Station Post #7 " Tempest "
Posted on Fri Dec 13th, 2024 @ 2:24pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Timeline: After the Nazgul ‘Captain’s Table’
Wars never are pleasant and the most recent ones were even more so. For 2nd Lt John Dallas his wounds were mending but his mental ptsd was getting worse.
John had stayed in his quarters and made little to no ventures outside their quarters since his return. His time with Cal was just the therapy he was needing.
< Holodeck >
Sureth on the other hand used a few free moments to go to the holodeck and ride a horse. Truly a noble beast and equestrianness had always been his weakness.
A black Tennessee stepper walked his way as he prepared to put his saddle on him. But then Sureth paused and tapped his comms badge.
" John Dallas meet me in the holodeck and bring my grandson."
A few minutes later John did arrive with Cal.
" A horse ? Really sir?" John complained.
" Yes a horse. Grab that rig and join me." Sureth ordered.
Returning from the gathering aboard the Nazgul Isabelle was surprised to find John and Cal weren’t in their quarters, querying the computer she headed for the holodeck, she was surprised that John and her father were together off duty, it was something they rarely did.
Sureths horse stepped and the buggy bounced but Cal seemed to love it.
" Have you done this before John?" Sureth asked.
" No but I rode on a hay ride once." John laughed. The first laugh he had done in a long time.
" Sureth to Isabella. If you are missing your family they are riding horses in holodeck 1."
Isabelle smiled as she tapped her comm badge. “I know, I’m almost there. I’ll wait at the stables for your return.”
Entering the holodeck she made her way across to the stables, doing her best to avoid the horses that were in their stalls. For Betazoids horses were such free spirits their emotions proved difficult to process.
Sureth led the buck board back to the stable and it was now John who sat upon the Tennessee Stepper.
" Honey I think I found a new hobby." John said smiling. Unlike the other horses this one was real as Sureth had sent for him months ago.
" His name is TEMPEST." Sureth introduced.
“He’s real” Isabelle smiled as she gently patted Tempest. “I wasn’t expecting a real horse. Where does he live? We don’t exactly have stables onboard the station.”
" I converted the gym into a barn."
“Seriously?” Isabelle rolled her eyes at her own stupid question. Her father didn’t lie. “Of course you’re serious.”
" John take Isabella back to the barn on Tempest. I'll take Cal back with me on this buck board." Sureth replied.
John let down a hand and hoisted up Isabella onto Tempest back.
" Hi yo Tempest, away." John said tapping Tempest side to run.
Isabelle held on tightly to John, having never ridden a horse before she most definitely didn’t want to fall.
" I got you girl. Isn't this exciting? I've ridden hover bikes but never a live animal. We should go to Betazed Isabella. Maybe take Tempest with us?" John proclaimed.
“As long as you keep Tempest away from other Betazoids.” Isabelle smiled. “He’s too much of a free spirit, it makes us Betazoids...lose ourselves.”
" I envy that...I wish I could lose myself. The visions...are overwhelming." John replied.
“I wish I could be your counsellor John, I really do but Starfleet regulations forbid it.” Isabelle sighed. “That doesn’t mean you can’t talk to me about it in private though. I’m just glad you’re alive!”
John rode them back and then helped Isabella to dismount. He then dismounted and walked Tempest over to the holo barn.
Sureth was there and then ordered Tempest to return to the transporter pattern buffer hold.
" You beamed a horse?" John asked.
" Yes his pattern is stored in a secure pattern buffer storage system. I really want to find him a Planetary home. The station is no place for live horse."
“Agreed” Isabelle nodded. “He can’t stay in the pattern buffer for ever either, his pattern will degrade over time. What about nearby planets? Are there any suitable for a colony?”
" Ironically not in the current vicinity. However there is a Klingon colony in a nearby system. I want to see if Captain Bjorgo will take Tempest to that planet and offer him to their matriarch as a token . " Sureth replied.
" But you can't...Sir. Tempest needs love. The Klingons would probably eat a horse." John objected.
" There is another option? There is a small class L atmosphere two light years from here. I could dispatch an engineering group to set up some domestic life pods and we could keep Tempest there?" Sureth replied.
“Perhaps that would be a better idea” Isabelle nodded in agreement. “What do you think John?”
" Only if I...we can visit?" John replied.
" I can't see why not. After dinner tonight we can discuss it more. Isabella a word please?"
John got the point and walked back over to Tempest as he lead him over to the stalls.
" I have called in a favor and requested some help for John. A Vulcan Counselor I know. He should be arriving soon." Sureth added
Isabelle nodded. “Thank you father, I am worried about John he’s been through so much. I guess we both have. Any help is very much appreciated.”
" He will get the help he needs. The horse is a welcomed assist." Sureth replied.
“Indeed” Isabelle smiled and nodded. “I thought I’d lost John, but now he’s back and I couldn’t be happier! I’ll do whatever I can to help him through this.”
In the barn John cleaned Tempest with a brush after removing his tack. Looking into the horses eye John began to sob as he remembered looking into the helmet of his captors...begging for mercy. But the Breen did not know the meaning of mercy.
Isabelle felt her husband’s pain, excusing herself she quickly headed over to the barn. “John?” She was soon at his side offering all her love and solace as she hugged him.
John hugged back but the tears continued to fall.
" I...need to do something. Please talk to Sureth about letting me go back to duty."