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Station #64: Coffee, Tea, and We

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2024 @ 12:02am by Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF} & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


Awakening before Lasso, Taavis slipped from her bed stealthily, heading into the bathroom, careful not to wake Gavin. There, she took a hot, steamy shower to get the blood flowing and to just feel better as the previous night's funk was washed from her body. Using a towel she scrub dried her hair once she had stepped out, letting the rest of her body air dry as she did so. Stopping the scrubbing dries, her hair sticking out everywhere from still being damp, she brushed it down to presentable. Going through her hygiene regimen, Taavis would stop that for a few moments to brush her hair again as it began to dry more and more. Once all that was done for bathroom duty, Taavis quietly went to her wardrobe and took up a pair of underwear and a bra, the catsuit she was going to wear today, and her socks and boots. She left the bedroom quietly and placed her clothing on, and near to, the sofa before heading to her kitchenette area to make a pot of coffee and a pot of chamomile tea. Once they were going she went and got dressed.

Now dressed for her day Taavis went back to the pots of hot beverages, filling one mug with the Earth Columbian black coffee, and her own mug filled with the chamomile tea. Carrying both cups into the bedroom, sipping her tea on the way, Taavis set her mug aside and then eased her backside down on the edge of the bed, looking at Gavin on his side and still sleeping on his portion of the bed. Holding the coffee cup out she then waved her hand slowly over the steam, wafting the aroma towards his face and nose, grinning as she did so. She saw his nose twitch once with several seconds going by as it began to twitch a few more times, his eyes behind the lids beginning to move about as his brain began to come to. Pulling the cup back before he moved too suddenly and caused a spill, Tavvis sat and waited while his mind became active and awake.

Smelling something splendid, Lasso began to awaken. His brain was still fuzzy with sleep as it came to. Last night, before they had enjoyed each other, Gavin had taken a couple of sobriety pills, to burn off the alcohol in his system while he slept, to offset a hangover. Eyes finally fluttering open, wincing a bit at first due to brighter lights than what had been behind his eyelids, his vision cleared and focused on the smiling face of Taavis, holding a steaming mug. Adjusting himself and sitting up with back against the headboard, he gave a waking yawn. "Good mornin', love."

"Good morning." Taavis responded, seeing he was now ready to receive his beverage. "Black coffee. Colombian." She offered it to him.

Gavin took the offered coffee mug, blowing on the surface of the hot liquid and sipping. Showing pleasure at that first taste he then dropped his cup hand to allow it to rest on his lap which was covered by the blanket and sheets. "Thanks. That hits the spot."

Taavis took up her own mug, sipping a few times as she allowed him a few more sips of his to make sure he was up and awake. "Thought you might need some octane this morning. The cask of bloodwine, what's left of it, is in the main room, if you feel the need for a bit of 'the hair of the targ'." She giggled lightly, using the reference to the Earth 'hair of the dog' saying for drinking in the morning to offset the hangover from the night before.

While sipping more coffee, Lasso's other hand came up to wag back and forth in a sign of no thanks. Swallowing his coffee he chuckled. "No, no. I'm good, thanks. Is the shower ready?"

"Yep," said Taavis. "I even left you some of my bubblegum and strawberry scented shampoo and body wash." She gave a cheeky grin. "All I had left, sorry."

Gavin knew damn well she did not own any body wash or shampoo even remotely close to those odors. But, he went along with the tease. "That should get the department whispering behind my back. Nothing like smelling like a teenage girl with a cutesie schoolgirl look." He set his mug on the nightstand on his side of the bed, threw the covers off and then scrambled over her side of the bed to get into the bathroom.

Watching his sexy backside and muscular back as it disappeared into the bathroom brought a thought to her mind. ~I should have woke him up with some fun cardio~ Taavis thought, then shook it off quickly. ~Time for that later~ Standing up, she went to the main room and began to make herself something to eat for the morning. Sitting at her four person dining table, PADD on the table as she ate her plomek broth, Taavis tapped keys and scrolled through her personal files and also expenditures for her club. She made sure to send the proper currency to those she had done business with, and had received product from.

"Ops. to Captain Taavis." Came through the speakers, even as Lasso came into the main room dressed for work and freshened up. They still called her 'captain' since she now owned her own vessel, and the position and title were accurate for those reasons.

"Taavis, here. What can I do for you?"

Gavin moved around while gathering his own breakfast needs, then sat down as he arranged his setting. He kept quiet since it was for her.

"We have an Orion freighter, Miss Taavis, that says they are here to see you. They are listed as free traders but we have concerns they may be part of the Syndicate. The Commodore is adamant that that kind of element be kept from M-69. Do you wish to see to them, or have Security do it?"

Taavis and Lasso shared a look before she replied to the speakers. "I'll see to it, OPS." She closed her personal PADD and locked it before it went into the thigh pocket on her purple catsuit as she stood up. "Please, allow them to dock and I will meet with them. They will comply with any health and safety inspections, and I take full responsibility for their actions while they are here."

"Fair enough, Miss Taavis, thank you. OPS, out." The line cut with the typical warble.

"Gotta go," said Taavis, bending in and giving Gavin a kiss. "If you have time today, we can meet for lunch?" She asked as she stood up straight and turned halfway as she was ready to leave.

"I'll see how the day goes," Lasso responded. "Be safe, Taav."

"Always," she said with a grin, giving his shoulder a loving squeeze, and then departing.

Lasso watched her go. He had some concern gnawing at his gut but knew that Taavis was old hat at this sort of thing. It was her world and she was not one to take things for granted, no matter how she appeared to do so. Going back to his meal he ate steadily as he began to run through his mind how his shift would proceed.



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