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Station #63: An Evening Of Bliss Pt. 2

Posted on Mon Nov 18th, 2024 @ 10:36pm by Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF} & Lieutenant JG T'Pri & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Location: Club Bliss
Timeline: Current


The evening went on, Taavis doing the normal for the Bliss; performing and singing, her 21st century-styled holo-band backing her up when she wanted the concert feel on the big stage instead of walking the bar and playing more to the crowd as they ordered drinks. Lasso Sat at a small buddy bar off to the side of the main arena area, a bit shadowed, watching and listening. His thoughts were on Kor'Kang, how much he missed it even after only being there a week. But, it was a home and he felt a fondness for it like he never had before when he was assigned somewhere. Gavin was hoping that the village that was now his lands would turn out well, with a fair-minded Magistrate to run it. Let the people farm and toil as they would, even seeing their crop fields as their own and setting down roots for future generations.

T'Pri sat with Lasso at his buddy bar, next to him like a friend, but no closer. She liked him and had developed a friendly fondness for him. Taavis was a bit of an enigma, not easy to read, her eyes belying someone who acted one way while her mind was looking to a hundred different things all the while. A calculating woman. This frivolous behavior was her way of giving back to her patrons for their loyalty and currency, with Taavis seeming to act as if they were under her protection while within these walls. T'Pri liked that point of view. Manny came over with a cask carried on a shoulder and set it down before Lasso.

"Here ya go," the big man said. "Compliments of the owner." Manny's eyes went to the bar area as he chinned that way.

Lasso looked over and saw Taavis behind the bar slinging drinks. Looking his way she gave him a smile and wink and then tapped her chest and pointed his way casually to indicate his sash and the cask. Gavin gave a kissing motion toward her and then returned his eyes to his table and the metal goblet placed there.

"Drink up," said Manny, patting the surface of the table a couple times as he chuckled and walked away.

Taking up the goblet and putting it under the spigot, Lasso poured his first goblet of bloodwine. Since he had only drank a pint of Guinness and a shot of whiskey since being here, he was plenty sober for a few more flavorful cups of Klingon wine.

"Bloodwine," said T'Pri, recognizing it immediately. "I shall return." Getting up she went to the bar and had Manny give her a goblet, then returned to the table, filling her own cup and sipping it before setting it down on the table. She noticed Lasso watching her and looked his way. "Surprised, Gavin?"

"A little, yes." Lasso replied. "Taavis was right about you. You like to test the limits of cultural propriety."

"Not at all, Gavin." T'Pri replied, explaining. "There are certain cultures that will not trust others who are unwilling to partake in their cultural norms. I find the taste of kali-fal and bloodwine to be agreeable. Vulcans have an extreme tolerance to alcohol, so any Earth libations tend to be too weak to affect us without imbibing copious amounts. That, and some of it tastes like targ droppings or rubbing alcohol. Not much to enjoy." She noticed his attention was now focused on her, his eyes showing an actual interest in what she had to say. "My indulgence is both personal preference and professional. I am a diplomatic officer but I am also a science officer. I specialize in archaeology and anthropology; the study of societies and cultures and their development." She stopped talking and gazed back at him to see what he would say.

"So, what you're saying is you like to drink." Lasso gave her an even gaze, but those eyes showed he was teasing at her.

T'Pri played along with his humor and responded. "I told you all of that and all you came away with is that I like to drink?"

Gavin shrugged, the teasing written all over his face with a barely contained grin. "Pretty much, yeah. I mean, studying dusty old ruins and the way people act is one thing, but it sounds like a scapegoat for your willingness to enjoy a relaxing beverage like anyone else. We all work hard and are put through daily stress. A bit of liquid relaxant isn't too much to ask to help wind down. To enjoy the simple things in life like what we are doing now. Two friends having a drink in a club filled with energy, talking about whatever comes to mind. Being social creatures we require a social atmosphere that involves others."

"I cannot disagree with the social portion," said T'Pri. "However, social time should not always consist of loud music, drunken patrons, and a club atmosphere. There are times when a quiet lounge or a walk to offset stress are exactly what is needed."

"Agreed," said Gavin, clanking their goblets together. "Qapla'." He gave a grin and chuckle. Lasso kept seeing her eyes occasionally glancing at his sash, so he told her the story of how he got it, and the medals adorning it. "So, with all that transpired I am now an honorary officer in the KDF. Whatever my rank is in Starfleet, is matched by the KDF in my ability to give orders. They don't have a JG designation for lieutenants, so I am a lieutenant there. I had considered actually resigning from Starfleet and joining the KDF but, that would have taken me far away from the woman I love." He leaned in in a show of pseudo-secrecy. "Don't say anything to Taavis, I haven't actually said those words to her yet."

T'Pri, once more, felt like giving a grin but held it in check. "Vulcan women don't need to be told. We know." She left that hanging.

Gavin grinned. "Something to keep in mind."

"You should, Gavin." T'Pri said. "I can tell you by observation that Taavis is completely dedicated to her feelings for you. And, being half Romulan, you should be wary should you cross a line by disregarding those feelings. It would not bode well for you should she ever find you involved with infidelity. Body parts will be injured."

Lasso laughed, not able to help himself. "Not a worry. I'm content with what I have found in her. Is it the same with Vulcans? Ya know, body parts suffering damage?"

T'Pri gave him a sideways look. "Not at all. Vulcan women choose to annul any connection to the significant other, and from that moment on they treat them as if they do not exist. To the point of standing with a group of people, the exiled present, and never even recognizing that they are standing there among them. We speak to them only when spoken to out of regard for propriety, nothing more. If we do not have to speak to them for any reason, we do not."

"Harsh," said Gavin. "I think I'd rather be punched in the face or kicked in the junk than be ignored to the point of non-existence."

"Has the connection started?" T'Pri asked, this time looking him in the eyes.

"Connection," Lasso asked. "What connection?"

The barest hint of a grin appeared on T'Pri's lips as she began to explain. "Vulcan are known to develop a telepathic connection to their spouses if they truly love them. Many Vulcan marriages are arranged marriages, so that depth of emotional connection is seldom achieved. When it is achieved, the betrothed begin to feel what the other feels, share thoughts and visions, and know what the other is going to say or how they will act without ever putting voice to it. A colleague back on Vulcan had such a connection to his spouse and he said it was the most agreeable experience he has ever had. A testament to what the words 'true love' really mean."

Lasso was both intrigued and unsettled by this news. On the one hand having some kind of connection to Taavis on that level could be quite useful and helpful. On the other hand that kind of connection could cause them issues for a variety of reasons. But, considering his feelings for her, he was willing to deal with it if it ever came to pass. So far, as far as he could tell, they did not have that level of conviction in their feelings.

"Hey, you." Taavis came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, smiling as she did so. "I did my set earlier. Wanna help me with this next one?"

"Sure, babe." Lasso replied. "Which choices have you made so I know how to set my vocals, if need be?" He was given the list of three songs she wanted to do with him, all of them involving the holo-band and themselves. The first song was him on vocals, with Taavis on lead guitar. The next two were the band doing all the music while they sang together. "Nice choices. Go set it up and I'll get ready." Taavis gave him a lingering kiss and then walked away. "Enjoy the show, T'Pri. Be back after a bit."

"Of course," said T'Pri. "May you do well." She finished her goblet of bloodwine and got herself some more as he walked away.

Taavis had the band appear, the crowd realizing what was coming and beginning to talk excitedly amongst themselves. She came out of the wings with the black Fender guitar strapped on, the red hourglass on its base giving a slight glow. Stepping to the mic she addressed the crowd and staff. "Manny, sound dampeners for the Promenade so we don't bother others." Some howls went up for that. "As for you folks, Gavin and I are going to perform a few favorites. This first one is t show off my grinding skills." She wiggled the guitar neck to show which 'grind' she was talking about, and getting more cheers for it. Gavin came out and joined her and she moved aside after saying, "The mic is all you, babe." Then to the band, "Hit it!" The song opened up.



{OA: Lynyrd Skynyrd} Taavis on lead guitar

If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?
For I must be traveling on now
'Cause there's too many places I've got to see.

But if I stay here with you, girl,
Things just couldn't be the same.
'Cause I'm as free as a bird now,
And this bird you cannot change.
And this bird you cannot change.
And this bird you cannot change.
Lord knows I can't change.

Bye, bye, baby, it's been a sweet love, yeah,
Though this feeling I can't change.
But please don't take it so badly,
'Cause Lord knows I'm to blame.

But if I stayed here with you, girl,
Things just couldn't be the same.
'Cause I'm as free as a bird now,
And this bird you'll never change.
And the bird you cannot change.
And this bird you cannot change.
Lord knows, I can't change.
Lord, help me, I can't change.

[musical interlude/upbeat]

Lord, I can't change.
Won't you fly high, free bird, yeah?



As the solo ripped through the air the crowd had howled and cheered, watching as Taavis let her hair hang down over her face, damp with perspiration, and never breaking stride. When the song ended the applause was awesome, with her removing her guitar, grabbing a mic, and joining him at stage front. Gavin had removed his mic from the stand and put the stand aside. The next song they sang together, with Taavis playing the backup female singer vocal.


"Gimme Shelter"

{OA: The Rolling Stones}

Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away

War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away

Ooh, see the fire is sweepin'
Our very street today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost your way

War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away

Rape, murder!
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away

The floods is threat'ning
My very life today
Gimme, gimme shelter
Or I'm gonna fade away

War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away

I tell you love, sister, it's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
Kiss away, kiss away


The crowd loved how the two of them sang at them, and each other while prancing around the stage to perform. When the song ended they hugged each other and then took a bow. "Okay," said Taavis to the crowd. "One more and then it's down time with the man." She reached out and slapped his tush with female crowd members giving cat calls at the gesture. "Let's go, Blissful!" The name of her holo-band, who began to play the next song.


"Stop Draggin' My Heart Around"

{OA: Stevie Nicks Feat. Tom Petty}

Baby, you come knocking on my front door
Same old line you used to use before
I said yeah, well, what am I supposed to do
I didn't know what I was getting into

So you've had a little trouble in town
Now you're keeping some demons down
Stop draggin' my
Stop draggin' my
Stop draggin' my heart around

It's hard to think about what you've wanted
It's hard to think about what you've lost
This doesn't have to be the big get even
This doesn't have to be anything at all

(I know you really want to tell me good-bye)
(I know you really want to be your own girl)

Baby, you could never look me in the eye
Yeah, you buckle with the weight of the words
Stop draggin' my
Stop draggin' my
Stop draggin' my heart around

There's people running 'round loose in the world
Ain't got nothin' better to do
Make a meal of some bright-eyed kid
You need someone looking after you

(I know you really want to tell me goodbye)
(I know you really want to be your own girl)

Baby, you could never look me in the eye
Yeah, you buckle with the weight of the words
Stop draggin' my
Stop draggin' my
Stop draggin' my heart around

Stop draggin' my heart around
Stop draggin' my heart around
Stop draggin' my heart around
Stop draggin' my heart around


The corwd loved to see them work together, the way they moved in sync so effortlessly. Taavis and Gavin gave their bows and put their mics back, then exited the stage right off the front to go sit at Lasso's small table. The crowd applauded them until they got sat down then returned to their own conversations and revelry.

"Have you decided to sing yet, T'Pri?" Taavis asked, giving her fellow Vulcan a grin. Seeing the woman imbibing bloodwine was a sure sign that she too did not always live by the stringent societal demands of the Vulcan culture.

T'Pri gave a nod, looking to her brethren. "I have. Given the musical choices you have picked this evening, I shall match it in era."

"Go, girls." Lasso said, waving them towards the stage. "Give her a proper intro, Taav."

"Come on," said Taavis, leading the way to the stage. She set the mic stand up and lowered it to her stature. She spoke into it as the room went quiet, the band still apparent as they had not been shut down yet. Ladies, gentlemen, and all beings in-between, please welcome T'Pri. She is new to M-69, and Bliss, but she has decided to sing for us. Show some love." Taavis motioned to the mic for the woman, then stepped off stage.

T'Pri got set in front of the mic, hands on the mic in the stand, with legs together in a proper Vulcan stance. The music began to play with both Gavin and Taavis recognizing the track she had chosen. One they both liked. As she sang, T'Pri maintained her stance even as she belted the tune out with great skill and good vocals.


"Crazy On You"

{OA: Heart}

We may still have time
We might still get by
Every time I think about it I wanna cry
With bombs and the devil
And the kids keep coming
No way to breathe easy
No time to be young

But I tell myself that I'm doing alright
There's nothing left to do at night
But go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you

My love is the evening breeze touching your skin
The gentle sweet singing of leaves in the wind
The whisper that calls after you in the night
And kisses your ear in the early light

And you don't need to wonder, you're doing fine
And my love, the pleasure's mine
Let me go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you

Wild man's world is crying in pain
What you gonna do when everybody's insane?
So afraid of one who's so afraid of you
What you gonna do?

Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you

I was a willow last night in my dream
I bent down over a clear running stream
Sang you the song that I heard up above
And you kept me alive with your sweet flowing love

Crazy, crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you

Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you

Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you


The crowd cheered the first performance by T'Pri, applauding her for such a spot on rendition, even down to the growls in her voice. T'Pri had found it within herself to use her emotions to bring a better performance, but once the music stopped her discipline was brought back. Giving a bow from the neck and giving a small wave to the crowd she left the stage and rejoined her companions.

"Awesome job!" Lasso said.

"One of the better covers I've heard," said Taavis. "You have a hidden talent, T'Pri."

"Thank you, both. "I have my Academy classmates to thank for my interest in music and singing." T'Pri said. "After my first karaoke performance I found singing to be an agreeable hobby."

Two of them laughed throughout the night, while one of them remained stoic, even if there were hints in the corners of her eyes and on her lips that a grin was at the cusp of being revealed.



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