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Peel Post #2-Briefing

Posted on Mon Sep 25th, 2023 @ 6:48pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Edited on on Sun Oct 1st, 2023 @ 8:52pm

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current



"Thank you" then he tapped his desk Comm "Attention all Senior Officers please report to the Captain's quarters right away for a briefing, O'Connell out."

-End Snip-

{Deck 2 - Captain's Quarters}

Angel and Jamie stood talking over their next Mission while waiting for the Senior Officers to arrive even though it was late in the day and in a much different location.

Sarissa had been cuddled up on the sofa in her quarters with Johan, she was loving spending what time she could with him, but the call interrupted that. “Sounds like duty calls.”

"It would seem so. It must be important for the Captain to be calling for a briefing this time of the day.....and in his quarters to boot" Johan replied. Looking at Sarissa "I guess we better get a move on." The couple left her place and walked holding hands towards the Captain's quarters.

Maria SanChez was on a comms call to an old friend from her pervious Ship when she heard the call "Sorry Sam, but the Captain just called all Senior Staff for a briefing in his quarters so I guess our conversation will have to wait for another time" Maria commented not being too happy about the situation.

"That's fine; duty first I guess. I'll give you a call soon, I promise" Sam replied with a smile. "I'm going to hold you to it" Maria replied with a grin. The call ended then Maria left for the Captain's quarters.

Johan palmed the door chime waiting for an answer. Angel heard the chime "I'll get it Jamie" as she walked to the door and opened it "Lieutenants please come in and make yourselves comfortable." They both walked in as Johan said "Good evening Commander, Captain" then waited for Sarissa's greeting.

Sarissa offered a warm smile. “Hello Captain, Commander. We came as soon as we got the call, this must be very important.”

Maria saw the Captain's door opened so she just walked in "Hi everyone" she commented with a smile then sat in one of the chairs.

"Thank you all for coming; I'll try an keep this short" Jamie commented wishing there wasn't a need to intrude on his Crew's personal time "And yes this is very important as you will see once the rest of the Senior Staff arrives."

Several more minutes went by and Jamie didn't want to wait any longer "Ok let's get started if you all would find a seat; I'll fill the rest in on the details later" he stated "As soon as Lieutenant T'Den arrives aboard Ship we'll be heading for the Tarsas Sector. She will be attempting to settle a dispute between Selay and Aurelia over a disputed Moon which exists between their two planets. Our task, besides transportation for the Lieutenant, is to monitor the area. Apparently there are factions from both Planets that would like nothing more than to start a war over this disagreement. I guess I don't have to tell you to be on your toes; hopefully things will go without any confrontation. Are there any questions or concerns" as Jamie wound down the meeting.

Johan spoke up "Captain, we do have VIP quarters here on Deck 2 so when we're finished I'll doublecheck one of them for the our guest to make sure it's ready" he commented.

"Thank you Lieutenant, that would be most helpful" Jamie replied "Any other questions or concerns."

"I'll contact Captain Hunt to have his Marines on standby should we need 'boots on the ground" Maria stated and sort of asking.

Jamie thought for a moment "That's probably a good idea since we don't know what we're walking into" he replied "Any one else before we dismiss?"

Sarissa looked towards Jamie. “Do you want me to assist Lieutenant T’Den Captain?”

"Yes, thank you Counselor; I'm sure the Lieutenant would welcome some personal attention should she need anything" he replied impressed with his Crew for thinking of things that he had not considered.

Sarissa nodded. “It’s all part of what we Counsellors do Captain” she smiled warmly.

Jamie grinned "Yes, of course. My apologies Lieutenant; I tend to forget Counselors attend to that sort of thing" he replied when he was interrupted by a call. "Captain our guest just beamed aboard" Transporter Room One informed the him. "Thank you we'll be there momentarily" Jamie replied. "We'll dismiss and my apologies for taking you away from your down time. Number One, Counselor if you would accompany me to the Transporter Room" and with that the Captain's quarters emptied out.

As the Command Team made their way to their newly arrived guest, Lieutenant Albo quickly went down the corridor to make sure the V.I.P. Quarters was in order and ready for their Guest.

{Deck 3}

The Command Team walked into Transporter Room One to greet the Lieutenant and welcome her aboard. "Welcome Lieutenant T'Den to the USS Peel. I'm Captain Jamie O'Connell; I trust you had a good trip." Jamie commented with a smile.

"Captain O'Connell very nice to meet you" T'Den replied as she walked off the pad and over to Jamie offering him her hand. They shook hands as Jamie stated "Please let me introduce my Command Team. This is Commander Angel Devroe, my First Officer, and Lieutenant Sarissa Aloran, my Chief Counselor and ACMO. If you need anything Ms. Aloran will take see to it." "Ladies it is very nice to meet you as well" T'Den replied as she shook each of their hands.

Angel smiled "It's nice to meet you also Lieutenant. Please excuse our attire but your arrival was sudden and unexpected" she explained.

"That is fine Commander, I do realize my arrival was sudden; as is this whole Mission" T'Den replied "I am not one to stand on ceremony."

“Someone else who agrees with me” Sarissa grinned. “I don’t tend to stand on ceremony either. Your quarters are being organised as we speak, once we’re done here I can show you the way if you’d like?”

"That would be the next logical course of action" T'Den replied then thought she should sound a little more human "Thank you Counselor, that would be nice."

Jamie smiled "Lieutenant T'Den if you would like to retire to your Quarters now, Lieutenant Aloran will escort you. Meanwhile I'll get us underway" he commented.

"That would be acceptable Captain, it has been a busy day" T'Den replied eager to get settled and get some rest. The two ladies left for Deck 2 and the V.I.P. Quarters.

Walking over to the Transporter Console Jamie tapped the Comm "Lieutenant Mercer, this is the Captain, please set a course for the Tarsus Sector warp eight if you please" came the order. "As you wish Captain, we'll be underway momentarily, Mercer out" he replied, then gave the appropriate orders.

{Deck 2}

Sarissa and T'Den walked off the Lift and made their way to the V.I.P. Quarters. When they arrived Sarissa tapped the keypad and the door slid open. T'Den turned "Thank you Counselor for the escort; please have a restful evening."

“Likewise Lieutenant” Sarissa smiled warmly, “If there’s anything you require please let me know.”

T'Den gave a nod of acknowledgement then walked into her Quarters when the door slid shut behind her.

{Deck 3}

Jamie looked at Angel "Well this evening didn't go like I thought it would" he commented with a grin. Angel smiled "No I guess not, but that's fine" as she paused for a moment before continuing "It has occurred to me Jamie all the time we've worked together, you have never seen my quarters. Would you like to come over for a nightcap before calling it a day."

"You know you're right, and yes that would be nice. I could use a good stiff drink right about now" he replied with a grin. The two Officers left the Transporter Room for a friendly drink together.



Senior Staff
USS Peel
NCC- 71015


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