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Post #48. After Action Report

Posted on Sun Jun 25th, 2023 @ 10:48am by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Lagoon Nebula Sag A
Timeline: Stardate:77265.2


After all of this time Commodore Sureth emerged from his office devoid of upper command duties, at least for the next hour.

Young Junior Lieutenant Nic Covenant comfortably manned the tactical table and other new faces he would meet later at their various post.

" Report Number One?" Sureth addressed Commander Shauna Callaghan.

Shauna nodded as she acknowledged Sureth. “We’ve received a report that the Essary have kidnapped Captain Rivers, I have called all Senior staff to the conference room.”

" I am on my way." Sureth

~ Conference Room ~

Entering the conference room Shauna took her seat next one round from Sureth.

Isabelle entered next nodding to both Shauna and her father, taking her usual seat at the conference table.

" Before the others arrive you should know Captain Rivers and I had a heated argument. He blames me for taking his command. He also left the station contrary to medical approval." Sureth explained.

Hearing the call for all Senior staff, Doctor Williams hustled to the Conference Room. Upon entering he gave the usual nods "Commodore, Commander, Counselor good afternoon" he commented then grabbed a seat next to Isabelle.

David came through the door, a barely visible bead of sweat on his forehead "That message set off a sector wide alert."

“Has there been any further updates Lieutenant?” Shauna looked towards David.

"No, according to the relay station that received it, it came from deep inside Essary space, possibly the Dreron system." David said taking a seat.

Isabelle looked at those gathered. “Why would the Essary want to risk a confrontation with Starfleet? Surely that wouldn’t benefit them in any way.”

The Doctor spoke up "Since the Base is new to this location perhaps the Essary are wanting to test the waters and see just how far they can push before they get pushback" Ramvek suggested.

David looked around the room, "There's rumors that there is a bounty on a few of the senior staff and Captain Rivers was in the wrong place at the wrong time." He paused sensing a sudden tension "There's a still unconfirmed report that a merchant ship might be involved with the whole affair, either having spotted Captain Rivers and or done the kidnapping."

“Do we know who the bounties are on?” Shauna looked at David concernedly before looking at Sureth. “I suggest we increase security Sir, we don’t need any bounty hunters coming aboard the station.”

" This is a very grave situation. Captain Rivers has top fleet credentials and poses a great risk to security." Sureth added.

"I've hit a gap in the information, by the books we have to scrub Captain Rivers credentials then issue a full security advisory, I can reach out too Aya Moreau she has experience with life in essary space but she's at best difficult to get in contact with." David remarked.

Isabelle looked at her father. “Could we set a trap for the Essary or their bounty hunters? Try and get some answers as to what exactly they’re up to?”

"That was taken off the table while I was coming up here." David said bluntly.

" Why? What has happened?" Sureth replied to Wallace

David looked at the Commodore, "Officially we are to allow the diplomats do their thing, unofficially there are leads I can follow up on but the clock might be ticking." pausing to drop the bombshell "I'd like to take a team in as soon as we have solid information on his location."

" We are no longer a mere science base. Evolution has made us a key tactical position for Star Fleet. If access to the black hole falls under Essary or other combatants this universe is in big trouble. Lt Wallace prepare your extraction team." Sureth replied.

“I’d like to volunteer to go” Isabelle looked at Wallace. “My senses might come in useful.”

"You're welcome to come, but you will be expected to be armed." David said then adding "We're going to need a ship, preferably on from that isn't from any openly known impound facility."

" Actually Lieutenant your new shuttle has just been made available. I had Lt Yova do the final inspection yesterday. It is in hanger 7." Sureth replied . " Take Warrant Officer Dallas with you. He will insist with Isabella going and I haven't got the energy to say no."

Isabelle couldn’t help but smile at her father’s comment. He was right John wouldn’t let her out of his sight in a possible combat situation, especially as she was carrying their child.

David already had an outline of what was next "I'll get the rest of the team assembled through my list of contacts and I'll need special item thirty-six brought from starbase McNeil before we depart."

" That is a distance away. Do you have an alternative plan? Every minute clicks by for the hostages." Sureth replied.

"Without a location on Captain Rivers at the moment I'd rather have that item when we depart than be going into a disputed zone without it." David said as he keyed in something. "It'll also give me time to get the supplies and sidearms we're going to need for this mission."

" Good Point Mr Wallace. See to your teams." Sureth replied



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