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Post #49. The first task: Finding the specialist

Posted on Sun Jun 25th, 2023 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Chief intel officers office.
Timeline: (36 hours after "After action report")


David sat at his desk, he muttered "I understand sir." followed by an electronic noise from his computer terminal then slammed his fist into the desk loudly, David's conference with his father was not only useless it was like talking to a wall. He sat back, he was infuriated with the almost cryptic discussion with his father and the two other intel heads. Admiral Kent had been the most resistant too the mission, he'd even gone so far as to block any additional resources from being diverted from a potential conflict zone to rescue one officer. Rear Admiral Greer did the usual passive approach, it could be described as a wait and see approach.

Out of frustration he sat up and picked up what he would realize was an empty coffee cup, he stood and walked out into the small break room kitchen, as he poured a cup of coffee he leaned back and looked around, the equipment requests from the quartermaster had been dropped off in the currently vacant main offices. The neatly stacked containers had numerous items, clothing, weapons, medical supplies and a few other items David has quietly requested discretely. He walked over too the one crate that only has a numerical marker on it and opened it. It had four brand new phaser rifles inside, he'd requested the newly updated Type 1e photonic rifle these weren't is wide use so it was advantageous to look as un-starfleet as possible, he replaced the one rifle back in it's case and resealed the container.

He opened another crate marked with an inventory number, he opened it. Inside was a computer module, the module looked generic enough, but its' secret was that it could disguise any ships transponder codes to match most generic coding with civilian traffic in the region. David placed the module back into it's case. He locked the case and set it down, he looked at the remaining crates.

He paused for a moment, he felt a presence. "Hello Aya."

"I'll never get used too that." the voice called out.

"I'm glad you were able to make it, how long have you been here?"

She walked forward, slipping her hood back to her shoulders "I came on a transport that had been rerouted here, so what's so urgent that you had me pulled off a sweet little assignment?"

"The Essary kidnapped one of the command staff while he was on a fishing trip on a nearby planet, we have an approximate location where he's being held, but I need a good crew of operators to help bust him out." David said then gesturing too the coffee maker.

Aya held up her hand indicating, no. "Is this going to turn into another Hellgard?"

"I hope the hell not, even though it did turn into something else." David said with a smirk.

"So that isn't just a rumor then." Aya said as the pair walked over to David's office.

"I'm not denying anything, just not confirming the rumors." David said as the pair sat down at his desk

"So how exactly are we getting into Essary space?"

"We've got an Ontario Class ship that has the range and speed, the engineers are going to load up an Argo vehicle on board soon as the ramp is reenforced, I'm still looking for a pilot and weapons officer, but the strike team is light one, that's why you're here." David said reclining slightly.

"What can you tell me about the planet we're going too?" Aya said taking off her coat.

David got distracted momentarily by the tight top she was wearing, "According too one report he's being held near Eir Terminal in the Eirinis system."

"That's an odd location to be holding a hostage, let alone a line officer." Aya commented

"It's a supply base, from what I've read or do you know something?"

"It's just a supply base, the locals tend to be a bit more militant than most, they might have taken him as a target of opportunity, or maybe on orders, that'll be hard to figure out until we get on the ground." Aya said leaning forward pushing her red hair back

"I agree." David caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of his eye.

Isabelle arrived wearing Intel colours instead of her usual teal uniform, she had to admit she liked the change of shade. “I hope I’m not interrupting your conversation Lieutenant?” She smiled warmly.

David smiled "This is Lieutenant Aya Moreau formally of USS Wellington now with intelligence operations, she's agreed to join us when we get the final go," pausing "We did an operation a few years ago that despite it going sideways we all got out in one piece."

Aya laughed "He gives everyone more credit than he deserves, he was the one playing cat and mouse for thirty hours with the local bad guys to rescue Captain Blumenberg."

Isabelle grinned. “Sounds like credit where credit is due, anyway it’s nice to meet you Aya.”

Aya grinned "You must be new too intel." then glanced over too David.

Isabelle nodded. “Very new, I’m just assigned to Intel on a temporary basis, my actual job is Chief counsellor of the station.”

Aya looked at David with a raised eyebrow, "So how serious is this situation now?"

" Captain Rivers is a vital member of this base. Lt Wallace let me know when you are ready to launch. Is there anything else we need to discuss?" Sureth asked.

"Depending on the modifications too the ship, and finding a pilot I want to be on the move in the next six hours when their patrols are far enough out of range they won't bother with a visual inspection." David said looking to Aya

She shrugged "Closest pilot I know who'd be insane enough to do this is three days away, so is there anyone in house?”

"I think I know someone who might be available, We'll meet at hangar seven in an hour." David said standing.

John Dallas arrived dressed in standard tactical gear.
" Reporting for duty sir."

David turned too the new arrival, "Wallace, This is Aya Moreau." gesturing over to Aya, "We're doing an extraction mission on the Essary world of Eirinis soon as I can find us a pilot."

Aya didn't break her gaze at the computer "Whose this guy?" pointing too the screen

David stepped over "Whose Gavin Lasso?" looking to the couple.

“Lasso?” Isabelle gave David a curious look. “I have no idea, I haven’t met him yet.”

"He's got the proper rating for what we need." David left in a full sprint.

Aya turned in her chair "Leave it, last time he had a hunch....yeah, when are you due?"

Isabelle smiled. “Not for another 7 months or so yet, I’m only 6 weeks.” She smiled at John before looking back at Aya.

"I think David is concerned about things going sideways like they did on Hellguard, even if the end result turned out fine." Aya said closing the file.

“Exactly what did go sideways?” Isabelle looked at Aya curiously.

Aya sat back "You met Maria Blumenberg, she was Chief engineer on the Wellington." She paused to grab her drink "We were supposed to repair subspace relay on the boarder world Hellguard, during the initial repair mission the engineering team was taken hostage, David and I along with some Jarheads were beamed in to rescue them, we wound up getting caught in a fire fight and getting split up, I managed to get most of the engineers up to the Wellington, but during the chaos Maria and David got separated, we spent thirty hours between shuttles and the limited transporter window that the ionization in the atmosphere attempting to rescue them, when we finally got them out, David had been wounded, both had minor dehydration and other issues from exposure from being in the desert."

Isabelle nodded. “I see. I hope my presence here isn’t going to make Lieutenant Wallace second guess himself, especially with my being pregnant. If it’s a problem I’ll remain aboard the station.”

Aya looked over "I'm pretty sure David has a plan, this is a basic hostage extraction with a hot exit I've done a few of these with David and since Hellguard, we'll be fine."

Isabelle nodded. “Okay, I just thought I’d make sure. Besides Warrant Officer Dallas here, isn’t going to let anything happen to me.” She grinned as she looked at her husband.

"The upside is we have one tough little ship to fly us there, hopefully we will find a pilot." Aya finished on an optimistic note.

“No doubt” Isabelle smiled and nodded.



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