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Station Post # 18 " Live Long and Enjoy a Snow Cone "

Posted on Fri Jan 12th, 2024 @ 9:04pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Vulcan - Sureth's family home

Now she was out of the medical facility Isabelle was grateful that they had finally been able to make their way to their holiday destination. She sat feet up with a nice chilled glass of water to drink.

"It's been a long time since I was last here" she smiled as she looked around. "I barely spent any time here on Vulcan when I was growing up, I was always travelling with mum." she picked up a fan giving herself a few wafts of air. "I maybe half Vulcan, but it only helps so much with the heat."

Sureth and John Dallas accompanied Isabella in a shuttle to the Starfleet port. From there it would be a trek to Sureth's old home town.

" My brother Thon treated you Isabella." Sureth told her.

"Uncle Thon?" Isabelle barely remembered the family she had on Vulcan. "I hope he didn't think me rude, I didn't recognise him, I barely remember him."

" Thon is not as charming as I am. His career is medicine. I am off to find my son and grand children. When I establish contact I will hail you. Take John on a tour but do not leave the city." Sureth urged.

Isabelle nodded. "It'll be a tour for us both, I barely remember Vulcan. It'll be fun though." she smiled before drinking more of her water, just as Ramvek had instructed.

Sureth motioned for John Dallas.
" ShiKahr is crowded and dangerous. Keep her close to you." Sureth urged.

" I will sir. " John promised

Bowing to Isabella Sureth then took a different path towards a condo type set of buildings

" All right little girl let's go sight seeing." John said to his wife.

Isabelle nodded and smiled. “By all means” she took a sip of water from her bottle before putting it away, and taking hold of her husband’s arm as she pushed her son around in his pram with her other hand. “Let’s see what this place has to offer shall we?”

John loaded more water into Isabella's canteen making sure to add the hyronilin tablets she would need the remainder of the trip.

As they shopped a mother and her child smiled at them as they entered a shop.
" Hello. You were one of the injured weren’t you?" I am Kara Schwyn this is Axle. We were aboard the Council ship also."

"That's right, it's nice to meet you Kara, and you too Axle" Isabelle smiled. "I'm Isabelle Veran-Dallas, this is my husband John. We're here on holiday with my father Commodore Sureth."

" What a coincidence, we came here for holiday too with Chancelor Kelf. Only he has to stay and we were hoping to leave soon. With the bombing the talks have been extended here before going to Babel." replied the lady

"I'm not quite sure how long we'll be here ourselves" Isabelle smiled. "I just wanted to get acquainted with my homeworld again. I haven't spent much time on Vulcan over the years."

" Well it is wonderful meeting you both. I hope you can enjoy Vulcan." Kara replied as she and Axle walked away.

John kept his eye on them.and then looked to his wife.

" Sometimes you say too much . We have to be cordial but cautious."

"I didn't sense anything off about her John" Isabelle sighed. "All I wanted to do was come to Vulcan to see family, and to enjoy my home world, it's not exactly turning out that way is it?" she looked around hoping John was wrong, last thing she wanted was her son put in any danger.

" You're right. Look they have snow cones."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Isabelle smiled. "Lets go!"


After landing on Vulcan, Ramvek rented a Shuttle to travel some distance to see his Parents; he thought it would be a nice surprise since they had no idea he was on Vulcan.

Upon securing the Shuttle he realized It had been a long time since he had flown but like anything else everything came back to him as he started out.
Arriving at his destination Ramvek landed and secured his ride. Grabbing his duffle he made his way to the front door and rang the chime waiting for an answer.

Ramvek could hear a female voice "Coming, just a minute" as she opened the door and stood momentarily not believing what she was seeing "Ramvek, my boy"
as she lunged forward throwing her arms around her only child giving him a big hug.

"Hello Mother" Ramvek said with a smile.

"Please come's so good to see you after all this time" Ramona stated as she led the way into the Kitchen "Please have a seat and I'll make us some tea." They sat talking and catching up with Ramvek telling his Mother all about his new assignment on the Star Base.

Several minutes later Ramvek heard another familiar voice "Ramona I am home”.
Ramvek stood out of respect "Father it is pleasing to see you" Ramvek stated being careful to act more Vulcan than human.

T'Vek looked at his Son for a moment "It is pleasing to see you as well my Son" he replied as was his custom.

The three sat and talked for quite some time when his Mother inquired "So what brought you to Vulcan and why didn't you let us know you were coming" Ramona asked with a smile.

"I am here with the Commanding Officer, Commodore Sureth, from the Star Base. It was a last minute decision to accompany him here” then he paused “I would have been here a few days ago but I got caught up with a Medical Ship lending a hand to whatever happened here recently" Ramvek explained. The three spent the rest of the day catching up since Ramvek hadn’t been back home in a long time.

Ramvek spent the next few days with Ramona and T'Vek enjoying the time with his family but he knew in the back of his mind he would have to leave soon to go back to the Shuttle to return to the Base with the other Officers.



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