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STATION #16: MIA/It's Official

Posted on Wed Jan 15th, 2025 @ 6:45pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green & Commander Sean Loewen
Edited on on Wed Jan 15th, 2025 @ 10:31pm

Location: various
Timeline: Current


The USS Nazgul had returned to within transporter range of M-69. Fleet Captain Green had called and told Commander Loewen that she needed to see him personally. Not bothering with asking what this was about, Loewen ordered Nazgul to return and they had done so. As he had left the Bridge, before stepping into the lift, Sean directed Lieutenant Sheyla to see to transferring any supplies from 69 to Nazgul that they may need while out on patrol. Disappearing into the lift, and 20 minutes later, Lt. Commander Sean Loewen arrived at Green's offices, her assistant telling the Commander to go on in since he was expected.

Not rushed, but with a steady gait, Loewen walked through the door into Ro's office proper. The Captain was not behind her desk, instead sitting in the small lounge area, a steaming beverage mug placed on the sturdy, squared armrest of the chair she liked to sit in when having meetings. "Thanks for arriving promptly, Sean. Please," she motioned to the other chair that he had sat in before, to face her directly over the coffee table between them. Have a seat after gathering a beverage, if you like."

"I'm fine," Loewen stated, his feelings telling him there was tension of some kind. An anxiety born of concern, not fear. Taking the offered seat and leaning back into the plush chair, Sean crossed his legs at the thigh. "I sense that this meeting is not going to be a joyful one."

Green gave a nod of agreement. "Unfortunately, that is true. I was contacted by Starfleet HQ. The runabout carrying our friends and fellow officers has gone missing. Up and disappeared completely. They had checked in with HQ twice, per regulations, and then the third status call was never heard. Currently, the USS Normandy, a Defiant-class, is out searching for any trace of them according to their coordinates on their second call."

"Damn." Loewen said this quietly, but not in a way to try and hide how he felt. "Are you going to send Nazgul to aid with the search? Is that why you called me?"

Green's face tried to remain stoic, cold, but a wave of emotional energy was picked up by Sean, and her eyes belied what she was now saying. "I'm afraid not. Nazgul is assigned out here, where the ship belongs. However, with this situation I have no choice as Fleet Captain but to assign you as Commanding Officer of the USS Nazgul. There is no telling if they will find the runabout, or any passengers, anytime soon. That leaves a vacuum. Sureth expects me to keep things in order out here so he can see to starbase matters. His plate is never empty. So, with that in mind, you will be promoted to Commander, effective immediately and approved by Starfleet Command. You are now the CO for USS Nazgul."

Sean took all that in, his mind having expected something like this to come sooner rather than later. Plus, his Force training allowed for him to remain calm and focused. He knew that commanders were often given command of starbases the size of M-69 quite often, so to have a commander take command of a starship was nothing unusual. "Very well, Captain." Loewen said. "I just ask that Sheyla get lieutenant commander. She is a medical officer, and has been a lieutenant for some time now. With Billi gone she is the right choice for XO."

"I can approve that, yes." Green responded, sipping her tea after she said so. "Do you think the news will affect her duties? I know she and Tore had a relationship."

Wanting to be honest, and keep full disclosure between himself and his direct supervisor on 69, Loewen gave an answer. "I'm sure it will affect her personally. However, as she often reminds me, she is an Andorian. They are a warrior species with an avid dedication to duty. Being a doctor herself, I'm sure she knows where to turn should she feel overwhelmed at any time. Doctor Holbrook is a fine CMO, and dedicated. With the medical staff on Nazgul, we'll have her back if she needs us."

"Good," Green said, sitting up on the edge of her seat and placing her tea mug on the table. "All the documentation is done, Commander. You are now the commanding officer, USS Nazgul. I'll leave T'Pri aboard, as well. You'll need a science chief and she fits the bill, even if her specialty is archaeology and anthropology."

Sean grinned. "She's a Vulcan. Their scientific knowledge is quite extensive despite what they may specialize in. A part of their adolescent educational curriculum, I understand."

"A big part," Ro replied, her own expression having softened since the meat of their conversation had been chewed on already. "Knowledge, they believe, is the path to logic, and that logic is the beginning of wisdom. The IDIC, in other words. Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination."

Not finding any flaw in that belief system, Loewen got to his feet, seeing that Green stood up as he did out of politeness. "Nazgul is ready, Captain. Has been since the attack. Let us do something other than babysit a station that should be able to take care of itself. If we're needed we can come back, as always, but this facility really needs to work on its readiness. Everyone is too comfortable and cozy, so much so that they don't expect a threat of any kind to be able to harm the comfort zone. And then, bam! Their complacency causes chaos and this behemoth of a station gets its ass kicked yet again."

Green stood and listened, her face a cross between humor, cynicism and pseudo-surprise at his words. Mock surprise because she felt the same way about this place daily. The station was a magnet for attacks because no one ever seemed ready enough to stop them before they got here. "Watch what you hope for, Sean. With the knowledge of the Force you have, certain paths can lead you into darkness much quicker than you may realize."

"I know, Ro. I do. My training was compressed time, but I got the lot of it." Loewen took in a large breath and let it out easy. "Send me all your writings and wants for this Meji Order you have in mind. Being who I am, and having a bit of it explained to me by Qeritas, I'm interested in learning more. We could make it a reality out here on the outer rim."

Green gave a few positive mini-nods, a crooked grin forming. "I can do that. Not just Force users, either. It's a way of life, not just a commitment to some country club type of thing. But, yes, I'll send you my journals on it."

"Thank you." Loewen shook her hand. "I better get back to the ship. It's now mine so there will be changes. And, I have to inform Sheyla of the news. Resch will need to hear about Kara. They were close friends and he deserves to hear it personally."

"See to your ship, Captain." Green said, walking him to her door. "I have a mission in mind, as I said in our previous meeting. Something fairly simple and bound to get your mind right as CO. Take care, Sean." He gave her a nod of goodbye and walked out of the office. Ro returned to her desk and sat down, bringing up her personal logs and the Meji journals. Compiling them, and coding them for Loewen, she sent them over to Nazgul to his inbox. Changing gears, Green took up her work PADD and adjusted it to Academia, preparing herself to go down and work with the cadets aboard.



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