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Post # 005 " Life's Not Fair "

Posted on Fri Jan 14th, 2022 @ 3:36pm by Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Security offices
Timeline: Concurrent


Having arrived back onboard station Isabelle had headed to check on baby Hope, who was still under observation in Sickbay, more for safety’s sake than for any other reason. Reassured that Hope was alright Isabelle made her way to the security centre to find Dallas.

Stepping out of the turbolift she walked into the hub of security operations for the station, looking around she soon saw John busy going about his duties. “Excuse me Mr Dallas” she smiled as she approached him. “Do you have a few moments to spare? Can we speak in private?”

" Certainly Counselor," John replied in a professional stance.

Heading to one of the offices Isabelle waited for the door to close behind them. “I’m sorry this isn’t a professional call considering we’re both on duty, it’s just...” She paused. “I love you, you know I do. I just want to be sure that my keeping Hope won’t affect the budding relationship we seem to have? I don’t want to lose you.”

" I ain't going nowhere Isabella. As far as the baby goes I will support you. Just remember though this baby is not your son. The Draailians seemed very upset that you are keeping her. I will place extra sentries in sickbay." Dallas replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you John. I don’t want to upset anyone, I just want to give Hope a good home. If it’s going to cause major problems then I won’t have any choice but to let them take her. I know she isn’t my baby John, I just...she lost her mother, I lost my son, we seemed fated to be.”

" You have to have taken after your mother. So romantic and a believer of fate. I believe we make our own fates." John replied.

“I guess you’re right there” Isabelle smiled and nodded. “What should I do John? I want to keep Hope but am I doing the wrong thing? Should I let her people take her?”

" Just keeping feeding her and loving her Isabella."

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you John.” She stepped closer and gave him a brief kiss. “If you’d like to join me for dinner tonight there’s more where that came from.” She grinned. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

" Let's not find out." John replied

The doors to her fathers ready room opened and exiting it was a very polished but older officer with Captain's pips on his shoulder. Nodding to both the officer paused and looked directly at John.

" Mr Dallas...when you are available I need to speak with you."

" Yes sir." Dallas replied . " Sorry Izzy I need to go talk to this man."

Isabelle nodded. “Of course.” She nodded politely to the new Captain. “Captain”

Exiting the lift was Dr Hiri who quickly joined Isabella.
"Meow, who is the silver fox? Never mind Isabella the baby is causing me problems. Two female Draailians came down to the NICU to see the baby." Hiri yowled.

Isabelle looked alarmed. “I told them I was looking after Hope! John said he’d have extra security placed in Sickbay while our...visitors are here. Is Hope okay? What did they do?”

" Security asked them to leave. They just stared at the baby and offered me a quat lube? I released them from sickbay and they are now on the habitat wing. Your father gave them VIP quarters." Hiri replied.

Isabelle sighed. “I’ll be glad when they’re off this station. I’m not comfortable with them being here.”

John Dallas returned to join the ladies.
" Don't stop talking about me. I know I am handsome." he joked.

Isabelle smiled. “Oh I know that already! Actually Hiri was telling me our guests have been pestering Hope in Sickbay. They offered to buy her again!” She sighed. “Hiri can I take Hope home? I’d feel safer if she was with me, it would make it easier for security too guarding my quarters instead.”

" Yes I was hoping you would say that." Hiri replied.

" Let's go get our baby " Dallas smiled.

Isabelle smiled and nodded.

< Sickbay >

Dallas entered and first noticed the odor of peppers and sage and realized the Draailians had hung some sort of poltice above the door.

" Crap...they left their mark." Dallas said.

“Is this a good thing or a bad one?” Isabelle walked across to baby Hope picking her up and cradling her gently.

" I'm not exactly sure. But we’re going home now." John replied as he guided them out of sickbay. Deputy One joined them and unbenounced to Isabella had its phasers armed .

As they rounded the hall the little man Lucky was in the hall running. He stopped and quickly ran to Isabella and the baby. “Angel?" Lucky yelled.

Isabelle paused. “What’s wrong Lucky?” She looked at her young friend concernedly.

" I heard ...they are leaving and want to take your baby." said Lucky.

Isabelle looked at Dallas alarmed at the news. “They’re not taking Hope with them Lucky, she’s staying here with us.”

" Can I stay here too. I rundoff to find you. It's nice and big here." Lucky asked.

Dallas cringed as he guided Lucky with them.
" Boy we need to find your parents. "

" But I want to stay here. Its fun and big," Lucky replied.

" Your people need you Lucky. You are their good luck." Dallas added.

" But I aint a baby no more. Only babies are good luck "

“So that’s why they want Hope” Isabelle looked at Dallas. “She’s considered a good luck charm.” She looked at Lucky. “Lucky I can’t promise you anything, if you did stay it would have to be with another family, and life here would be very different. You’d have to attend school for starters.”

" But I want to stay with you Angel." Lucky whined.

" You need to talk to Captain Sureth. " Dallas added.

Isabelle offered Dallas an apologetic smile, she hadn’t expected this. “I know you do Lucky, let’s just get to my quarters and call the Captain. We can sort everything from there.”

Making their way to her quarters Lucky ran around the room happy.

Dallas tapped his comm badge and hailed the Captain.

[ I am on my way.] she heard Sureth reply.

" This is a hot mess Isabella." John said lowly.

“I know it is John” Isabelle offered an apologetic smile. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”

" Fortunately I do . I have invited the Draailian's to stay on the station and over see the deliveries of future shipment to Savai. The ladies offered to help you with the child.The USS Bohr is going to begin patrols of the shipments as an escort. Captain Rivers has been assigned to the Bohr as its Captain. Mr Dallas, Congratulations on your assignment." Sureth said as he entered Isabella's .room.

“The women are staying!” Isabelle wasn’t pleased to hear that. “They don’t want to help, they just want to get their hands on Hope!” She shook her head. “You might as well just hand her over and have done with it.” She looked towards Dallas. “What assignment?”

" Isabella we need their shipments. This particular crew wants to stay on the station and I approved their request. I told you not to become so attached to the child. However, the ladies offered to help you if you need them. I need my counselor back on duty unless you feel unable to continue in that role?," her Captain and not father asked.

Dallas backed up as she stared into his soul.
" Captain Rivers asked me to take the chief tactical and security position on the Bohr. Commander Taavis is taking over security soon so it's a boost to my career. It is only a 6 months deployment." John answered.

Isabelle looked at Dallas, “Congratulations” She looked towards her father. “You can have your Counsellor back Sir!” She walked closer handing over baby Hope. “Here...take her to her people, from now on they can take of her!” Her heart practically broke as she handed Hope over and walked away.

Sureth paused.." Isabella you are not 10 and this is not Betazed." Sureth then exited with the baby.

Dallas then added, " Are you okay?"

Isabelle stood looking out of the window, she shook her head. “No, but that doesn’t seem to matter to my father! So this promotion of yours...will it take you off station for the whole of those six months or is it just when the Bohr is needed?”

" We are to escort ships to and from Draail to Savai and also find out what has been attacking their ships and stealing their cargo. Commander Taavis will be running security here. I wanted to tell you myself. That is what the meeting with Captain Rivers was about." John replied.

“It’s only short duration trips though isn’t it?” Isabelle looked at Dallas concernedly. “It’s just...we haven’t even spent much time together.”

" We can do this Isabella.. That's why we joined Star Fleet." John replied. " We leave in three days."

“No, you leave in three days” Isabelle hung her head, with everything that had happened lately she was fragile at best. “I want to be where you are John, not stuck here alone!”

" Isabella you are the Counselor of this Starbase. Right now you are having postpartum issues or something. You just lost your child and under a lot of stress. You need to focus on yourself and your own health. Maybe you should go home to Betazed and relax?" John replied.

“If I go home to Betazed then I’ll most likely lose my position here, and I won’t see you again.” She sighed. “It’s father treats me like I’m throwing a tantrum instead of trying to understand. I have all these motherly instincts and my gone! Hope was helping with that but I can’t care for her knowing she’ll be taken from me at any time. So here I am a mother with no child.”

" You know you can probably catch you Dad before he gives the baby over to those women?"

“No” Isabelle shook her head. “She’s not mine, she never will be. I just...need some time to decide what I need to do.”

John then backed to the door as he was sure Isabella was not in the mood for a hug, and then he left.

“John...” Isabelle turned but the door had already closed behind him.



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