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Post #44 Ahoy, Captain-Conclusion

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 5:49pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Edited on on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 6:00pm

Location: Peel/Nazgul
Timeline: Current


"My own options are limited," Tore admitted. "I will defer to you, Captain, since you've been more in touch with the Gola than my crew has. I just hope that the meld from my Science Chief actually gave her some incites before she was summarily pushed away. Nazgul is here to support you, Jamie. Just let us know what you need."

Jamie let out a long breath "First things first. Comms contact the Gola we need to let it knows what has transpired" he ordered then turning his attention back to Tore "Captain if your Science Chief is able we could use her insight since she probably has had the most direct contact with the creature."

"Captain I've established a link with the Gola" the Comms Officer informed Jamie.

"Gola this is O'Connell. We have tried to get you passage into this Sector.....they said no" he explained feeling bad to give the being such bad news.

"Thanks O'Connell.....I got this.....goodbye" the Gola replied knowing it would wait for the best time to go ahead.

"Captain the Gola has severed the connection with us and I can't get it back" Comms stated.

"Damn," Tore said upon hearing that. He looked at O'Connell. "Apologies for all the cross-talk on your Bridge, Captain." Having said that he tapped his badge. "Bjorgo to Sheyla. Report."

When Sheyla's voice came through the speakers she was breathing slightly heavier as if she had been working strenuously, with little grunts and exhales here and there. "Sheyla here, Captain. As soon as I got back I woke Ainkara with a stimulant and got thrown across Sickbay for my trouble..."

"Thrown across Sickbay?" Bjorgo asked with concern in his tone.

"Aye, Sir. Ainkara is Voran and, as a member of a Vulcanoid species her strength is equal to theirs. When she awoke she was still in the mindset of being attacked so she reacted. Not her fault. However, she keeps repeating that she needs to see you immediately." Sheyla laid all that out.

"Good." Tore replied. "Get her ready for site-to-site transport." Bjorgo's eyes met O'Connell's in a way as to imply asking permission to do so. He got a nod saying it was okay so he continued. "Tell her to pull it together and focus. Get her beamed over. Bjorgo, out." He tapped his badge off just as a transporter signal was heard and Ainkara appeared in an open area a safe distance from anyone else.

Ainkara solidified, and once she was again under her own power she stumbled a bit and went to a knee, shaking her head to offset the effects of concussion. Seeing everyone staring at her, Ainkara got to her feet, a bit unsteady, and gratefully accepted the arm offered by Captain Bjorgo. "Thank you, Sir. I am here despite my injuries." Her hands were useable and still had some burn damage but a majority of it had already been seen to by Sickbay.

Captain Bjorgo let her use his right arm when she needed to to remain steady. Looking up at O'Connell, Tore introduced her. "Captain O'Connell, crew of Peel, this is my Science Chief, Lieutenant Ainkara."

Jamie smiled admiring the women's determination working through he injuries "Lieutenant very nice to meet you" he commented noticing her being a bit unsteady "Please take my chair and sit. I hate to ask all things considered but were you able to glean anything from the Gola.....maybe it's intentions."

When offered, Ainkara made no move towards the chair. She even let go of Bjorgo's arm and stood up straight on her own despite still having the signs of concussion due to the electrical shocks she had received. She said nothing about her own condition, instead choosing to address the other CO. "Captain O'Connell, the Gola is not here to just return home. It is why I wanted to see my Captain so badly. The Gola is pregnant with two more of its kind, and with the history lesson its memory allowed me to perceive, the Gola have been hunted to near extinction. This Gola is the last of their kind, except for the two it carries."

Tore's eyes hardened as he looked over at Jamie. The squinting of the eyes full of irritation was not missed. "Looks like I'm going to lose my command today, Jamie. The Nazgul will escort the Gola all the way to where it needs to go, despite what those bureaucrats have to say. I will not be party to eliminating an intelligent being simply out of fear and misunderstanding."

Hearing that, Ainkara gave a curt nod to Bjorgo. "Thank you, Captain. The Gola has done all it's done over the years out of revenge for us, the humanoids, who have hunted them all down and destroyed them one by one. When I said I needed to tell you lot about the progeny was when the Gola became emotional and told me no and then electrocuted me. It fears, as well as I do, that if others find out that it is bearing young they will attack, Captain O'Connell."

As O'Connell was about to give Tore a response Lieutenant Albo called out "Captain the Gola seems to be pouring up" Johan stated "I..t..."s m...o...v...i...n...g...
f...o...r...w...a...r...d" as the Peel experienced another time slowdown which lasted for just a few seconds before returning to normal.

"Tactical any indication in what direction it's headed" Captain O'Connell stated then glanced over at Tore "Captain looks like the Gola has finally decided to take things into it's own hands."

"After what we just heard, can you blame it?" Tore asked. He then switched gears back to CO mode. "I need to get back to my ship, Jamie. If Ainkara can be useful to you any further she can stay if she wishes."

Ainkara gave a thankful bow from the neck as he said that. "It does not matter what ship I am on, Captains. I made a vow to the Gola that I would speak for it and assist it with this issue. I do not go back on my word, Sirs."

After a few minutes "Captain the Gola is headed to what used to be the Mutara sun" SanChez replied while still watching her screen.

Looking at his other Science Officer "Lieutenant Sayvek since you have a vast knowledge of the being, what would the Gola want with a dead sun" O'Connell inquired.

" Only as a student of history. Like Kirk's Gola I believe it came from the Mutara sun. It has come home. Sad fully that sun is dead but only in our time line perspective. The Gola may be able to reenergize the Mutara sun." Sayvek replied.

Moments later Comms called out "Captain we're being hailed by the General."

"On screen" Jamie ordered as the General's faced appeared not looking at all happy with the current situation "Captain what is the meaning of this. I thought you were told that thing could not enter our space."

"General I'm afraid the Gola has decided otherwise" O'Connell stated not liking the General's tone at the moment.

"You mean to tell me with two Star Fleet ships you couldn't take that thing out" the General inquired with a raised voice.

By the this time Jamie could feel the Irish kicking in "With all due respect General, if you mean by 'taking it out' to destroy it the answer is an emphatic no!! Neither Captain Bjorgo nor myself will kill a sentient being especially one that's on the brink of extinction. We don't believe it means to do you harm.

The General fired back "If you won't destroy that thing then we will" he stated with great resolve.

Jamie glanced over at Tore then back to the General "If you harm the Gola in any risk expulsion from the Federation AND we will use whatever force necessary to stop you. The choice is yours" Captain O'Connell stated with as much resolve as the General, giving Comms the signal to terminate the transmission as Jamie gave Angel the look.

"Shields up....Red Alert...tactical bring weapons online; let's show the General we're not taking this situation lightly" Commander Devroe ordered.

"Shields up....weapons ready on your command Commander" Maria replied hoping for a little action.

"Hopefully that won't be necessary Ms. SanChez" Angel replied "Helm follow the Gola but keep a safe distance; let's see what happens" turning to Jamie with a smile knowing she had his full trust as his Number One.

"Aye Commander" Helm replied watching his screens carefully so not to spook the Gola.

Seeing where this was heading Bjorgo gave O'Connell that knowing 'captains' look. "We need to get back, Jamie. I'm sure Number One has Nazgul at Yellow Alert with you activating your weapons. Ainkara, we can tie in with Captain O'Connell from Nazgul. We're leaving." He then tapped his badge and ordered two to beam up, site to site directly to the Bridge and, within moments they both shimmered away.

Once on the Bridge of the USS Nazgul, Bjorgo motioned for Ainkara to take her post as he spoke to Billi and took his seat. "Maintain Yellow Alert but raise the shields." The order was followed and relayed to him. Yellow Alert had their weapons and defense energized, but not active. Raising the shields would prevent that moment of nothing if the General chose to fire at them. "Inform the Peel that we are right alongside, Mister Resch, like conjoined twins. Throw in one more word at the end, from me personally." He looked over at Griffon with a grin.

Resch grinned in return, even with not knowing what word Tore wanted to use. "Which word, Sir?"

"Qapla'!" Bjorgo answered, seeing his tactical officer give a smile at that as he turned to send the message.

"You got it, Captain." Resch relayed the message as the Nazgul prepared for whatever was to come.

"Once the message is sent, Griff, request an open visual channel. Put a box up in the top right corner of our view screen if Peel agrees. Let them see us via the Bridge internal sensors." Bjorgo said, making sure the two Starfleet vessels would be constantly in the know for each other. If Jamie agreed to the open channel then he would have a constant open visual communication to view Nazgul's Bridge while this fiasco continued.

The Bridge on the Peel was very quiet with everyone ready just in case things went sideways as Comms called out "Captain the Nazgul is positioning itself on our starboard side and has requested an open channel until this is over....and their Captain says Qapla Sir."

Hearing the message put a smile on Jamie's face "Initiate an open channel....righthand corner of the View Screen" came the order and moments later "Captain Qapla, as you would say. Let's hope this doesn't go sideways before the Gola reaches its destination" O'Connell stated hoping that didn't happen.

"Captain the Nazgul has moved to our starboard, Sir" Maria informed Jamie.

"Excellent" O'Connell stated "Helm?"

"Understood Captain" Helm replied hearing Tactical's last statement.

Over on Nazgul Bjorgo was having a hard time being patient. The minutes ticked by as his ship got into position, with his Bridge crew doing their duty and relaying information to him as they went. "Mister Resch, open a channel to the General's ship." He did so and let his CO know. In short order the face of the General popped up looking none too happy. Tore got to his feet and went around the Helm/Ops console to stand directly in front of his main viewport with hands locked behind his back. "General, Captain Tore Bjorgo, USS Nazgul. Is this really how you want this day to go? The Gola is simply trying to survive, to come home to where it began life. If you are familiar, at all, with an Earth fish called a salmon, they do the same with each generation. Return to where they were spawned." Tore's eyes were set with determination but along with that gaze was his expression of wanting to avoid any unpleasant business between them all. "Please, Sir, I ask you to allow the Gola to do what it needs to do. Take a risk with your career and make a command decision to benefit all. Your government is not out here to see what is going on, you are." He paused to see what would be said.

Letting out a long sigh "Captain Bjorgo, between yourself and Captain O'Connell you both make a great deal of sense" then he paused a few moments "To show you I'm not an unfeeling individual I'll hold off doing anything further until I see what the Gola is going to do" the General stated really feeling the pressure of the situation.

"Captain O'Connell the Gola is close to the dead sun now" Lieutenant Albo stated while monitoring his Screens "Sir the Gola is powering up exponentially; the power is massive."

"Helm full stop. Let's see what comes next" O'Connell ordered and Helm responded as usual.

After a few minutes there suddenly was a flash of bright light; almost blinding if a sentient being was any closer "Captain the Sun has been reignited and is shining as any normal sun would" then Johan paused still watching his Screens "Captain I'm now picking up three Gola life signs....I think she just gave birth."

Jamie sat back in the center chair and let out a sigh of relief looking at Angel and Sarissa "Finally the creature has been able to complete it's calling" then Jamie said in a Captain's voice "Job very well done everyone."

"Comms hail the General" he ordered then stood straightening his tunic and stood behind Helm when his face appeared "General I hope you are satisfied with the outcome of this situation and I hope your people will leave the Gola in peace" Jamie stated with some hope in his voice.

"Yes Captain I'm very pleased and relieved that this situation worked out the way it did. I will be notifying the Government Officials that the Golas are to live in peace unharmed or else they can get themselves another General; quite frankly Captain I'm getting way too old for this sort of thing" the General concluded and finally gave a hint of a smile.

"That's good to hear General. We should be leaving this Sector of space soon and thank you for not making this situation any worse. O'Connell out."

Returning to his seat he tapped his chair Comm "Captain Bjorgo if you're seeing what we're seeing it looks like this mission has come to a positive conclusion" Jamie commented "Thank you for the assist; we owe you one."

Bjorgo, once the General said what he said, let out sigh of relief. With the situation under control Resch put O'Connell back on center viewer as he spoke. Tore gave a nod and smile to the Peel's Captain. "Anytime, Jamie. Something tells me that with Peel and Nazgul in the sector there's not a lot that will get passed us. Next time we're in port together, Captain, drinks are on me. Take care, Nazgul, out." Resch cut the transmission as Bjorgo turned and walked back to his chair giving orders to Helm to set course for M-69, warp four, and to secure from Yellow alert.



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