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Post 65. Mixed Messages

Posted on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 11:51am by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace
Edited on on Sun Oct 1st, 2023 @ 8:39pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Sb69
Timeline: Concurrent

~ Ops ~

Shauna stood in Ops her mind anywhere but where she was actually was, there was still no word on Deke. Last time she’d seen him they’d admitted how they felt about each other, before Deke had simply left without a further word. To say she was confused was an understatement.

“Lieutenant” She looked towards the officer at Ops. “Takeover, call me if there’s any problems.”

“Aye Commander” the Lieutenant nodded.

With that Shauna headed for Sureth’s Office.

~ Sureth’s Office ~

Pressing the chime Shauna paused for a moment before entering. “Forgive me for interrupting you Sir, can we talk?”

" Number One always." Sureth replied. Realising it had been a while since they had time to talk. " May I offer you a beverage?"

“A Vulcan tea would be lovely, thank you Sir” Shauna smiled politely.

The Vulcan tea ritual was a very comprehensive thing and Sureth was not that prepared for her request.
" This will take a moment Commander. What can I help you with?"

“Actually I need to talk about Deke... Captain Rivers.” She paused. “He and I admitted we had feelings for each other, then he up and left, to say I’m confused is an understatement.”

" Captain Rivers is an emotional complex person. In other words Human. I doubt he left you, on purpose." Sureth replied. " Once he is able to see things through I suspect he will be back."

Shauna nodded. “I hope so Sir” she offered a smile. “I need to make sure that I can be professional in my duties when it comes to Deke, I’m not use to relationships so I’m probably making it more complicated for myself.”

" The heart wants what the heart wants. It is the mind that logically discerns those feelings. Now if you are for tea I have prepared a traditional Vulcan tea ceremony." Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded. “Please continue Sir” She smiled warmly.

" My first wife is a traditional Vulcan woman. We were mated from youth. We begat children and after they were of age we concluded we had little attraction for one another. So I turned to my career. Isabella's mother could not maintain my Starfleet career thus she also is my ex wife. I am there for married to one thing my career."

“It is a demanding job, I always wondered how officers manage a relationship as well as family. Although I must say Isabelle handles her career and her family commitments admirably.”

" It would seem but I fear she is like her mother in that she needs a lot of attention to define herself. Sometimes having is not so grand as wanting. I have great admiration for all of my children despite their opinions of me." Sureth replied.

The tea was bitter even with sugar yet Sureth sipped his as they spoke.

“I think Isabelle has what she needs” Shauna offered a warm smile. “She has her father, her son, her husband, and another child on the way. I may not know your daughter like you do, but from casual observation I’d say she’s happy with life the way it is.”

" Let us hope. What about you Commander? Are you fulfilled and happy?" Sureth replied.

“In my career, most definitely.” Shauna nodded. “My personal life however...” she shrugged her shoulders. “Once I know where I stand with Deke my feelings may resolve.”

A melodic whistle sounded from operations.
[ Commodore long range sensors are detecting the approach of a scout class vessel with no transponder signal.]

Sureth looked to Shauna .


Both Sureth and Commander Callaghan exited and joined the junior officers at operations

“Do we have an identification?” Shauna asked as she looked at the readouts for herself.

" Negative Commander. No ID or transponder signal. Once they reach our outer perimeter the new security objectives will assign them a laser engraved one, provided they don't raise shields. " the Ensign replied.

“Should we open hailing frequencies?” Shauna looked at Sureth, she wasn’t sure what the intentions of the other ship were.

" No they are still way out. It could be someone testing us. It could also be Lt Commander Wallace’s ship. Continue to monitor Ensign." Sureth replied.

" Aye sir."

" Number One hail LT Commander Wallace’s team on a secure channel and inform them they are out there." Sureth added.

“Aye Sir” Shauna nodded and did as instructed. “Starbase 69 to Commander Wallace, be advised we have an unidentified ship approaching our position.”

--Aboard USS Huron--

David turned in command chair, "Aya, get a fix on that ship, open the comms"

"Confirmed Starbase, we have a track on the ship, stand by." David called out

"Course track has him moving at warp two, barely, it reads as a Gremlin class." Aya said puzzled "Those ships barely have the range for a one way trip this far out, we can intercept in three minutes." Aya said pointing too the display.

David called back to the starbase, "We can intercept in under three minutes, the ship might be damaged." David said

[ Go to yellow alert and stop at maximum phaser range before hailing Commander.] Sureth replied.

"Helm punch it to warp six, set condition two, Yellow Alert!" David called out.

— SB69 Ops —

Shauna stood waiting for news on exactly who, or what, was aboard the approaching ship. At the moment that was all she could do.

" Sureth joined Shauna's side and placed an hand on her right shoulder.

" This could be a test from the Essary to see if we fire upon them."

Shauna nodded. “Possibly Sir, no doubt we’ll find out soon enough.”


Deke sat in the seat but his head was full of mush as he tried to clear up the confusion. The various crew knew who really ran the bridge but pretended to await his orders

" I said full ahead damit," Deke ordered.
" No sir. Our old buddies the Romulans taught me to wait, so we wait." repliedbhis XO.


David was getting impatient, they were just over a minute out, he looked at the readouts on screen, "Drop out of warp!"

He looked over, "Shields up!, torpedoes to standby, open hailing frequencies."

"Frequencies open"

"Essary ship, you are in violation of federation right of way treaty, drop to one quarter impulse and reverse course." David said

He shifted to Aya, "Tactical?"

"They're no match even for us, a couple of photonic missiles would cripple them."

A staggering voice rang out over the comms system on the Huron.

[ This is Captain Deke Rivers of the Essary ship Texas. Surrender my base damit.]

The vessel then pivoted an impulse turn and headed straight for the Lagoon Nebula.

David looked at the bridge crew, ~Let's see if this is a bluff~

"Captain Rivers you will stand down and surrender yourself and your ship." David said into the comms, he keyed a text message to Aya.

'What the hell, send a message to the station things are not what we thought.'

[ Commander Wallace pursue that vessel discreetly.] Commodore Sureth then ordered as he had been monitoring communications.

David looked at the message, then looked at the board, "Maintain pursuit distance helm, Aya keep the fireworks on standby." he wanted to know what was going on.

[ Now that the Essary have showed their hand it is time I showed mine to you. Captain RIVER'S, is undercover.with my permission. it would seem his cover has been blown though. Someone is manipulating the situation.] Sureth declared.

David stopped to process the new information, "This wasn't exactly how I planned this mission, so I guess we'll go with plan B." Jason said.

Aya's face went white, she hated when he said that....feared it.

[ Proceed at your discretion Commander. Bring him back alive if possible.] Sureth replied looking at Shauna.

David looked at Aya, "Bring weapons to full, Shields to full, RED ALERT!"

The Klaxon echoed throughout the small ship, the bridge lights went from standard watch to the standard combat red, displays all switched from normal operations too combat readiness, David looked at Sargent Dallas, "Overtake maneuvers, Kappa zero one zero, phasers lock on power systems and shields."

Aya called out "Weapons lock ready!" ~Like father like son.~

David looked ahead opening the comm channel, "Essary ship, this is your only warning, stand down or we will fire." David held his hand up waiting for their reply.

The Essary ship suddenly went to warp heading into the myst of the Lagoon Nebula.

A new voice replied to Wallace.

[ Captain Rivers is as good as dead if you pursue ] the voice warned.

David looked at the display, "Stand down."


OOC: Time to end this one.


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