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Station/Peel Post: " When We Went "

Posted on Tue Feb 25th, 2025 @ 4:00pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Rear Admiral James Elliott

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Then and Now


When you leave a room and shut off the lights what happens? For the crew of the USS Peel that was being realized as the aperture of the anomali closed behind them.

Ltjg Sayvek was the one to point out the obviousness of this reality.

" Captain the ships shields are holding and most likely is responsible for why we are here. According to temporal mechanics interfering with the time Continuum more than likely has effected our reality."

Shauna looked towards Jamie. “I doubt it, we haven't done anything to interfere with the timeline, yet.”

" Perhaps. But every second we are here we take the chance of doing so." Sayvek replied.

< Bonaventure >

The Bonaventure quickly sped up and soon the shining glisten of Messier 69 station came into view.

" Sir the station is hailing us. "
" Elliott here report.
" Admiral long range sensor are out but short range clearly detected movement inside the Romulan sector. Lt Akala recommends placing mines around the station."

" Mines? We are a processing base not a fleet yard. Maintain Red Alert. We are on approach and will defend anything that ain't UESPA. " Elliott replied.

< Peel >

Hearing the conversation about their current situation started to weigh heavily on his mind as he thought "What the bloody hell have I gotten us into." Sitting for a minute Jamie decided to shake off this thought and start acting like the Captain that he was "Obviously we're going to avoid contact with this timeline at all costs, no matter what happens" he ordered. Looking towards Science "Lieutenant Sayvek what are the chances of blowing a hole large enough for an escape from this timeline and end up back in our own."

" I have been working on that sir. Engineering will play a major component as we will need to seed the anomali with three quantum grade torpedos. Enough to feed the opening with quantum radiation. Another theory is to get enough chronoton radiation into the cloud to reopen the anomaly."Sayvek replied.

Captain O'Connell let out a long sigh of relief "Excellent work Lieutenant Sayvek. Keep at it and keep us apprised of your progress" he stated "I would assume the last thing any of us wants is to spend any more time in 2155 than we absolutely have to."

Commander Devroe stood and walked over to Sayvek "Your theory's certainly have merit and sound very plausible. Being an ex-CSO let me know if I can be of any assistance" Angel commented with sincerity.

" It is actually blind luck that I would know this. I studied this intimately at the academy. It would seem temporal anomalies are very consistent through out the decades. This one is ... Captain ...a ship is heading this way...our trajectory. It is Vulcan." Sayvek replied.

Trying to recall history from two hundred fifty years ago, give or take, Jamie reasoned the Vulcan ship should't be a threat as Angel returned to the XO's seat "Captain Callaghan, Commander, and Bridge should we make contact with the Vulcan's or not" he inquired.

Angel thought for a few moments "With respect Captain we may not have a choice given our current situation" she answered really hoping it would not be necessary.

" Clarification sir. It is a Suurok class vessel." Sayvek added.

Shauna paused for a moment. “If they’ve already detected us then we may have little choice.”

"Point taken Captain" then Jamie paused "There's one way to find out. Helm change our position, bearing one-two-one-mark seven....full impulse. Lieutenant Sayvek see if they follow suit; at least we'll know if we've been detected.

"Aye Captain changing heading to one-two-one-mark seven....full impulse" Hanes replied as he followed orders.

" Scanning .... Vulcan ship still on a bearing toward us but now a second ship is heading from the port. It appears to be the Bonaventure. Radio chatter between the Vulcans and the Bonaventure is occuring. " Sayvek reported.

[ SS Bonaventure your message has been intercepted. Are you still in need of assistance?]

[ Roger that Vulcan vessel. Could have used you hours ago.] Admiral Elliott replied. [ That Captain Callaghan must have gotten a hold of you?]

[ We are not aware of a Captain Callaghan. I am SubCommander T'pas of the Vulcan ship Selaya. Our long range sensors show numerous vessel gathering just outside your system. An imminent attack is most likely inevitable. Of course you are an Admiral and also himan.and no doubt hinged to fight. However you will be over run by so many.]

[ The station was hit by scrapers. If you come back with me we could probably repel them.] Elliott replied.

[ That is acceptable. We will finish up scans here and proceed to your base...Selaya out.]

Then the Selaya began scanning the distortion off its starboard side.

< Peel>

" Captain O'Connell we are being scanned by the Vulcans." Sayvek reported.

O'Connell stood then made his way over to Science being concerned by the report of scanning the Peel "Mr. Sayvek can you determine if they'll acquire an accurate scan since we are out of time and place."

" We are using the most up to date shield harmonics available. Perhaps now would be a good time to try and reseed the Temporal anomaly with chronoton particles?" Sayvek replied.

"That sounds good to me.....Lieutenant San Chez please coordinate with Mr. Sayvek and see if we can't get back to our own timeline" O'Connell ordered hoping for the best.

"As you wish Captain" Maria replied more than ready to lend a hand if it means getting the hell out of this timeline.

Minutes and seconds separated the Vulcan ship from the Peels coordinates but it was enough time needed.

" Captain with your permission it is imperative to fire three quantum torpedoes at these coordinates inside the anomaly. " Sayvek recommended.

Captain O'Connell stood and walked up behind Helm for a better view of what was about to happen "Lieutenant Sayvek send to coordinates to Tactical...Tactical load in three quantum when ready" came the orders being eager to return back to their timeline.

"Torpedos locked and loaded" Lieutenant SanChez called out "Firing now hit."

The Bridge Crew witnessed the bright light as the quantum torpedos hit their intended target. The anomaly opened up large enough for the Peel to go through "Helm.....head for the opening.....full impulse.....on my mark....2...1...mark!

Everyone watched as the Peel moved closer and closer to the opening. Turning "Mr Sayvek let me know when we've cleared this timeline."

A white glow surrounded the bridge then shaded darkness resumed the normal hues of the Bridge lighting.

" We have cleared the anomaly Captain. Scanning a vessel up ahead.... it's the Athena." Sayvek reported.

A sigh of relief swept over O'Connell "Excellent, at least we know we're in the correct timeline" as he turned towards Comms "Ensign please open a ship wide " as the Ensign turned and gave a thumbs up "Crew of the Peel, this is your Captain, you can relax now we've made it successfully back to our own timeline."

Jamie looked at Angel and Shauna with a smile "It's good to be back where we belong. Helm take us home."

Shauna smiled and nodded. “Home sweet home again, I’m certainly glad to be back.”

Sayvek leaned back in his seat as well and postulated what they jad just done.


< Selaya >

Another Vulcan also postulated at seeing the mouth of the abyss open up and then close. Turning to his subcommander to report the presence of a temporal anomaly in the ion storm near their sector.

" Acknowledged...helm full warp to space station 69. It would seem whom ever has been attacking them may have returned. " SubCommander T'pas replied. If they had not received the mayday the station would never have survived the attack that was about to come.



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