NAZGUL #23: Download Acquired
Posted on Tue Jan 14th, 2025 @ 12:33pm by Lieutenant Griffon Resch
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current
Waking up in the aft section of Delta 1, Resch sat up and swung his feet to the floor, rubbing the sleep from his face and eyes. He had worked into the night to access the coded files that had been locked out by Ainkara in regards to the Iconian facility and its location. Tired as he was when he finally decided to call it quits for the night, Griffon folded down one of the bunks and crashed out inside the small craft. Getting to his feet, Resch stretched and yawned before he went to the replicator and got himself a mug of raktajino and breakfast. He sat down on the bunk, eating and sipping his Klingon coffee, his mind going over how far he had gotten the previous evening. Finishing his eating and refilling his coffee, Resch dumped the dishes into the refuse bin and went back up front to the upper pilot station. His devices were all still sitting on the surface of the console, plugged in and running their algorithms.
Sitting down, sipping more coffee, Griffon set the mug aside and got aligned as to what device was doing what, since a few hours of sleep had jumbled his thoughts a bit. Once he was familiar again with what was working where, he sat forward and began to tap keys and access the computer core on the small craft. His devices had done the trick as they ran all night, breaking down firewalls Kara had put up and eating through her privacy codes one bite at a time. Leaning back to relax his back, Resch sipped coffee as the final stages of his invasion orders were enacted, with his authorization as Security Chief adding even more push to his access. If he had to do this against the captain, the process would be the same. Break down personal codes and firewalls to investigate any and all discrepancies.
"Access granted. All relevant data is now available for research." The computer announced.
Resch pumped his fist once, smiling as he set the coffee aside and began to transfer the data from the memory core on the Delta to his own PADD for the Security Chief. That way, if he left it where others could see it while he was distracted, they would not be able to activate it without his permission, and therefore keep Kara's personal information hidden from public view. Once the data had been transferred, Resch disconnected all his devices and pocketed them in his jacket pockets, shutting down the power on the Delta and leaving. He would peruse the data in the privacy of his office, then report any findings to the Captain and Number One.