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Post # 47 Escort-Conclusion

Posted on Tue Jun 20th, 2023 @ 5:17pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Edited on on Tue Jun 20th, 2023 @ 5:19pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current



About four hours had passed since Captain Edwards and the Diplomats had left the Peel for Cresis II. O'Connell was getting restless wanting to have a conversation with Captain Edwards concerning her recent behavior.

"Transporter Room One to Captain O'Connell" came the call; tapping his Comm "O'Connell here go ahead" Jamie replied to the call. "Sir Captain Edwards called and will be returning in a few minutes" the Operator informed Jamie. "Good and thanks head the heads up, O'Connell out." Walking over to Maria "Lieutenant SanChez please send an armed Security person to Transporter Room One and escort Captain Edwards to my Ready Room as soon as she's back aboard" Jamie ordered. "Aye Captain" as she made the call. Jamie walked back to Command "Number One you have the Conn. Counsellor you're with me" then Jamie started to his Office with Sarissa following.

{Ready Room}

The Officers walked into the Office and Jamie sat at his desk and Sarissa sat in one of the two chairs which were in front of the desk. "Counsellor I wanted you to sit in on this and try to get a read on the Captain when she arrives" Jamie stated hoping Lisa would slip up and reveal her true intentions.

“Understood Sir” Sarissa smiled warmly. “I’ll see what I can pick up from her without being obvious.”

"Sounds good" Jamie replied. Moments later his Comm went off "O"Connell here. go ahead." "Sir Captain Edwards just beamed back aboard Sir" Security informed Jamie. "Good, please escort her to my Ready Room please" came the order. "Right away Sir" Security replied.

Minutes later Lisa walked in "You wanted to see me Captain" she inquired with a smile wondering if she had been found out or not.

"Yes Captain, please have a seat" he asked "So how did the negotiations go."

"Good, everything is all wrapped up" Lisa stated then paused "But that isn't the real reason you wanted to see me is it."

Jamie took a deep breath as he reached into his desk drawer. Pulling out a small bag of the devices he placed them on the deck in front of Edwards "Would you mind explaining this" he stated matter of factly.

Lisa sighed "As much as I hated to do this to you and your Crew, I was following orders" she explained "May I suggest calling Admiral Stone; he'll explain everything."

After giving Edwards a cross look, he tapped his Comm "Communications patch me through to Admiral Stone; priority message" Jamie ordered. "Right away Sir" Comms replied "You're set Sir."

When the screen came to life "Good morning, this is captain Jamie O'Connell of the USS Peel, I need to speak to the Admiral right away" Jamie stated.

"I'm sorry but the Admiral is in a meeting; I can have him call you back if you wish" the Secretary answered.

Lisa whispered "If I may Captain" as she rose from her seat and walked over behind Jamie so she could be seen "This is Captain Lisa Edwards....I.D. 718 Beta...we need to speak to the Admiral post haste" she asserted.

"Very well...just a moment" came the reply on the other end.

"Lisa, I see the Captain has discovered our little ruse already. Congratulations for discovering the devices so quickly; and for the record there're non functional" Stone explained hoping Jamie wouldn't be too upset.

Jamie could feel his Irish temper starting to flare up and didn't really much care at this point "Would you care to explain what the 'bloody hell' this was for."

"Calm down Captain and allow me to explain" he ordered then went on "Given the area you and your Crew will be working out of, I felt it was imperative
that you were able to detect even the slightest hint of a potential problem; especially if it came from one of our own. Captain Edwards works for me" he explained in detail.

After getting himself back under control "So we passed your test, I assume with flying colors, so how many more tests must we endure" Jamie queried with some concern.

"Captain you have my word as an Officer and a gentleman, this is our one and only test" Stone replied seeing Jamie a little more at ease "I can assure you it was nothing personal, I just had to be sure your Crew and yourself were well aware of your surroundings and this was the best way to measure that response. If there's nothing more Captain, I'm in the middle of a meeting."

"No Sir, nothing else" Jamie replied. "Good, safe travels back to M-69; Stone out."

Edwards sat back down "I am really sorry Captain to have to deceive you in such a fashion" then she paused "Perhaps I could attempt to make it up to you over dinner this evening; I did enjoy our last dinner together and it would show me there are no hard feelings between us."

Jamie thought for a couple of moments "I'll be the bigger person....sure dinner would be fine; maybe you can be honest this time" he commented.

"You have my word Jamie" then turning to Sarissa "I apologize to you also Counsellor, I have trained to guard my thoughts and feelings from Betazoids" Lisa stated with a smile.

“Perhaps so Captain” Sarissa smiled politely. “But a good Counsellor doesn’t just rely on her senses, there are other ways of judging people. Let’s just say you didn’t have me entirely fooled.”

Lisa just smiled "Touche Counsellor, I stand corrected"she replied not have taken any offense to the Counsellor's statement "And again I do apologize for the deception but I was following orders after all."

O'Connell chimed in "Apology accepted, but don't ever come aboard my Ship and pull anything like this again; next time I may not be so forgiving" he stated sternly.

"Understood Captain; so dinner in the Lounge at eighteen hundred then" Lisa inquired with a smile.

"That's fine; you may leave Captain Edwards" Jamie stated as Lisa stood and left the room.

Looking at Sarissa "I'm not sure If I believe her or not; maybe dinner will be more successful this time around, we'll see" Jamie stated.

Sarissa nodded. “Let’s hope so, she’s right when she said I can’t read her. She’s blocking my senses, all I can do is go by her body language.”

Jamie grinned "That's still better than what I was able to ascertain" he replied.


[Next Morning]

Captain O'Connell entered the Bridge at zero eight hundred "Good Morning Crew" he stated in a loud voice hearing the return replies as he sat next to Number One.

"Good morning Captain" Angel replied "So, if I may inquire, how did dinner go with Captain Edwards last night."

"It was cordial and I did find out a few interesting facts about Lisa" Jamie replied not going into much detail.

Then Angel leaned in and in a low voice "I passed Lisa in the corridor last evening and I must say the way she was dressed it appeared she had a definite mission on her mind" she said teasingly.

"Yes she did; me" Jamie replied "But that didn't happen. I don't just shag the first pretty face I see; that's not who I am."

Angel gave him a puzzled look "Shag Sir?"

Jamie chuckled "That's an old English term for having casual sex" he explained with a grin.

Angel saw her chance for a little fun "That wouldn't have anything to do with a certain long time Lady friend now would it" once again teasing the Captain."

"Maybe" Jamie replied with a snicker picking up on Angel's teasing.

"By the way we should arrive at M-69 soon if you want to inform our guests" Angel commented.

Jamie nodded while tapping his Comm "Captain Edwards we will be arriving at the Star Base soon" he informed her.

"Thank you Captain, we're making our way to Transporter Room One as we speak. I hope our paths cross again sometime and under better conditions" Lisa replied with sincerity in her voice.

"Perhaps they will; safe travels back home. O'Connell out" Jamie replied feeling more at ease now that his guests were leaving.

"Sir we're approaching the Base now" Helm called out.

"One quarter impulse, if you please." "Aye Sir, one quarter impulse." "Comms open a channel "M-69 this is Captain O'Connell, where would you like us to park the Ship."

"Welcome back Captain; I'm sending to coordinates to your Helm now Sir'" Traffic Control replied.

"Helm ease us in" Jamie ordered "Engineering we've arrived; put the Warp Core on standby. "Aye Captain" came the reply.

Looking at his Number One "Well that was certainly an interesting mission, to say the least" Jamie commented with a grin.

"That it was Captain, that it was" Angel answered with a grin as well.

The End


Senior Staff
USS Peel


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