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Post # 43 Ahoy, Captain-Pt.2

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 5:43pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 6:00pm

Location: Peel/Nazgul
Timeline: Current



The Counselor and Captain walked into Transporter Room One just as the two Diplomats materialized on the pads. When they stepped off O'Connell approached them "Welcome aboard the USS Peel....I'm Captain Jamie O'Connell Commanding Officer" then he looked over at Sarissa "And this is my Counselor...Lieutenant Sarissa Aloran.

Both women smiled "Happy to meet you Captain, Counselor. I am Commander Tazon and this is my associate Lieutenant Salazar. Thank you for the warm welcome but I am afraid time is of the essence; where will be meeting.

Sarissa offered a polite smile and a nod as she was introduced to the arriving guests.

Jamie felt something wasn't quite right but smiled non the less "If you ladies would follow me, we'll meet in the Observation Lounge on Deck One" he replied glad to have his Counselor along for the meeting just to keep things honest. Entering the Lift "Deck 1" he requested.

Walking into the lounge Jamie was his usual good host "Please have a seat and make yourselves comfortable; would anyone like something to drink?"

Everyone sat as Tazon replied "No thank you I mentioned a few minutes ago time is of the essence" then looking at Sarissa "Counselor, one can only assume you are Betazoid given your position on the Ship" she commented wanting to know if she would need to keep her guard up or not.

Sarissa nodded. “You are quite correct Commander. Is that going to be a problem?” She looked at the other woman curiously.

"No not at all; I like to know who I'm dealing with in a diplomatic situation" Tazon replied knowing now how she would have to proceed.

“Fair enough” Sarissa nodded and smiled. She hadn’t yet made up her mind about Tazon though.

With everyone sitting at the table Captain O'Connell began slowly laying out everything that had transpired since their arrival in the Mutra Sector and why the Peel was there in the first place. After he was finished he looked to the Diplomats "Commander Tazon you now know everything that has transpired. Also please be aware the creature has stated that he means Sector and its people absolutely no harm and it says it needs to be here at this time. So what are your thoughts Commander" Jamie concluded desperate to bring this situation to a positive conclusion.

Tazon sat thinking for a few moments before answering "Captain O'Connell you certainly make a powerful case on the creature's behalf" then she paused a moment "Do you realize Captain that Star Fleet has given this area special dispensation in regards to who comes and goes" she replied as only a Vulcan could.

"Yes I'm well aware of that......but I was hoping, given the nature of the situation, that some special allowances could be made" Jamie commented with some concern not being able to read the Commander what so ever.

"Now that I have all the information concerning this particular situation" as she paused a moment "Let us adjourn for now and I will contact my government officials and plead your case before them. I can not however, logically speaking, Make any promises concerning what their answer may be" Tazon replied.

"Alright, that certainly is a start in the right direction" the Captain stated as he stood with the others following suit "Would four hours be acceptable as a timeframe; then we can all meet back here then. It's thirteen hundred so we can reconvene at seventeen hundred."

"Yes Captain that is acceptable and we will reconvene back her at that time" the Commander agreed then turned and exited the Lounge followed by he colleague.

After they left Jamie looked to Sarissa "So what do you think.....were you able to get any kind of a read on them" he inquired curious as to what she would say.

“Some, but it was limited” Sarissa gave Jamie a concerned glance. “Tazon was extremely guarded, I had a hard time trying to get a good read.”

Jamie let out a slight sigh "I can't say I'm all that surprised; very sharp minded Vulcans do have the ability to block, or at least limit, a Betzoid's search into their minds" he replied "So now we'll wait and see what happens so we may as well return to the conn for now" as they both stood and left the Observation Lounge.

Seeing the Captain and Counselor return to the bridge the Commander stood and moved to her usual seat then looked to Jamie "Everything was the same as when you left Sir. Any luck with the Diplomats" Angel commented.

Both Officers sat as Jamie answered his First Officer "I think we finally got through to them that the creature means them no harm; hopefully she can convince her government of such" he concluded.

"Let's hope so; I'm starting to feel bad for the creature wanting to stay here and being told it can't" Angel replied.

“Likewise” Sarissa nodded. “It just wanted to go home, and that happens to be here.”

Captain Bjorgo stood on the transporter pad aboard the Nazgul, ready to beam over to the Peel. Doctor Sheyla was with him and would beam over, as well. Billi needed to remain due to the fact they had an important away mission to deal with while he was playing diplomat. Not that he minded because diplomacy was something he liked to engage in. A chess game full of moves and counter-moves, each side playing to establish the best field for themselves. "We ready?" Bjorgo asked the transporter tech.

The Ensign looked up from his console. "We are, Captain. Peel just sent over the go ahead."

Tore did not mince words since two of his people would soon be facing a possible danger. But, as Captain, he had to allow his officers to stretch their wings and gain experience. It was the double-edged sword that all captains faced from time to time. "Energize." As he said that the ensign tapped away and then watched as his CO and CMO shimmered out of existence.

Within seconds both Captain Bjorgo and Doctor Sheyla appeared on the transporter pads aboard Peel. He took one step forward but did not descend to the common deck as he looked to the transporter operator, glancing at her pip. "Permission to come aboard, Ensign?"

"Of course, Captain Bjorgo. Welcome to the Peel, Sir."

"Thank you," Tore said as he stepped down to the main deck, along with his Doctor. "This is Doctor Sheyla, my Chief Medical officer. Is Captain O'Connell available or do we need an escort?"

The Ensign answered the man. "I'll contact the Captain and see what he has in mind, Sir."

Sheyla found that amusing and even gave a crooked grin to Tore when he glanced over, her hands clasped innocently behind her back as she maintained her quiet composure. "Feel like you're back in the Academy, Captain? All that 'hurry up and wait' coming to mind?" She giggled as she noted his lighthearted, cynical expression. Sheyla looked back and forth between him and the Ensign. "Too soon?"

The Ensign gave a giggle of her own. "I bet you have a grand bedside manner, Doctor. Welcome aboard, both of you. Let me make that call." The woman did so.

O'Connell was sitting at the conn waiting for the verdict from the Government officials concerning the fate of the Gola when is comms went off "O'Connell here, go ahead."

"Captain the Captain and CMO have just beamed over from the Nazgul Sir; how would you like to proceed" the Ensign informed Jamie.

"On my way Ensign." Looking at Angel "Number One you have the Conn; let me know if you hear anything from the Diplomats....Counselor you're with me."

"Aye Captain" Angel replied be quite pleased she wasn't expected to 'rub elbows' with their guests.

The two Officers left the Bridge to go meet and greet.

Arriving at the Transporter Room they entered with Jamie wearing a smile. As he walked up to Bjorgo he extended his hand "Welcome aboard the Peel Captain" as they shook hands. Turning towards Sarissa "Please let me introduced you to my Counselor/ACMO......Lieutenant Sarissa Aloran" Jamie commented.

Bjorgo gave a smile in return as he clasped his fellow Captain's hand and gave a friendly handshake. "Thank you, Captain. Good to finally meet you in person, and actually have the opportunity to shake your hand, Jamie." He then released the hand to half turn so his angle allowed him to introduce his officer. "This is Doctor Sheyla, my Chief Medical Officer. Number One would be here but with our away team out checking the Gola I needed to make sure Nazgul had one of us aboard." Tore gave Aloran a nod and smile as he shook hands with her. "A pleasure, Miss Sarissa."

Sheyla stepped in and shook hands with both. "A pleasure to meet you, Captain, Counselor. Glad the big boys like to have us medical types around, wouldn't you agree?" That devilish grin had appeared once more. She did not miss the ACMO introduction, liking the idea of having another medical officer around.

“It’s nice to meet both of you” Sarissa smiled warmly. “It’s nice to have another member of the medical department onboard.” She offered Sheyla a warm smile.

After all the introductions had been made Jamie spoke up "Tore, Sheyla, Counselor let's head to the Bridge; I'm expecting an answer from the Government concerning the fate of the Gola from the Diplomats we met with earlier today" he commented anxious for an answer.

Acknowledging that, Bjorgo and Sheyla moved along with Captain O'Connell and Counselor Aloran. They chatted about mundane things until they all arrived on the Bridge of the Peel. Tore was impressed. The Peel was a smaller fast attack starship, but her layout was very user friendly. As they came to a stop just inside the Bridge Bjorgo spoke up. "Nice ship, Jamie. Never been aboard one of these. I'll have to return the favor and give you a tour of the Nazgul." He smiled.

"Thank you; she may be small but she's very fast and fully armed" Jamie replied "And yes I'd like to see the Nazgul sometime."

He likes to show off his toys," Sheyla said in a low tone, leaning in towards Sarissa, wagging her eyebrows twice and smiling as she looked side-glance at the two men. Yes, she spoke softly but she was sure that neither Captain had missed what she said. Which, of course, was the intention. If nothing else her relationship with Tore kept him on his toes.

“Isn’t that the definition of all men?” Sarissa grinned a wry grin.

Angel saw the Officers walk onto the Bridge as she stood and in a loud voice "Captains on deck" as the entire Bridge Crew snapped to attention as a sign of respect for their visitors.

"As you were folks" O'Connell stated "Please allow me to introduce my Crew" looking towards Angel "My Number One....Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe" then Jamie continued going around the Bridge "At Tactical, Lieutenant Maria SanChez.....Science we have Lieutenant JG Ops Lieutenant JG Johan Albo" then Jamie continued with the introductions "Everyone Captain Tore Bjorgo and Doctor Sheyla CMO from the Nazgul."

Bjorgo looked around at all the faces. "Nice to meet you all. Maybe when this is all over our two crews can meet on the Promenade for a little R&R."

Sheyla also glanced around, parking her teasing side. "A pleasure, folks."

As Tore went to address Jamie again his combadge sounded off. "Billi to Bjorgo. Come in, Captain."

Tore tapped his badge. "Go ahead, Number One."

"Captain, I have some bad news. Resch is here with me on the Bridge if that tells you anything." Billi explained. "According to what we can determine Kara made contact with the Gola, but during her meld the Gola used two powerful electrical charges to knock her unconscious and get her away from itself. She's in Sickbay and is in one piece, but she is still unconscious and has some serious burns on her hands and forearms. Orders, Sir?"

Sheyla spoke up quietly with a one word query. "Captain?"

Bjorgo nodded at that one word from his CMO. "Billi, beam Sheyla back, now. Let her see to Kara. Beyond that, is the Gola active?" As he asked that question the transporter signal from Nazgul enveloped the Doctor and she shimmered away.

"No, Captain. It's still just sitting there, like it's waiting for you guys to make a decision," Billi responded. "I don't like it, Sir. If we wait too long there is no telling what else that thing is willing to do to accomplish its goals."

"I hear you, Commander." Bjorgo said. "For now, maintain position and continue to monitor the Gola. We're due for a call back from the opposed government over here. We'll let you know how it goes when it's finished. Bjorgo, out." He tapped his badge off then looked to Jamie. "Seems the Gola is a bit frustrated or, my officer offended it somehow or was perceived as a threat. Either way, Jamie, we really need to talk to these people."

As O'Connell was about to give an answer the lift doors swished open and Diplomat Tazon stepped onto the Bridge and over to O'Connell only slightly noticing his guests "Captain O'Connell after much talk and deliberation I am sorry to inform you the answer concerning the Gola is still no; my Government does not and cannot take the chance given the creatures past history. As humans would respond; I am truly sorry Captain" Tazon explained with about as much regret as a Vulcan could muster.

Jamie just realized his greatest fear in this situation but still managed to force a smile "Thank you for trying. Looks like Captain Bjorgo from the Nazgul and I will have to come with another alternative" he stated not quite sure what that was even going to be.

"My work is done here. My associate already beamed back to our planet so I will take my leave now. Good luck Captain O'Connell" Tazon replied then tapped her badge and disappeared from the Bridge.

Looking at the other Captain "Well, I'm opened to suggestions" Jamie stated.




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