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Peel Post #8 "As Ordered"

Posted on Mon Jan 15th, 2024 @ 8:24pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current



=^= Number One no doubt you have heard the news of the attack near Vulcan? For the most part we are all right. Isabella has been placed in quarantine to rule out a contamination however. Place the station on Yellow Alert and inform the Peel and Nazgul to be on alert for Essary movements along their systems.=^= Sureth warned.


Now that the Crew were back from Shore Leave, having enjoyed several days on the Base, the Captain was about ready to get the Ship back out on patrol to their designated sector of space.

The Comms Officer received an incoming call that made him raise both eyebrows hearing the news as he turned towards Command "Captain we just received a call from the Base. It appears there has been an attack near Vulcan; the Commodore has ordered all Ships to yellow alert and to go on patrol watching for any Essay activity."

A surprised Captain looked at his First Officer "Looks like we better get back out there quick" Jamie commented before giving out orders.

"Yes....I think we've all had enough'll be good to get back to work" Angel replied with a grin.

"Helm, sever umbilicals, release all docking clamps, and ease us out of Dock" Jamie ordered knowing Helm would execute his orders flawlessly.

"Aye Captain, starting as ordered" Helm replied.

"Comms open a ship wide" O'Connell ordered looking at Comms for the thumbs up signal "Attention Crew, this is the Captain, we're going back out on patrol. There has been an attack near Vulcan and we have been ordered to travel to our sector of space looking for any Essay activity; stay sharp, Captain out.

"Helm one quarter impulse until we're away from the Base and have cleared traffic" came the order.

"Aye Sir, going to one quarter impulse now" Helm replied as the Ship accelerated smoothly being navigated around traffic.

"Computer take us to Yellow Alert" Number One called out as the Bridge lights changed colors, as well as the entire Ship, and the alarms started sounding on every deck. After a few minutes of sufficient noise, and the rest of the Crew now aware of the situation, "Computer silence the alarms" as the noise stopped.

"Tactical keep an eye out for any Essay activity along their borders; I don't want any surprises" Jamie ordered.

"Aye Captain, as you wish" SanChez replied already setting up her Tactical Screen.

Minutes later "Captain we've cleared traffic Sir" Helm reported. "Good full impulse until we clear the outer buoys"Jamie ordered. "Aye Sir."

Several moments later "Captain we're clear Sir." "Plot a course at seven, two, nine mark four" Jamie stated "Then take us to Warp five please." "Course plotted in, going to Warp five now Sir" as the Ship tore away from the Base area.

Tapping his Comm "Engineering how we looking down there" Jamie inquired "Good Sir. The Core is purring like a kitten. It's good to get the Lady back to work" came the reply. "Great keep me posted if anything changes" Jamie ordered knowing full well the Peel was more than up to any task.

[ Two Hours Later ]

"Captain we're reaching the assigned coordinates" Helm called out. "Good drop us out of Warp to full impulse, steady as she goes" the Captain ordered. "Dropping out of Warp, going to full impulse Sir" as the Ship smoothly made the transition from Warp to impulse.

"Lieutenant SanChez let us know if anything looks suspicious along that border" Angel instructed Tactical. "As you wish Commander" Maria replied looking at the Screen so intently her eyes could almost bore a hole threw it.

A few more hours passed by "Captain I'm picking up three Essay Scout Ships sitting at their border Sir" Maria informed Command.

"Any activity coming from them Lieutenant" O'Connell inquired with some concern.

"No Sir, they're just parked there facing in our direction" Maria replied still starring at her Screen.

"Helm adjust our course fifteen degrees to Starboard; let's get some a little more wiggle room between them and us" Jamie ordered. "Aye captain, adjusting course now Sir."

Angel leaned in "What do you suppose they're up to" she commented in a low voice.

"I think they've discovered us in the area and are trying to rattle our cage" Jamie replied in the same voice.

"Sirs, the Essary are raising their shields" Maria stated to Command. "Raise Shields, Red Alert" Angel stated in a loud voice as the Ship's interior changed colors one again.

A few minutes later "Captain the Essay are bring their weapons online" SanChez stated in a loud voice ready to do the same if ordered.

"Hold fast Lieutenant, I want to see if they're stupid enough to fire on us sense in starting a war" Jamie ordered. "Holding fast Sir, awaiting your command."

For the next several rather tense minutes it was so quiet you could've heard a pin hit the deck "Sirs they've taken their weapons offline and have dropped their shields" Maria stated with relief in her voice.

Angel looked over at her Captain and received a nod "Lower shields....yellow alert" Angel ordered as she could sense the Bridge Crew relax somewhat while she whispered to Jamie "I really don't like them very much" as a grin came across her face.

"No neither do I" he admitted with a grin of his own "And I hate playing this cat and mouse game with them as well."

The Peel stayed on patrol all that day and into the next keeping an eye on the Border and on a group of ex-Star Fleet people, and various other rabble, who would like nothing better than an all out war with the Federation. It would seem Star Base M-69 and her Ships may have just put a crimp in their style.


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer

Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Peel
NCC 71015


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