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Post # 44 Escort Pt.3

Posted on Sat Jun 10th, 2023 @ 4:24pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant Kalva Ren & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Edited on on Sat Jun 10th, 2023 @ 4:35pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 Bridge}

The USS Peel was traveling towards Cresis II at warp seven covering a large amount of Space quickly. Captain Edwards sat chatting with O'Connell and the Counsellor all the while thinking in the back of her mind she needed to get the rest of the devices planted sooner than later "Captain O'Connell would you mind if I wander around the Bridge and check out the various Stations myself" she queried with a smile.

O'Connell thought for a moment thinking that was a bit of a strange request " Not at all....please help yourself" Jamie replied not knowing of course what her agenda was."

Lisa stood and made her way over to tactical "Good morning Lieutenant, I'm Captain Edwards it's nice to meet you" Lisa stated with a smile as she noticed the Screens "Say those Screens are impressive."

"Thank you Ma'am; Star Fleet's latest and the way I'm Lieutenant Maria SanChez, Chief of Tactical/Security it's nice to meet you as well" she stated not taking her eyes off the Screens which gave Lisa the opportunity to plant another well hidden device. "I see your busy so I won't distract you any longer" Lisa replied then moved on the next Station.

Walking over to the Engineering Station she couldn't help but notice the odd looking being at the controls while also being aware he was able to access the Screens without physically touching anything. With this kind of apparent intellect Lisa decided to skip this Station but still have a word to keep up appearances "Good Morning Lieutenant, I'm Captain Edwards, how are you today" she queried with a smile.

Kalva was very focused on the matter at hand and gave a nod of recognition as he continued his work; not an unusual reaction for a Mek-Purr when engrossed in what he is doing.

Lisa was a little surprised at the reaction as she commented "I can see you're busy so I won't distract you any longer" she stated then moved around the Bridge to the next target.

Meanwhile Jamie and Sarissa were talking at Command when he whispered "Counsellor, what's your read on the Captain. Seems to me she's enjoying being alone walking around the Bridge a little too much; most visiting Captains insist on an escort when on another Captain's Ship.

Sarissa offered a polite smile, trying not to draw attention. “Actually She seems...preoccupied, but about what I can’t tell.”

Arriving at Science Edwards smiled "Commander this is quite the Bridge you have here and i see this Station is no exception" she commented while reaching in her pocket for the right moment to plant another device.

"Thank you Captain....the Ship went through a major refit before she was turned over to Captain O'Connell and Crew; so everything is state-of-the-art and the best the Fleet has to offer" Angel replied looking directly at Edwards.

Lisa smiled thinking "I'll never get this device planted with her looking at me constantly; I need a diversion." "Well I can see you're busy so I'll go back over and talk with your Captain" she stated. When she turned to walk away Lisa stumbled, on purpose, and went towards the Deck being able to plant the device quickly before catching herself.

"Angel noticed what was happening and reached down to try and grab her "You ok Ma'am" she asked with some concern in her voice.

"Yes thank you...I'm fine....just my big feet getting in my way as usual" Lisa answered hoping the ruse was working as she walked back over to Command.

By this time Jamie noticed what had happened was was on his feet ready to assist as Lisa walked back over to Command "I'm fine Captain, just my big feet getting in my way as usual" she commented with a chuckle trying her best to diffuse the situation.

"Maybe you should sit for awhile before seeing any more of the Ship" he commented thinking her feet weren't that big to cause her to trip and almost fall.

"Perhaps you're right Captain" then she paused "Could we do this in your Ready Room....I do have details I think you should be made aware of."

“Captain...” Sarissa looked towards Jamie. “May I accompany you? As ship’s Counsellor it is part of my job to...assist with visiting guests.”

"Yes, of course Counsellor" Jamie replied being glad for an extra pair of eyes. There was something off with Edwards but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.

Lisa smiled "That's fine with me" she stated knowing her job just became much more difficult but she knew she had to get at least one device planted in the Captain's ready Room.

"Ok, shall we adjourn to my Ready Room then" O'Connell commented "Number One you have the Conn." Angel walked back over to the Command area "As you wish Captain" and sat as the three officers left the Bridge.

{Ready Room}

O'Connell followed the two other Officers to the Office as Sarissa walked into the area first. Lisa stopped "Captain, please after you...I insist" she stated. Jamie entered next as Edwards reached into her pocket and grabbed another device. Walking in last gave her the opportunity to place the device under the round meeting table.

Being the gracious host Jamie stated "Please have a seat" as all three grabbed a seat. "Captain what details should we be aware of" O'Connell queried.

"The negotiations have been going on for some time remotely so when we arrive at Cresis II the Diplomats and I will beam down to the prescribed meeting place. We're hoping they can be concluded in a few hours at the most. Assume standard orbit and wait for our return then we can be on our way back home" Lisa explained with a smile.

"Alright, we can certainly do that" he replied wondering why Lisa couldn't have said that on the Bridge. "If there's nothing else I guess we can return to the Bridge."

"That was all the information I wanted to share" Lisa replied wondering if they were getting suspicious or not "This may sound silly but could I see your Briefing Room while we're here."

"Sure why not" Jamie replied as he led the way. By the time they entered the room Edwards had the last device hidden in her hand. Walking to the end of the room she turned and called the Officers attention to the wall monitor; when they turned Lisa planted the last device under the table edge as she commented "Well I guess this Briefing Room isn't all that much different from what I've seen before."

"Probably not; there really isn't much to change in the way of a meeting room" O'Connell commented with a light chuckle "So you ready to return to the bridge Captain?"

Lisa smiled "If it's all the same to you Captain, I think I would like to return to my Quarters and rest for awhile" she stated wanting to conclude her assignment.

Jamie was a little taken back by the request "As you wish Captain" he stated then tapping his Comm "Lieutenant SanChez please report to the Briefing Room" came the order as he looked to Edwards "The Lieutenant will escort you back to your Quarters."

"Certainly Captain O'Connell, it's your Ship after all" Captain Edwards replied with a fake smile. Moments later SanChez walked through the door. Turning O'Connell gave the order "Lieutenant please escort or guest back to her Quarters" Maria gave a nod of understanding as Jamie commented "Captain please be my guest in the Lounge, which is located on deck 5, at eighteen hundred for dinner."

Edwards smiled "It would be my honor to have dinner with you I'll see you then" she replied then looking at Maria "Ready any time you are Lieutenant" as the two Officers left for Deck Two.


Captain O'Connell and the Counsellor returned to Command; Number One seeing them returning rose from the Center Chair and returned to her own. Looking at the two Officers "So how was your meeting" Angel queried.

"Wonderful" Jamie commented in a low voice with a good amount of sarcasm "When this mission is over the three of us need to have a conversation; something is just not right."

Angel was a little surprised at Jamie's comment "As you wish Captain" she stated knowing Jamie didn't just throw around wild accusations.

Looking at Sarissa "Wouldn't you agree Counsellor after observing out guest" Jamie queried with some concern in his voice.

Sarissa nodded. “There is something very off Captain! She’s hiding something, and she didn’t like me being around her at all.”

"I couldn't agree more with you Counsellor" Jamie stated matter of factly "And yes I noticed the Captain was very nervous when you were around her."



Senior Officers
USS Peel


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