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Station Post # 19 " Wallace Class "

Posted on Mon Jan 15th, 2024 @ 12:02am by Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo) & Lieutenant Myar

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Just as Sureth had figured a day after he left the newly assigned Wallace class ship arrived to Starbase M-69 . Captain Deke Rivers, being on duty, received the vessel.

[ This is Lt Commander Frost from Starfleet Engineering. My crew stand ready to be relieved of this old Ghost.]
" A ghost eh. Where did you find her?" Deke joked.
[ I will tell you over drinks Captain.]
" My kind of guy Commander. You've got yourself a deal, Rivers out. "

Deke then sent the arriving data to the awaiting terminal of the stations Chief Engineer Lt Commander Jessica O'Neal.

" Hey, Commander O'Neal here us some light reading on our new Wallace Class ship Sureth ordered." Deke said sending the data.

Jessica received the Specs of the Wallace Class ship on her pad. " Thanks, Captain" she said while were reading through the Specs. Halfway through it, she continued the conversation after this brief moment of silence " This is a powerful little ship, Sir. These Specs are great, this vessel will be a good asset to us" she said while she finished reading the rest of the data that she had received.

" Nothing but the best for M-69. Can you whip her into shape Chief?" Rivers sort of flirted.

“My team and I can get her into shape, Captain. I will get you an estimate time once I have seen her close up.” Jessica replied back.

" Commander let me know if I can be of help.I ain't afraid to get my hands dirty." Deke flirted.


Technical Specifications for Wallace Class ships
expected duration: 15 years
time between resupply: 3 month
time between refit: 3 years
category: Escort/Scout/Patrol

officers: 3
enlisted crew: 10
marines: 4
passengers: 0

cruising speed: Warp 5
maximum speed: Warp 7
emergency speed: Warp 8.2 (for 12 hours)

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 0
shuttles: 0
attack fighters: 0
runabouts: 0

Defensive Systems:
phasers: 2 type-U, 4 type-IX
torpedoes: launchers: 1 launchers (forward)
hellfire: 2
photon: 10
quantum: 10
transphaisic: 2
tri cobalt: 2
shields: Class 10 Bubble shielding system, regenerative shielding system
hull armor: Type-1 Ablative Armor
height: 9.9 meters
width: 59.1 meters
length: 8.5 meters
decks: 2

Sensors: Four primary arrays (2 lateral, 1 forward, 1 aft), Range of 18 Light Years. Each primary array has a back up Secondary array. Range of 14 Light Years. Each array can be set long, medium, or short range.
Tactical: Four primary arrays (2 lateral, 1 forward, 1 aft), Range of 18 Light Years. Each primary array has a back up Secondary array. Range of 14 Light Years. Each array can be set long, medium, or short range.
Navigational Deflector:
Type: Molybdenum & Duranium Mesh
Power: Two Graviton Polarity Generators
Output: 256 Gigawatts
Field Strength: 550 Millicochranes
Tractor Emitters:
Power: 3-15 Gigawatt Multi-phase Graviton Polarity Sources
Field Strength: 480 Millicochranes
Minimum Range: 126 Million tons at 2 Kilometers
Maximum Range: 1 ton at 30.000 Kilometers

Personal Transporters:
Rooms: 1 Transporter Rooms, five persons per cycle
Payload: 960 kilograms
Range: 40,000 kilometers
Operations Per Hours: 50 persons per hour, per room

Cargo Transporters:
Rooms: 1 Transporters, primary cargo bay
Payload: 800 tons
Range: 40,000 kilometers
Operations Per Hours: 100 cycles per hour, per room

Computer Systems:
Core: Type 4, Isolinear Processing Core
Software Version: LCARS 6.0
Storage Capacity: 931 TeraQuads
Processing Speed: 304,000 ExaFLOPS

Communications Systems:
Short Range: 2,000,000 Kilometers
Long Range: 14 Light-years for Real-Time Transmission
Transmission Capacity: 18.5 kiloquads per second
Transmission Speed: Warp 9.9997


Shauna entered Ops offering Deke a warm smile. "I see our new Wallace class has arrived. What do you think of her?"

" She looks like Hell. Boy Sureth can sure pick em. Eleven of these things were lost in the Dominion War, apparently Sureth found one that some graveyard got working and had her sent here to R&D to repair. I sent the specs to the Chief Engineer. Have you had breakfast?" Deke replied.

"Not yet" Shauna shook her head. "I came to see what the commotion was all about first."

" Well I am starved and sleepy. I will bring you a bite and then I will be in my quarters. " Deke replied.

"Sounds good to me" Shauna smiled. "Can't have you falling asleep on duty now can we?"

" Hey I promised to be good here." Deke smiled. " If I didn't have this XO gig I would invite you to join me."

Shauna grinned. "I'll join you for lunch later, I'm sure we'll be all sorted by then."

" That'll work. Ops is yours Captain." Deke said as he exited Operations.

" Captain Callaghan, the Wallace Class has been moored and added security has been attached to it," Nic Covenant reported.

"Excellent" Shauna nodded. "Let's get our people onto this, I want a full report as soon as they've had chance to give her the once over."

Nic smiled as this was right down his alley. He had never given a ship a proper shake down and now that he was the Ops officer of the station this little shipbwas about to get its proper shaking.

A beep crossed Nics desk and he looked up to Captain Callaghan. A comms message was coming in for the Commandant of the base.

" It's from the Commodore"

"The Commodore? odd I thought he'd be enjoying his holiday by now" Shauna shrugged her shoulders. "Put it through please."

=^= Number One no doubt you have heard the news of the attack near Vulcan? For the most part we are all right. Isabella has been placed in quarantine to rule out a contamination however. Place the station on Yellow Alert and inform the Peel and Nazgul to be on alert for Essary movements along their systems.=^= Sureth warned.

Shauna nodded to Nic Covenant. "Get that message out to all ships now Lieutenant." she turned her attention back to Sureth. "Actually Sir the news of the attack hasn't reached the station yet, at least not up here in Ops. I certainly hope Isabelle isn't at any risk, please keep us informed Sir."

=^= Will do Sureth out.=^=

Nic worried as he pushed the yellow alert klaxon. Teams of crew then filled empty chairs in anticipation of an unknown why.

Shauna sighed, if it wasn't one thing it was something else. She tapped the comms. "Callaghan to Rivers, report back to Ops as soon as possible please."

Deke Rivers strolled in a moment later.
" I forgot your donut. Why the yellow alert?" Deke asked.

Shauna offered a wry smile. "It seems there's been an attack near Vulcan. Sureth is fine, Isabelle is in quarantine after coming into contact with some sort of contagion. Sureth will keep in contact with us. The station and all ships are going to yellow alert just in case.


The Wallace Class silently docked with tractor beams as teams of engineering crew followed protocols. The poor little vessel had seen hell in its time following the Dominion War and it had the scars and holes to prove it.

Jessica follows with her eyes as the ship docked. In her mind she already started to map out a maintenance plan. This ship looks like Swiss cheese. She put in the plans in her pad as she mapped it out. She noticed that some of her engineering team were already out. She went on to enter the ship to inspect it from the inside with her a half dozen engineers followed. Once inside she gave some orders to the team and all started.

Lt Myar's team was the first inspectors as each dawned EV suits and began the exterior repairs of the hull.

[ Myar to Commander O'Neal. We have an aft hull breach. Beginning repairs.]

[Understood Lt., be careful Myar] Jessica responded.

Complying the Caitian and his 2 side kicks made the general repairs and headed in to prepare for the grand ones after dumping the EV suits and deradiating themselves.

" Commander the hull is now secure. All ruptures have been addressed and repaired. All major repairs to engines and impulse drive are slated to begin tomorrow." Myar reported.

“Well done Lt. Myar, you and the team did great work,” Jessica said the Lt. and her team. “It will be so much fun to get the Wallace back in shape” she thought. “Take the rest of the day off, we’ll back tomorrow” she said as she dismissed them and gave them the rest of the day off.

The Wallace class vessel,though small, looked very proficient and polished as the automated Work bees began the exterior clean up. Soon they would delve into its inner circuitry and answer all the questions this old Ghost was hiding.



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