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Post # 46 Escort Pt.5

Posted on Thu Jun 15th, 2023 @ 2:36pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current



Captain O'Connell walked into Command at zero eight hundred as the Lieutenant from Gamma shift stood "Good morning, what do you have for me" Jamie asked waiting for a report.

"Everything went as expected Sir, and we'll be to the Essary Territory in thirty. Cresis II is about two hours after we clear the that" the Lieutenant explained.

Moments later the rest of the Alpha Shift filed in and assumed their respective Stations. "Lieutenant thank you, you are dismissed" Jamie said with a smile. The Lieutenant nodded and left for some down time, a meal, and a shower.

Walking up behind Helm O'Connell gave his first order of the day "Helm increase our speed to Warp eight point five if you please. I want to zip by the Essary Territory as quickly as possible. "Aye Captain....increasing to eight point five" he replied as the Ship increased speed smoothly.

Returning to the Big Chair he saw Angel looking over some reports "Good Morning Number One, how are you today" Jamie asked with a smile.

Angel looked up from her PADD with a smile "Doing well Sir, and you" she replied.

Sitting Jamie responded "I'm doing well" then in a low voice "But I will be glad when we arrive at our destination and get this party started."

"I don't blame you" Angel stated "I've been thinking about the events of yesterday and I have to say some things just doesn’t seem quite right. So how did your dinner with Edwards go."

"The dinner went well and I was hoping for some insight into things.....but sadly not. I think after she leaves with the Diplomats...Sarissa, you, and I need to sit down and try to figure some things out" Jamie stated matter of factly.

"That's probably a sound course of action" Number One replied "It would be advantageous to figure things out before our Mission is completed."

Several minutes later the Lift doors swooshed open and the Counsellor walked into Command and grabbed her respective seat. Jamie looked over "Good Morning Lieutenant, how are you today" he asked then said in a low voice "After Captain Edwards and the Diplomats beam down the the surface I think the three of us should put our heads together and discuss yesterday."

Sarissa nodded. “I’m fine thank you Captain” she lowered her voice. “I whole heartedly agree.”

Minutes later Lieutenant SanChez called out from Tactical "Captain there are two Essary Cruisers parked at their border but so far there's no positive posture

Jamie had expected as much "Lieutenant keep an eye on them....I think they just want us to know they're around" he commented hoping this wouldn't become an issue. "Helm how long before we clear the border."

"Ten minutes more Sir; we should be safely clear and away from their border" Helm responded.

"Good....I want to get to Cresis II as soon as possible so maintain our current speed" Jamie ordered. "Aye Captain" came the response.

A few minutes later Captain Edwards walked onto the Bridge and up to Command "Good morning everyone" she commented looking at the Command Team "How much longer before we reach Cresis II."

Angel stood and walked over to the Science Station as the Captain stated "We'll be there within the hour."

"Good, I'll go inform the Diplomats so we can be in Transporter Room One when we arrive and beam directly to the meeting place" Lisa commented then turned to leave the Bridge.

Angel looked over at Jamie who just shrugged his shoulders, so she went back and sat in her designated seat "That was short and sweet" she stated with some concern.

"Maybe she thinks we're on to her" Jamie commented "I guess time will tell."

Sarissa nodded. “Agreed, I think she’s suspicious of us. Nothing about her feels right.”

"Captain we're approaching Cresis II Sir" Helm called out awaiting the next order."Drop us out of warp.....half impulse Helm....assume standard orbit." "Aye Sir."

O'Connell then ordered "Comms hail the Planet" as he walked behind Helm and stood. "Hailing now Sir" came the response. Soon a distinguished looking gentleman appear on the Screen. "This is Captain Jamie O'Connell commanding officer of the USS Peel, we have two Diplomats and Captain Edwards here to meet with you."

"Excellent Captain....they already have the coordinates so they may beam down anytime" the gentleman stated with a smile.

"I'll inform them right away Sir, O'Connell out." then tapping his Comm "Transporter Room One this is the Captain, please inform our guests they may beam down to the prescribed coordinates anytime." "Aye Captain."

Jamie waited several minutes before "Lieutenant SanChez you have the Conn" looking at his Command Team "Ladies now is a good of a time as any....lets adjourn to my ready Room" he commented as the three Officers left the Bridge.

{Ready Room}

Walking into the room Jamie suggested "We might as well sit at the round table and be comfortable" as the three sat "So do either of you have any theories on what's going on with Captain Edwards?" There was silence for a few moments while everyone was thinking "I'll start then....I think Edwards has her own agenda....I just wish I knew what the 'bloody hell' it was."

Sarissa smiled. “No doubt we’ll find out soon enough, whatever it is she’s guarding her emotions well around me.”

Angel was a little surprised at Jamie's language, but then again he was justified considering the situation as she added to the conversation "I'm inclined to agree with you Captain.....I certainly hope she can justify her actions to herself if nothing else." Wanting to take some notes for the meeting, Angel grabbed the PADD out of her thigh pocket and in do so it hit the underside of the table knocking free the planted device onto the floor. She spotted the device and bent down to pick it up then placed it on the table "Looks like we have found what the Captain is up to" she stated looking at her fellow Officers who were very surprised at the find.

O'Connell just sat looking at the device for a long couple of minutes not quite believing a fellow Captain would do such a thing to another Captain "Well that certainly explains her mood and the question remains as to why" Jamie stated still in shock over Lisa's actions.

Angel decided it was her duty as First Officer to be the voice of reason "Begging the Captain's pardon but I think we have more important concerns at the moment" she commented then continued "She walked around the Bridge to the different Stations alone; was there any place else she had access to."

Suddenly a light went off in Jamie's head "Yes the Briefing Room; she was really wanting to see it" he replied then rose from his seat "I think we need to check it out."

"Good, why don't the Counsellor and I go check the Stations on the Bridge while you check the Briefing Room so we can get these thing collected as soon as possible" Number One suggested.

"Yes good thinking. If you find more bring them directly to my Office" Jamie ordered being glad this situation was finally figured out.

{Briefing Room}

Jamie walked in looking around as the other two Officers headed for the Bridge. He was trying to remember their conversation that day.....maybe it would give him a clue to where another device might be located. Then he remembered Lisa walking down to the other end of the table as she called attention to the wall monitor.....everyone else at that point looked away. Walking to the other end of the table, Jamie bent down on one knee and surveyed the underside of the table.....there it was as he grabbed it "Gotcha you little sucker" he said as he removed it from its resting place and walked back to his Office.


The two Officers walked back onto the Bridge as Angel stated "Counsellor why don't you check each of the Stations starting with Tactical along with Engineering and I'll take the other side; that way we can cover more territory quicker."

Sarissa nodded. “Agreed.”

Starting with the Science Station Angel remember where Edwards had almost fallen, although she now thought it was just a ruse, and carefully checked over the underside of that area first.....yes.....there it was as she carefully removed the item wearing a glove so as not to contaminate the evidence. After that she checked the rest of the Science Station but found nothing. Moving on to the Comms Station Angel soon found one more device hidden from view and removed it. A few minutes later the Counsellor walked back over to Angel with something in her hand.

Sarissa sighed as she returned with a similar device, it seemed their suspicions were well and truly confirmed. “Why would she do this?”



Senior Officers
USS Peel


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