Kara ran through her memories over the past few days. There had been odd moments where she had reflected on Penni, and how she presented herself. "Honestly, Captain, I cannot say for certain. She is...elusive when it comes to speaking of herself. I cannot help but think there are things she does not want any of us to know about her. If that makes her dangerous in any way, then my answer would have to be yes. If it is going to be chalked up to our own anxiety over a positronic being, then the answer would be either no or, a solid maybe."
Billi had been thinking on all that had been said, her own misgivings about androids of Penni's caliber being a danger simply due to the fact they were machines and could malfunction and cause chaos around them. Even Commander data had suffered situations where he had become dangerous due to damage or reprogramming by nefarious beings. "I don't want to crap all over anyone's rights as a sentient being. But, this is a situation that could explode in our faces if we don't keep an eye on it. So far, Penni has comported herself well despite our anxiety over her presence." Her eyes went to Griffon. "Mister Resch, during this walk of yours, did Penni exhibit any behavior that gave you cause for concern in regards to the ship?"
Sheyla backed her Number One up on that. "That, too, is my concern. Being nervous over a person's character is one thing. But, if Penni has acted out in a way that gave you pause, Griffon, then that is what we need to consider."
Resch glanced around at everyone before speaking. "When we were just outside of Main Engineering they had the main compartment door locked open since we were in casual mode as a ship. Penni made to step inside, which I stopped gently, and she got all doe-eyed on me, talking about living with her curse forever. I kinda lost my cool and gave her a piece of my mind."
Tore looked to his Security Chief, his eyes showing that his concern was more as to how that was done than in the action itself. "Did you keep it professional, Griffon?"
"I did, Sir." Resch answered. "It was more a stern talking to than anything else. Both for my profession and for her benefit. She is under this illusion that we all think poorly of her because she is an android. That we will always fear her and will always look down on her for it. Honestly, I have to admit, I am torn on my feelings towards Penni. She is innocent, but has the ability to read people quickly, and even tried some of her sympathy voodoo on me. I found it both cute and concerning. Not to mention what happened in Kara's quarters previous to the walk."
"What happened?" Billi asked this with a bit of concern in her voice.
Kara piped in. "Resch made a joke at Penni's expense. The humor was fairly innocent but Penni took it personally and bristled up at Griffon. Her face was...hateful. Angry. There is no denying that."
Resch gave nods to that explanation, showing his agreement in how it was presented, which caused Sheyla to respond to it all. "So, she gets angry? To the point of possible violence?"
Billi and Tore both kept looking back and forth at Resch and Kara, waiting for an answer. Both of them said yes, even as they both hesitated to admit it.
"I can tell that both of you like Penni," said Bjorgo. "That you have developed an affection for her. From the small moment of time that I met her I found a liking for her, as well. For me, thinking on it now, is that she does look so innocent. A teenager in appearance. Now, I know to keep my wits about me when she is present. Billi?"
The Orion gave a nod to her Captain, looking back to Resch. "Did you feel threatened, Lieutenant Resch?"
"To a point, yes." Resch responded. "I honestly thought she was going to give me a puck in the gob but she held herself back. Had it been anyone else, I can't say for sure if she would show the same restraint."
Kara again spoke up. "In Penni's defense, we have kept her caged up. She knows the walls of my quarters and that was it until Griffon gave her the tour. Engaged her as another intelligent being. I would have to say that part of her anguish may be how we have treated her, so far."
Bjorgo sat thinking, sipping some coffee. He did not like having to keep a sentient locked up for any reason outside of being a threat. But, with all he was hearing, Penni had demonstrated some odd behavior. He noted that all eyes had returned to him as they wanted to hear what he had to say as Captain. With a sigh he set his coffee aside. "You have a point, Lieutenant Kara. We have been less than cordial in our treatment of a guest." Resch's mouth opened slightly as if to say something, with Tore's eyes going to him as he cut off any response by continuing. "However, this new information is a cause for concern." Now that that had been cut off, his eyes wandered over the other faces intermittently as he went on. "Right here, right now, do any of you feel that if we allowed her the same freedoms as any other guest that the situation may improve?"
Billi spoke first. "I can't say for sure, Captain. But, we won't know until we try."
Sheyla, having been the CMO, and still a physician with years of experience in physical trauma and psychology due to that position, gave a shrug. "I agree with Billi. We can't know until we try. Perhaps Penni could meet with the Counselor and myself so we can get a better read on her emotional stability and way of thinking."
Resch had to be honest, in all he said, actually having an affection for girl-bot since they had spent time together. "We can let her experience freedom of movement, Sir. I'll let Security know to keep a casual eye on her for the time being. No more sentries at Kara's door, all that. She is an amazing person, even joking and teasing me with puppy dog eyes when she wants something." He gave a chuckle and smile. "She grows on you, Sir." Tore gave a grin, seeing that Griffon had been smitten by the teenager appearance and child-like character. His eyes went to the final arbiter, Kara.
As the final voice in this decision, Kara took in a breath and responded to the Captain's question. "I feel that treating her like any other guest would be a positive. She enjoys meeting new people and talking to them, as much as she loves seeing all of our technology since much of what we have, and use, is so different from what she says she knows. Keep her locked out of the systems, no classified areas as per regulations, and see what comes from her ability to wander."
Having heard his officers, Bjorgo was still hesitant as Captain. He wanted all guests to feel welcome. Penni was a unique situation, and one he had to consider since she did have an android body. That meant that she had the ability to get into systems and poke around with the possibility of never setting off an alarm. But, Starfleet were diplomats first, and that was always to be considered. "Alright. We will allow Penni to be a guest like any other. You make sure, Griffon, that your people keep tabs on her on the sly. If she crosses into classified areas then she is to be tossed in the brig where we will deal with it. We have no idea what she is capable of and that is what has me on edge. Let's play nice and see what comes of this. Thank you, everyone, for your time. Kara, stay behind a minute. The rest of you, dismissed."
The others all left, while Bjorgo got to his feet and took up his mug, coming around the table to Kara's end, where he had her stand up and face him. "So, Lieutenant, we need to have a talk."
"I understand, Sir." Kara knew this was about her going off alone, and in so doing, bringing this issue back to the ship.
"Glad you know to what I refer." Bjorgo was giving her a pseudo-stern look, even if his intent was to be stern. His affection for her made it hard at times, knowing her history and how she was as a person, to remain perturbed by things she did. "Going off alone, even if it was leave, does not sit well with me, Kara. You warped out of the area whether for stellar cartography, or not. You know as well as I do that this region is not exactly stable in a geo-political sense. Right?"
"Yes, Sir."
Tore set his coffee down on the table, then brought his hands up and grasped her shoulders affectionately as he looked her in the eyes. "You're a pain in my ass, you know that, right?" He grinned.
Kara, feeling a bit embarrassed now, gave a sheepish grin in return. "I do, now, Sir."
Bjorgo's hands left her shoulders. "I put you in for a promotion before all this took place. You and Resch, both. Please, tell me that wasn't a mistake. I can't have one of my command staff running off and doing whatever they put their mind to simply because. Tell me this will not happen again, Kara. Your jaunt paid off but, if it hadn't, I would have been hard pressed not to rescind my request for your promotion."
Knowing none of this, even surprised by it, Kara felt an inch tall in front of a man who had always had the utmost confidence in her. "You have my word, Captain. Never again. Your faith in me is appreciated more than you know. I will not damage that faith with another foolish endeavor."
The smile on Tore's face was one of relief combined with affection. "Good. That is exactly what I wanted to hear." With that over, and not wanting to show more of his hand when it came to liking this woman like a daughter, Bjorgo switched gears. "As for Penni, I would like a better chance to meet her. Get to know her myself. We can decide a time and place later. Tonight, at 1800 sharp, there will be a dinner in my quarters for my command staff. Penni is invited to attend as your guest. You don't get a choice, Lieutenant, you need to be at that dinner."
"Aye, Sir." Kara's grin had faded and she was now back to being all business. "I'm sure Penni will be excited to meet the others in a friendlier atmosphere. We will be on time."
"Awesome." Bjorgo responded. "Dismissed."
With a gracious nod, Kara walked away and exited the Ready Room. Bjorgo watched her back as she went, shaking his head at himself for the affection he had for her. It made it hard to chastise her but as a captain, it had to be done, at times. Scooping up his PADD, Tore went back to his desk and sat down.